Module ktrain.text.eda
Expand source code
import time
from .. import utils as U
from ..imports import *
from . import preprocessor as pp
from . import textutils as TU
class TopicModel:
def __init__(
Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>.
tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20,
n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95)
texts (list of str): list of texts
n_topics (int): number of topics.
If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]})
n_features (int): maximum words to consider
max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded
stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or
a list of stop words to ignore
model_type(str): type of topic model to fit. One of {'lda', 'nmf'}. Default:'lda'
max_iter (int): maximum iterations. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online' or nmf.
If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500).
lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatilibity
lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored if model_type !='lda'
token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents.
verbose(bool): verbosity
hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF
Keys in this dict can be any of the following:
alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics
beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01
nmf_alpha: alias for alpha for backwars compatilibity
l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0
ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1)
self.verbose = verbose
# estimate n_topics
if n_topics is None:
if texts is None:
raise ValueError("If n_topics is None, texts must be supplied")
estimated = max(1, int(math.floor(math.sqrt(len(texts) / 2))))
n_topics = min(400, estimated)
if verbose:
print("n_topics automatically set to %s" % (n_topics))
# train model
if texts is not None:
(model, vectorizer) = self.train(
vectorizer = None
model = None
# save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings
self.vectorizer = vectorizer
self.model = model
self.n_topics = n_topics
self.n_features = n_features
if verbose:
# these variables are set by
self.topic_dict = None
self.doc_topics = None
self.bool_array = None
self.scorer = None # set by self.train_scorer()
self.recommender = None # set by self.train_recommender()
def train(
Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>.
tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20,
n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95)
texts (list of str): list of texts
n_topics (int): number of topics.
If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]})
n_features (int): maximum words to consider
max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded
stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or
a list of stop words to ignore
max_iter (int): maximum iterations for 'lda'. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online'.
lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatibility
If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500).
Ignored if model_type != 'lda'
lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored of model_type !='lda'
token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents.
If None, a default tokenizer will be used
hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF
Keys in this dict can be any of the following:
alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics
beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01
nmf_alpha_W: alpha for NMF alpha_W (default is 0.0)
nmf_alpha_H: alpha for NMF alpha_H (default is 'same')
l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0
ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1)
tuple: (model, vectorizer)
max_iter = lda_max_iter if lda_max_iter is not None else max_iter
if hyperparam_kwargs is None:
hyperparam_kwargs = {}
alpha = hyperparam_kwargs.get("alpha", 5.0 / n_topics)
nmf_alpha_W = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_W", 0.0)
nmf_alpha_H = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_H", "same")
beta = hyperparam_kwargs.get("beta", 0.01)
l1_ratio = hyperparam_kwargs.get("l1_ratio", 0)
ngram_range = hyperparam_kwargs.get("ngram_range", (1, 1))
# adjust defaults based on language detected
if texts is not None:
lang = TU.detect_lang(texts)
if lang != "en":
stopwords = None if stop_words == "english" else stop_words
token_pattern = (
r"(?u)\b\w+\b" if token_pattern is None else token_pattern
if pp.is_nospace_lang(lang):
text_list = []
for t in texts:
text_list.append(" ".join(jieba.cut(t, HMM=False)))
texts = text_list
if self.verbose:
print("lang: %s" % (lang))
# preprocess texts
if self.verbose:
print("preprocessing texts...")
if token_pattern is None:
# if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = r'(?u)\b\w\w+\b'
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
x_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# fit model
if self.verbose:
print("fitting model...")
if model_type == "lda":
model = LatentDirichletAllocation(
elif model_type == "nmf":
model = NMF(
raise ValueError("unknown model type:", str(model_type))
# save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings
return (model, vectorizer)
def topics(self):
convenience method/property
return self.get_topics()
def get_document_topic_distribution(self):
Gets the document-topic distribution.
Each row is a document and each column is a topic
The output of this method is equivalent to invoking get_doctopics with no arguments.
return self.doc_topics
def get_sorted_docs(self, topic_id):
Returns all docs sorted by relevance to <topic_id>.
Unlike get_docs, this ranks documents by the supplied topic_id rather
than the topic_id to which document is most relevant.
docs = self.get_docs()
d = {}
for doc in docs:
d[doc["doc_id"]] = doc
m = self.get_document_topic_distribution()
doc_ids = (-m[:, topic_id]).argsort()
return [d[doc_id] for doc_id in doc_ids]
def get_word_weights(self, topic_id, n_words=100):
Returns a list tuples of the form: (word, weight) for given topic_id.
The weight can be interpreted as the number of times word was assigned to topic with given topic_id.
topic_id(int): topic ID
n_words=int): number of top words
if topic_id + 1 > len(self.model.components_):
raise ValueError(
"topic_id must be less than %s" % (len(self.model.components_))
feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
word_probs = self.model.components_[topic_id]
word_ids = [i for i in word_probs.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]]
words = [feature_names[i] for i in word_ids]
probs = [word_probs[i] for i in word_ids]
return list(zip(words, probs))
def get_topics(self, n_words=10, as_string=True, show_counts=False):
Returns a list of discovered topics
n_words(int): number of words to use in topic summary
as_string(bool): If True, each summary is a space-delimited string instead of list of words
show_counts(bool): If True, returns list of tuples of form (id, topic summary, count).
Otherwise, a list of topic summaries.
List of topic summaries if show_count is False
Dictionary where key is topic ID and value is a tuple of form (topic summary, count) if show_count is True
feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
topic_summaries = []
for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(self.model.components_):
summary = [feature_names[i] for i in topic.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]]
if as_string:
summary = " ".join(summary)
if show_counts:
topic_counts = sorted(
[(k, topic_summaries[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()],
key=lambda kv: kv[-1],
return dict((t[0], t[1:]) for t in topic_counts)
return topic_summaries
def print_topics(self, n_words=10, show_counts=False):
print topics
n_words(int): number of words to describe each topic
show_counts(bool): If True, print topics with document counts, where
the count is the number of documents with that topic as primary.
topics = self.get_topics(n_words=n_words, as_string=True)
if show_counts:
topic_counts = sorted(
[(k, topics[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()],
key=lambda kv: kv[-1],
for idx, topic, count in topic_counts:
print("topic:%s | count:%s | %s" % (idx, count, topic))
for i, t in enumerate(topics):
print("topic %s | %s" % (i, t))
def build(self, texts, threshold=None):
Builds the document-topic distribution showing the topic probability distirbution
for each document in <texts> with respect to the learned topic space.
texts (list of str): list of text documents
threshold (float): If not None, documents with whose highest topic probability
is less than threshold are filtered out.
if threshold is not None:
doc_topics, bool_array = self.predict(texts, threshold=threshold)
doc_topics = self.predict(texts)
bool_array = np.array([True] * len(texts))
self.doc_topics = doc_topics
self.bool_array = bool_array
texts = [text for i, text in enumerate(texts) if bool_array[i]]
self.topic_dict = self._rank_documents(texts, doc_topics=doc_topics)
def filter(self, obj):
The build method may prune documents based on threshold.
This method prunes other lists based on how build pruned documents.
This is useful to filter lists containing metadata associated with documents
for use with visualize_documents.
obj(list|np.ndarray|pandas.DataFrame):a list, numpy array, or DataFrame of data
filtered obj
length = (
obj.shape[0] if isinstance(obj, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) else len(obj)
if length != self.bool_array.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"Length of obj is not consistent with the number of documents "
+ "supplied to get_topic_model"
obj = np.array(obj) if isinstance(obj, list) else obj
return obj[self.bool_array]
def get_docs(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], rank=False):
Returns document entries for supplied topic_ids.
Documents returned are those whose primary topic is topic with given topic_id
topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
of range(self.n_topics).
doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index
into self.doctopics
rank(bool): If True, the list is sorted first by topic_id (ascending)
and then ty topic probability (descending).
Otherwise, list is sorted by doc_id (i.e., the order
of texts supplied to (which is the order of self.doc_topics).
list of dicts: list of dicts with keys:
'text': text of document
'doc_id': ID of document
'topic_proba': topic probability (or score)
'topic_id': ID of topic
if not topic_ids:
topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics))
result_texts = []
for topic_id in topic_ids:
if topic_id not in self.topic_dict:
texts = [
"text": tup[0],
"doc_id": tup[1],
"topic_proba": tup[2],
"topic_id": topic_id,
for tup in self.topic_dict[topic_id]
if not doc_ids or tup[1] in doc_ids
if not rank:
result_texts = sorted(result_texts, key=lambda x: x["doc_id"])
return result_texts
def get_doctopics(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[]):
Returns a topic probability distribution for documents
with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> and with doc_id in <doc_ids>.
If no topic_ids or doc_ids are provided, then topic distributions for all documents
are returned (which equivalent to the output of get_document_topic_distribution).
topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
of range(self.n_topics).
doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index
into self.doctopics
np.ndarray: Each row is the topic probability distribution of a document.
Array is sorted in the order returned by self.get_docs.
docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids)
return np.array([self.doc_topics[idx] for idx in [x["doc_id"] for x in docs]])
def get_texts(self, topic_ids=[]):
Returns texts for documents
with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids>
topic_ids(list of ints): list of topic IDs
list of str
if not topic_ids:
topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics))
docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids)
return [x[0] for x in docs]
def predict(self, texts, threshold=None, harden=False):
texts (list of str): list of texts
threshold (float): If not None, documents with maximum topic scores
less than <threshold> are filtered out
harden(bool): If True, each document is assigned to a single topic for which
it has the highest score
if threshold is None:
np.ndarray: topic distribution for each text document
(np.ndarray, np.ndarray): topic distribution and boolean array
transformed_texts = self.vectorizer.transform(texts)
X_topics = self.model.transform(transformed_texts)
# if self.model_type == 'nmf':
# scores = np.matrix(X_topics)
# scores_normalized= scores/scores.sum(axis=1)
# X_topics = scores_normalized
_idx = np.array([True] * len(texts))
if threshold is not None:
_idx = (
np.amax(X_topics, axis=1) > threshold
) # idx of doc that above the threshold
_idx = np.array(_idx)
X_topics = X_topics[_idx]
if harden:
X_topics = self._harden_topics(X_topics)
if threshold is not None:
return (X_topics, _idx)
return X_topics
def visualize_documents(
title="Document Visualization",
Generates a visualization of a set of documents based on model.
If <texts> is supplied, raw documents will be first transformed into document-topic
matrix. If <doc_topics> is supplied, then this will be used for visualization instead.
texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics>
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts.
Mutually-exclusive with <texts>.
width(int): width of image
height(int): height of image
point_size(int): size of circles in plot
title(str): title of visualization
extra_info(dict of lists): A user-supplied information for each datapoint (attributes of the datapoint).
The keys are field names. The values are lists - each of which must
be the same number of elements as <texts> or <doc_topics>. These fields are displayed
when hovering over datapoints in the visualization.
colors(list of str): list of Hex color codes for each datapoint.
Length of list must match either len(texts) or doc_topics.shape[0]
filepath(str): Optional filepath to save the interactive visualization
# error-checking
if texts is not None:
length = len(texts)
length = doc_topics.shape[0]
if colors is not None and len(colors) != length:
raise ValueError(
"length of colors is not consistent with length of texts or doctopics"
if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None:
raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics")
if texts is None and doc_topics is None:
raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.")
if extra_info:
invalid_keys = ["x", "y", "topic", "fill_color"]
for k in extra_info.keys():
if k in invalid_keys:
raise ValueError('cannot use "%s" as key in extra_info' % (k))
lst = extra_info[k]
if len(lst) != length:
raise ValueError("texts and extra_info lists must be same size")
# check fo bokeh
import bokeh.plotting as bp
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import save
"visualize_documents method requires bokeh package: pip install bokeh"
# prepare data
if doc_topics is not None:
X_topics = doc_topics
if self.verbose:
print("transforming texts...", end="")
X_topics = self.predict(texts, harden=False)
if self.verbose:
# reduce to 2-D
if self.verbose:
print("reducing to 2 dimensions...", end="")
tsne_model = TSNE(
n_components=2, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, angle=0.99, init="pca"
tsne_lda = tsne_model.fit_transform(X_topics)
# get random colormap
colormap = U.get_random_colors(self.n_topics)
# generate inline visualization in Jupyter notebook
lda_keys = self._harden_topics(X_topics)
if colors is None:
colors = colormap[lda_keys]
topic_summaries = self.get_topics(n_words=5)
os.environ["BOKEH_RESOURCES"] = "inline"
dct = {
"x": tsne_lda[:, 0],
"y": tsne_lda[:, 1],
"topic": [topic_summaries[tid] for tid in lda_keys],
"fill_color": colors,
tool_tups = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x,$y)"), ("topic", "@topic")]
for k in extra_info.keys():
dct[k] = extra_info[k]
tool_tups.append((k, "@" + k))
source = bp.ColumnDataSource(data=dct)
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tool_tups)
p = bp.figure(
tools=[hover, "save", "pan", "wheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "reset"],
# tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave",
# plot_lda = bp.figure(plot_width=1400, plot_height=1100,
# title=title,
# tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave",
# x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1)"x", "y", size=point_size, source=source, fill_color="fill_color")
if filepath is not None:
def train_recommender(self, n_neighbors=20, metric="minkowski", p=2):
Trains a recommender that, given a single document, will return
documents in the corpus that are semantically similar to it.
n_neighbors (int):
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
rec = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, metric=metric, p=p)
probs = self.get_doctopics()
self.recommender = rec
def recommend(self, text=None, doc_topic=None, n=5, n_neighbors=100):
Given an example document, recommends documents similar to it
from the set of documents supplied to build().
texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics>
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts.
Mutually-exclusive with <texts>.
n (int): number of recommendations to return
list of tuples: each tuple is of the form:
(text, doc_id, topic_probability, topic_id)
# error-checks
if text is not None and doc_topic is not None:
raise ValueError("text is mutually-exclusive with doc_topic")
if text is None and doc_topic is None:
raise ValueError("One of text or doc_topic is required.")
if text is not None and type(text) not in [str]:
raise ValueError("text must be a str ")
if doc_topic is not None and type(doc_topic) not in [np.ndarray]:
raise ValueError("doc_topic must be a np.ndarray")
if n > n_neighbors:
n_neighbors = n
x_test = [doc_topic]
if text:
x_test = self.predict([text])
docs = self.get_docs()
indices = self.recommender.kneighbors(
x_test, return_distance=False, n_neighbors=n_neighbors
results = [doc for i, doc in enumerate(docs) if i in indices]
return results[:n]
def train_scorer(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], n_neighbors=20):
Trains a scorer that can score documents based on similarity to a
seed set of documents represented by topic_ids and doc_ids.
NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which
means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only
new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity.
topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
of range(self.n_topics). Documents associated
with these topic_ids will be used as seed set.
doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index
into self.doctopics. Documents associated
with these doc_ids will be used as seed set.
from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor
clf = LocalOutlierFactor(
n_neighbors=n_neighbors, novelty=True, contamination=0.1
probs = self.get_doctopics(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids)
self.scorer = clf
def score(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None):
Given a new set of documents (supplied as texts or doc_topics), the score method
uses a One-Class classifier to score documents based on similarity to a
seed set of documents (where seed set is computed by train_scorer() method).
Higher scores indicate a higher degree of similarity.
Positive values represent a binary decision of similar.
Negative values represent a binary decision of dissimlar.
In practice, negative scores closer to zer will also be simlar as One-Class
classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers.
Documents with negative scores closer to zero are good candidates for
inclusion in a training set for binary classification (e.g., active labeling).
NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which
means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only
new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity.
texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics>
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts.
Mutually-exclusive with <texts>.
list of floats: larger values indicate higher degree of similarity
positive values indicate a binary decision of similar
negative values indicate binary decision of dissimilar
In practice, negative scores closer to zero will also
be similar as One-class classifiers are more strict
than traditional binary classifiers.
# error-checks
if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None:
raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics")
if texts is None and doc_topics is None:
raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.")
if texts is not None and type(texts) not in [list, np.ndarray]:
raise ValueError("texts must be either a list or numpy ndarray")
if doc_topics is not None and type(doc_topics) not in [np.ndarray]:
raise ValueError("doc_topics must be a np.ndarray")
x_test = doc_topics
if texts:
x_test = self.predict(texts)
return self.scorer.decision_function(x_test)
def search(self, query, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], case_sensitive=False):
search documents for query string.
query(str): the word or phrase to search
topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
of range(self.n_topics).
doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index
into self.doctopics
case_sensitive(bool): If True, case sensitive search
# setup pattern
if not case_sensitive:
query = query.lower()
pattern = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % query)
# retrive docs
docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids)
# search
mb = master_bar(range(1))
results = []
for i in mb:
for doc in progress_bar(docs, parent=mb):
text = doc["text"]
if not case_sensitive:
text = text.lower()
matches = pattern.findall(text)
if matches:
if self.verbose:
return results
def _rank_documents(self, texts, doc_topics=None):
Rank documents by topic score.
If topic_index is supplied, rank documents based on relevance to supplied topic.
Otherwise, rank all texts by their highest topic score (for any topic).
texts(list of str): list of document texts.
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document
If None, re-computed from texts.
dict of lists: each element in list is a tuple of (doc_index, topic_index, score)
... where doc_index is an index into either texts
if doc_topics is not None:
X_topics = doc_topics
if self.verbose:
print("transforming texts to topic space...")
X_topics = self.predict(texts)
topics = np.argmax(X_topics, axis=1)
scores = np.amax(X_topics, axis=1)
doc_ids = np.array([i for i, x in enumerate(texts)])
result = list(zip(texts, doc_ids, topics, scores))
if self.verbose:
result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True)
result_dict = {}
for r in result:
text = r[0]
doc_id = r[1]
topic_id = r[2]
score = r[3]
lst = result_dict.get(topic_id, [])
lst.append((text, doc_id, score))
result_dict[topic_id] = lst
return result_dict
def _harden_topics(self, X_topics):
Transforms soft-clustering to hard-clustering
max_topics = []
for i in range(X_topics.shape[0]):
X_topics = np.array(max_topics)
return X_topics
def _check_build(self):
if self.topic_dict is None:
raise Exception("Must call build() method.")
def _check_scorer(self):
if self.scorer is None:
raise Exception("Must call train_scorer()")
def _check_recommender(self):
if self.recommender is None:
raise Exception("Must call train_recommender()")
def _check_model(self):
if self.model is None or self.vectorizer is None:
raise Exception("Must call train()")
def save(self, fname):
save TopicModel object
with open(fname + ".tm_vect", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(self.vectorizer, f)
with open(fname + ".tm_model", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(self.model, f)
params = {
"n_topics": self.n_topics,
"n_features": self.n_features,
"verbose": self.verbose,
with open(fname + ".tm_params", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(params, f)
get_topic_model = TopicModel
class TopicModel (texts=None, n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words='english', model_type='lda', max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode='online', token_pattern=None, verbose=1, hyperparam_kwargs=None)
Fits a topic model to documents in
. Example
tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95)
- list of texts
- number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]})
- maximum words to consider
- words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded
- either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore
- model_type(str): type of topic model to fit. One of {'lda', 'nmf'}. Default:'lda'
- maximum iterations. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online' or nmf. If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500).
- alias for max_iter for backwards compatilibity
- one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored if model_type !='lda'
token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. verbose(bool): verbosity hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha: alias for alpha for backwars compatilibity l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1)
Expand source code
class TopicModel: def __init__( self, texts=None, n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words="english", model_type="lda", max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode="online", token_pattern=None, verbose=1, hyperparam_kwargs=None, ): """ Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>. Example: tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95) Args: texts (list of str): list of texts n_topics (int): number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]}) n_features (int): maximum words to consider max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore model_type(str): type of topic model to fit. One of {'lda', 'nmf'}. Default:'lda' max_iter (int): maximum iterations. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online' or nmf. If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatilibity lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored if model_type !='lda' token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. verbose(bool): verbosity hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha: alias for alpha for backwars compatilibity l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1) """ self.verbose = verbose # estimate n_topics if n_topics is None: if texts is None: raise ValueError("If n_topics is None, texts must be supplied") estimated = max(1, int(math.floor(math.sqrt(len(texts) / 2)))) n_topics = min(400, estimated) if verbose: print("n_topics automatically set to %s" % (n_topics)) # train model if texts is not None: (model, vectorizer) = self.train( texts, model_type=model_type, n_topics=n_topics, n_features=n_features, min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df, stop_words=stop_words, max_iter=max_iter, lda_max_iter=lda_max_iter, lda_mode=lda_mode, token_pattern=token_pattern, hyperparam_kwargs=hyperparam_kwargs, ) else: vectorizer = None model = None # save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings self.vectorizer = vectorizer self.model = model self.n_topics = n_topics self.n_features = n_features if verbose: print("done.") # these variables are set by self.topic_dict = None self.doc_topics = None self.bool_array = None self.scorer = None # set by self.train_scorer() self.recommender = None # set by self.train_recommender() return def train( self, texts, model_type="lda", n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words="english", max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode="online", token_pattern=None, hyperparam_kwargs=None, ): """ Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>. Example: tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95) Args: texts (list of str): list of texts n_topics (int): number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]}) n_features (int): maximum words to consider max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore max_iter (int): maximum iterations for 'lda'. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online'. lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatibility If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). Ignored if model_type != 'lda' lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored of model_type !='lda' token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. If None, a default tokenizer will be used hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha_W: alpha for NMF alpha_W (default is 0.0) nmf_alpha_H: alpha for NMF alpha_H (default is 'same') l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1) Returns: tuple: (model, vectorizer) """ max_iter = lda_max_iter if lda_max_iter is not None else max_iter if hyperparam_kwargs is None: hyperparam_kwargs = {} alpha = hyperparam_kwargs.get("alpha", 5.0 / n_topics) nmf_alpha_W = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_W", 0.0) nmf_alpha_H = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_H", "same") beta = hyperparam_kwargs.get("beta", 0.01) l1_ratio = hyperparam_kwargs.get("l1_ratio", 0) ngram_range = hyperparam_kwargs.get("ngram_range", (1, 1)) # adjust defaults based on language detected if texts is not None: lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) if lang != "en": stopwords = None if stop_words == "english" else stop_words token_pattern = ( r"(?u)\b\w+\b" if token_pattern is None else token_pattern ) if pp.is_nospace_lang(lang): text_list = [] for t in texts: text_list.append(" ".join(jieba.cut(t, HMM=False))) texts = text_list if self.verbose: print("lang: %s" % (lang)) # preprocess texts if self.verbose: print("preprocessing texts...") if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = TU.DEFAULT_TOKEN_PATTERN # if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = r'(?u)\b\w\w+\b' vectorizer = CountVectorizer( max_df=max_df, min_df=min_df, max_features=n_features, stop_words=stop_words, token_pattern=token_pattern, ngram_range=ngram_range, ) x_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts) # fit model if self.verbose: print("fitting model...") if model_type == "lda": model = LatentDirichletAllocation( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, learning_method=lda_mode, learning_offset=50.0, doc_topic_prior=alpha, topic_word_prior=beta, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, ) elif model_type == "nmf": model = NMF( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, verbose=self.verbose, alpha_W=nmf_alpha_W, alpha_H=nmf_alpha_H, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, random_state=0, ) else: raise ValueError("unknown model type:", str(model_type)) # save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings return (model, vectorizer) @property def topics(self): """ convenience method/property """ return self.get_topics() def get_document_topic_distribution(self): """ Gets the document-topic distribution. Each row is a document and each column is a topic The output of this method is equivalent to invoking get_doctopics with no arguments. """ self._check_build() return self.doc_topics def get_sorted_docs(self, topic_id): """ Returns all docs sorted by relevance to <topic_id>. Unlike get_docs, this ranks documents by the supplied topic_id rather than the topic_id to which document is most relevant. """ docs = self.get_docs() d = {} for doc in docs: d[doc["doc_id"]] = doc m = self.get_document_topic_distribution() doc_ids = (-m[:, topic_id]).argsort() return [d[doc_id] for doc_id in doc_ids] def get_word_weights(self, topic_id, n_words=100): """ Returns a list tuples of the form: (word, weight) for given topic_id. The weight can be interpreted as the number of times word was assigned to topic with given topic_id. REFERENCE: Args: topic_id(int): topic ID n_words=int): number of top words """ self._check_model() if topic_id + 1 > len(self.model.components_): raise ValueError( "topic_id must be less than %s" % (len(self.model.components_)) ) feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() word_probs = self.model.components_[topic_id] word_ids = [i for i in word_probs.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] words = [feature_names[i] for i in word_ids] probs = [word_probs[i] for i in word_ids] return list(zip(words, probs)) def get_topics(self, n_words=10, as_string=True, show_counts=False): """ Returns a list of discovered topics Args: n_words(int): number of words to use in topic summary as_string(bool): If True, each summary is a space-delimited string instead of list of words show_counts(bool): If True, returns list of tuples of form (id, topic summary, count). Otherwise, a list of topic summaries. Returns: List of topic summaries if show_count is False Dictionary where key is topic ID and value is a tuple of form (topic summary, count) if show_count is True """ self._check_model() feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() topic_summaries = [] for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(self.model.components_): summary = [feature_names[i] for i in topic.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] if as_string: summary = " ".join(summary) topic_summaries.append(summary) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topic_summaries[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) return dict((t[0], t[1:]) for t in topic_counts) return topic_summaries def print_topics(self, n_words=10, show_counts=False): """ print topics n_words(int): number of words to describe each topic show_counts(bool): If True, print topics with document counts, where the count is the number of documents with that topic as primary. """ topics = self.get_topics(n_words=n_words, as_string=True) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topics[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) for idx, topic, count in topic_counts: print("topic:%s | count:%s | %s" % (idx, count, topic)) else: for i, t in enumerate(topics): print("topic %s | %s" % (i, t)) return def build(self, texts, threshold=None): """ Builds the document-topic distribution showing the topic probability distirbution for each document in <texts> with respect to the learned topic space. Args: texts (list of str): list of text documents threshold (float): If not None, documents with whose highest topic probability is less than threshold are filtered out. """ if threshold is not None: doc_topics, bool_array = self.predict(texts, threshold=threshold) else: doc_topics = self.predict(texts) bool_array = np.array([True] * len(texts)) self.doc_topics = doc_topics self.bool_array = bool_array texts = [text for i, text in enumerate(texts) if bool_array[i]] self.topic_dict = self._rank_documents(texts, doc_topics=doc_topics) return def filter(self, obj): """ The build method may prune documents based on threshold. This method prunes other lists based on how build pruned documents. This is useful to filter lists containing metadata associated with documents for use with visualize_documents. Args: obj(list|np.ndarray|pandas.DataFrame):a list, numpy array, or DataFrame of data Returns: filtered obj """ length = ( obj.shape[0] if isinstance(obj, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) else len(obj) ) if length != self.bool_array.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Length of obj is not consistent with the number of documents " + "supplied to get_topic_model" ) obj = np.array(obj) if isinstance(obj, list) else obj return obj[self.bool_array] def get_docs(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], rank=False): """ Returns document entries for supplied topic_ids. Documents returned are those whose primary topic is topic with given topic_id Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics rank(bool): If True, the list is sorted first by topic_id (ascending) and then ty topic probability (descending). Otherwise, list is sorted by doc_id (i.e., the order of texts supplied to (which is the order of self.doc_topics). Returns: list of dicts: list of dicts with keys: 'text': text of document 'doc_id': ID of document 'topic_proba': topic probability (or score) 'topic_id': ID of topic """ self._check_build() if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) result_texts = [] for topic_id in topic_ids: if topic_id not in self.topic_dict: continue texts = [ { "text": tup[0], "doc_id": tup[1], "topic_proba": tup[2], "topic_id": topic_id, } for tup in self.topic_dict[topic_id] if not doc_ids or tup[1] in doc_ids ] result_texts.extend(texts) if not rank: result_texts = sorted(result_texts, key=lambda x: x["doc_id"]) return result_texts def get_doctopics(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[]): """ Returns a topic probability distribution for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> and with doc_id in <doc_ids>. If no topic_ids or doc_ids are provided, then topic distributions for all documents are returned (which equivalent to the output of get_document_topic_distribution). Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics Returns: np.ndarray: Each row is the topic probability distribution of a document. Array is sorted in the order returned by self.get_docs. """ docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) return np.array([self.doc_topics[idx] for idx in [x["doc_id"] for x in docs]]) def get_texts(self, topic_ids=[]): """ Returns texts for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topic IDs Returns: list of str """ if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids) return [x[0] for x in docs] def predict(self, texts, threshold=None, harden=False): """ Args: texts (list of str): list of texts threshold (float): If not None, documents with maximum topic scores less than <threshold> are filtered out harden(bool): If True, each document is assigned to a single topic for which it has the highest score Returns: if threshold is None: np.ndarray: topic distribution for each text document else: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): topic distribution and boolean array """ self._check_model() transformed_texts = self.vectorizer.transform(texts) X_topics = self.model.transform(transformed_texts) # if self.model_type == 'nmf': # scores = np.matrix(X_topics) # scores_normalized= scores/scores.sum(axis=1) # X_topics = scores_normalized _idx = np.array([True] * len(texts)) if threshold is not None: _idx = ( np.amax(X_topics, axis=1) > threshold ) # idx of doc that above the threshold _idx = np.array(_idx) X_topics = X_topics[_idx] if harden: X_topics = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if threshold is not None: return (X_topics, _idx) else: return X_topics def visualize_documents( self, texts=None, doc_topics=None, width=700, height=700, point_size=5, title="Document Visualization", extra_info={}, colors=None, filepath=None, ): """ Generates a visualization of a set of documents based on model. If <texts> is supplied, raw documents will be first transformed into document-topic matrix. If <doc_topics> is supplied, then this will be used for visualization instead. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. width(int): width of image height(int): height of image point_size(int): size of circles in plot title(str): title of visualization extra_info(dict of lists): A user-supplied information for each datapoint (attributes of the datapoint). The keys are field names. The values are lists - each of which must be the same number of elements as <texts> or <doc_topics>. These fields are displayed when hovering over datapoints in the visualization. colors(list of str): list of Hex color codes for each datapoint. Length of list must match either len(texts) or doc_topics.shape[0] filepath(str): Optional filepath to save the interactive visualization """ # error-checking if texts is not None: length = len(texts) else: length = doc_topics.shape[0] if colors is not None and len(colors) != length: raise ValueError( "length of colors is not consistent with length of texts or doctopics" ) if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if extra_info: invalid_keys = ["x", "y", "topic", "fill_color"] for k in extra_info.keys(): if k in invalid_keys: raise ValueError('cannot use "%s" as key in extra_info' % (k)) lst = extra_info[k] if len(lst) != length: raise ValueError("texts and extra_info lists must be same size") # check fo bokeh try: import bokeh.plotting as bp from import output_notebook from bokeh.models import HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import save except: warnings.warn( "visualize_documents method requires bokeh package: pip install bokeh" ) return # prepare data if doc_topics is not None: X_topics = doc_topics else: if self.verbose: print("transforming texts...", end="") X_topics = self.predict(texts, harden=False) if self.verbose: print("done.") # reduce to 2-D if self.verbose: print("reducing to 2 dimensions...", end="") tsne_model = TSNE( n_components=2, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, angle=0.99, init="pca" ) tsne_lda = tsne_model.fit_transform(X_topics) print("done.") # get random colormap colormap = U.get_random_colors(self.n_topics) # generate inline visualization in Jupyter notebook lda_keys = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if colors is None: colors = colormap[lda_keys] topic_summaries = self.get_topics(n_words=5) os.environ["BOKEH_RESOURCES"] = "inline" output_notebook() dct = { "x": tsne_lda[:, 0], "y": tsne_lda[:, 1], "topic": [topic_summaries[tid] for tid in lda_keys], "fill_color": colors, } tool_tups = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x,$y)"), ("topic", "@topic")] for k in extra_info.keys(): dct[k] = extra_info[k] tool_tups.append((k, "@" + k)) source = bp.ColumnDataSource(data=dct) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tool_tups) p = bp.figure( width=width, height=height, tools=[hover, "save", "pan", "wheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "reset"], # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", title=title, ) # plot_lda = bp.figure(plot_width=1400, plot_height=1100, # title=title, # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", # x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1)"x", "y", size=point_size, source=source, fill_color="fill_color") if filepath is not None: bp.output_file(filepath) return def train_recommender(self, n_neighbors=20, metric="minkowski", p=2): """ Trains a recommender that, given a single document, will return documents in the corpus that are semantically similar to it. Args: n_neighbors (int): Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors rec = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, metric=metric, p=p) probs = self.get_doctopics() self.recommender = rec return def recommend(self, text=None, doc_topic=None, n=5, n_neighbors=100): """ Given an example document, recommends documents similar to it from the set of documents supplied to build(). Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. n (int): number of recommendations to return Returns: list of tuples: each tuple is of the form: (text, doc_id, topic_probability, topic_id) """ # error-checks if text is not None and doc_topic is not None: raise ValueError("text is mutually-exclusive with doc_topic") if text is None and doc_topic is None: raise ValueError("One of text or doc_topic is required.") if text is not None and type(text) not in [str]: raise ValueError("text must be a str ") if doc_topic is not None and type(doc_topic) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topic must be a np.ndarray") if n > n_neighbors: n_neighbors = n x_test = [doc_topic] if text: x_test = self.predict([text]) docs = self.get_docs() indices = self.recommender.kneighbors( x_test, return_distance=False, n_neighbors=n_neighbors ) results = [doc for i, doc in enumerate(docs) if i in indices] return results[:n] def train_scorer(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], n_neighbors=20): """ Trains a scorer that can score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents represented by topic_ids and doc_ids. NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. REFERENCE: Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). Documents associated with these topic_ids will be used as seed set. doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics. Documents associated with these doc_ids will be used as seed set. Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor clf = LocalOutlierFactor( n_neighbors=n_neighbors, novelty=True, contamination=0.1 ) probs = self.get_doctopics(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) self.scorer = clf return def score(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None): """ Given a new set of documents (supplied as texts or doc_topics), the score method uses a One-Class classifier to score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents (where seed set is computed by train_scorer() method). Higher scores indicate a higher degree of similarity. Positive values represent a binary decision of similar. Negative values represent a binary decision of dissimlar. In practice, negative scores closer to zer will also be simlar as One-Class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. Documents with negative scores closer to zero are good candidates for inclusion in a training set for binary classification (e.g., active labeling). NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. Returns: list of floats: larger values indicate higher degree of similarity positive values indicate a binary decision of similar negative values indicate binary decision of dissimilar In practice, negative scores closer to zero will also be similar as One-class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. """ # error-checks if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if texts is not None and type(texts) not in [list, np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("texts must be either a list or numpy ndarray") if doc_topics is not None and type(doc_topics) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topics must be a np.ndarray") x_test = doc_topics if texts: x_test = self.predict(texts) return self.scorer.decision_function(x_test) def search(self, query, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], case_sensitive=False): """ search documents for query string. Args: query(str): the word or phrase to search topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics case_sensitive(bool): If True, case sensitive search """ # setup pattern if not case_sensitive: query = query.lower() pattern = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % query) # retrive docs docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) # search mb = master_bar(range(1)) results = [] for i in mb: for doc in progress_bar(docs, parent=mb): text = doc["text"] if not case_sensitive: text = text.lower() matches = pattern.findall(text) if matches: results.append(doc) if self.verbose: mb.write("done.") return results def _rank_documents(self, texts, doc_topics=None): """ Rank documents by topic score. If topic_index is supplied, rank documents based on relevance to supplied topic. Otherwise, rank all texts by their highest topic score (for any topic). Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document If None, re-computed from texts. Returns: dict of lists: each element in list is a tuple of (doc_index, topic_index, score) ... where doc_index is an index into either texts """ if doc_topics is not None: X_topics = doc_topics else: if self.verbose: print("transforming texts to topic space...") X_topics = self.predict(texts) topics = np.argmax(X_topics, axis=1) scores = np.amax(X_topics, axis=1) doc_ids = np.array([i for i, x in enumerate(texts)]) result = list(zip(texts, doc_ids, topics, scores)) if self.verbose: print("done.") result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True) result_dict = {} for r in result: text = r[0] doc_id = r[1] topic_id = r[2] score = r[3] lst = result_dict.get(topic_id, []) lst.append((text, doc_id, score)) result_dict[topic_id] = lst return result_dict def _harden_topics(self, X_topics): """ Transforms soft-clustering to hard-clustering """ max_topics = [] for i in range(X_topics.shape[0]): max_topics.append(X_topics[i].argmax()) X_topics = np.array(max_topics) return X_topics def _check_build(self): self._check_model() if self.topic_dict is None: raise Exception("Must call build() method.") def _check_scorer(self): if self.scorer is None: raise Exception("Must call train_scorer()") def _check_recommender(self): if self.recommender is None: raise Exception("Must call train_recommender()") def _check_model(self): if self.model is None or self.vectorizer is None: raise Exception("Must call train()") def save(self, fname): """ save TopicModel object """ with open(fname + ".tm_vect", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.vectorizer, f) with open(fname + ".tm_model", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.model, f) params = { "n_topics": self.n_topics, "n_features": self.n_features, "verbose": self.verbose, } with open(fname + ".tm_params", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(params, f) return
Instance variables
var topics
convenience method/property
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@property def topics(self): """ convenience method/property """ return self.get_topics()
def build(self, texts, threshold=None)
Builds the document-topic distribution showing the topic probability distirbution for each document in
with respect to the learned topic space. Args
- list of text documents
- If not None, documents with whose highest topic probability is less than threshold are filtered out.
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def build(self, texts, threshold=None): """ Builds the document-topic distribution showing the topic probability distirbution for each document in <texts> with respect to the learned topic space. Args: texts (list of str): list of text documents threshold (float): If not None, documents with whose highest topic probability is less than threshold are filtered out. """ if threshold is not None: doc_topics, bool_array = self.predict(texts, threshold=threshold) else: doc_topics = self.predict(texts) bool_array = np.array([True] * len(texts)) self.doc_topics = doc_topics self.bool_array = bool_array texts = [text for i, text in enumerate(texts) if bool_array[i]] self.topic_dict = self._rank_documents(texts, doc_topics=doc_topics) return
def filter(self, obj)
The build method may prune documents based on threshold. This method prunes other lists based on how build pruned documents. This is useful to filter lists containing metadata associated with documents for use with visualize_documents.
obj(list|np.ndarray|pandas.DataFrame):a list, numpy array, or DataFrame of data
filtered obj
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def filter(self, obj): """ The build method may prune documents based on threshold. This method prunes other lists based on how build pruned documents. This is useful to filter lists containing metadata associated with documents for use with visualize_documents. Args: obj(list|np.ndarray|pandas.DataFrame):a list, numpy array, or DataFrame of data Returns: filtered obj """ length = ( obj.shape[0] if isinstance(obj, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) else len(obj) ) if length != self.bool_array.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Length of obj is not consistent with the number of documents " + "supplied to get_topic_model" ) obj = np.array(obj) if isinstance(obj, list) else obj return obj[self.bool_array]
def get_docs(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], rank=False)
Returns document entries for supplied topic_ids. Documents returned are those whose primary topic is topic with given topic_id
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics).
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics
rank(bool): If True, the list is sorted first by topic_id (ascending) and then ty topic probability (descending). Otherwise, list is sorted by doc_id (i.e., the order of texts supplied to (which is the order of self.doc_topics).
- list of dicts with keys: 'text': text of document 'doc_id': ID of document 'topic_proba': topic probability (or score) 'topic_id': ID of topic
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def get_docs(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], rank=False): """ Returns document entries for supplied topic_ids. Documents returned are those whose primary topic is topic with given topic_id Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics rank(bool): If True, the list is sorted first by topic_id (ascending) and then ty topic probability (descending). Otherwise, list is sorted by doc_id (i.e., the order of texts supplied to (which is the order of self.doc_topics). Returns: list of dicts: list of dicts with keys: 'text': text of document 'doc_id': ID of document 'topic_proba': topic probability (or score) 'topic_id': ID of topic """ self._check_build() if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) result_texts = [] for topic_id in topic_ids: if topic_id not in self.topic_dict: continue texts = [ { "text": tup[0], "doc_id": tup[1], "topic_proba": tup[2], "topic_id": topic_id, } for tup in self.topic_dict[topic_id] if not doc_ids or tup[1] in doc_ids ] result_texts.extend(texts) if not rank: result_texts = sorted(result_texts, key=lambda x: x["doc_id"]) return result_texts
def get_doctopics(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[])
Returns a topic probability distribution for documents with primary topic that is one of
and with doc_id in . If no topic_ids or doc_ids are provided, then topic distributions for all documents are returned (which equivalent to the output of get_document_topic_distribution).
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics).
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics
- Each row is the topic probability distribution of a document. Array is sorted in the order returned by self.get_docs.
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def get_doctopics(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[]): """ Returns a topic probability distribution for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> and with doc_id in <doc_ids>. If no topic_ids or doc_ids are provided, then topic distributions for all documents are returned (which equivalent to the output of get_document_topic_distribution). Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics Returns: np.ndarray: Each row is the topic probability distribution of a document. Array is sorted in the order returned by self.get_docs. """ docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) return np.array([self.doc_topics[idx] for idx in [x["doc_id"] for x in docs]])
def get_document_topic_distribution(self)
Gets the document-topic distribution. Each row is a document and each column is a topic The output of this method is equivalent to invoking get_doctopics with no arguments.
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def get_document_topic_distribution(self): """ Gets the document-topic distribution. Each row is a document and each column is a topic The output of this method is equivalent to invoking get_doctopics with no arguments. """ self._check_build() return self.doc_topics
def get_sorted_docs(self, topic_id)
Returns all docs sorted by relevance to
. Unlike get_docs, this ranks documents by the supplied topic_id rather than the topic_id to which document is most relevant. Expand source code
def get_sorted_docs(self, topic_id): """ Returns all docs sorted by relevance to <topic_id>. Unlike get_docs, this ranks documents by the supplied topic_id rather than the topic_id to which document is most relevant. """ docs = self.get_docs() d = {} for doc in docs: d[doc["doc_id"]] = doc m = self.get_document_topic_distribution() doc_ids = (-m[:, topic_id]).argsort() return [d[doc_id] for doc_id in doc_ids]
def get_texts(self, topic_ids=[])
Returns texts for documents with primary topic that is one of
topic_ids(list of ints): list of topic IDs
list of str
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def get_texts(self, topic_ids=[]): """ Returns texts for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topic IDs Returns: list of str """ if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids) return [x[0] for x in docs]
def get_topics(self, n_words=10, as_string=True, show_counts=False)
Returns a list of discovered topics
n_words(int): number of words to use in topic summary as_string(bool): If True, each summary is a space-delimited string instead of list of words show_counts(bool): If True, returns list of tuples of form (id, topic summary, count). Otherwise, a list of topic summaries.
List of topic summaries if show_count is False Dictionary where key is topic ID and value is a tuple of form (topic summary, count) if show_count is True
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def get_topics(self, n_words=10, as_string=True, show_counts=False): """ Returns a list of discovered topics Args: n_words(int): number of words to use in topic summary as_string(bool): If True, each summary is a space-delimited string instead of list of words show_counts(bool): If True, returns list of tuples of form (id, topic summary, count). Otherwise, a list of topic summaries. Returns: List of topic summaries if show_count is False Dictionary where key is topic ID and value is a tuple of form (topic summary, count) if show_count is True """ self._check_model() feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() topic_summaries = [] for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(self.model.components_): summary = [feature_names[i] for i in topic.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] if as_string: summary = " ".join(summary) topic_summaries.append(summary) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topic_summaries[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) return dict((t[0], t[1:]) for t in topic_counts) return topic_summaries
def get_word_weights(self, topic_id, n_words=100)
Returns a list tuples of the form: (word, weight) for given topic_id. The weight can be interpreted as the number of times word was assigned to topic with given topic_id. REFERENCE:
topic_id(int): topic ID n_words=int): number of top words
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def get_word_weights(self, topic_id, n_words=100): """ Returns a list tuples of the form: (word, weight) for given topic_id. The weight can be interpreted as the number of times word was assigned to topic with given topic_id. REFERENCE: Args: topic_id(int): topic ID n_words=int): number of top words """ self._check_model() if topic_id + 1 > len(self.model.components_): raise ValueError( "topic_id must be less than %s" % (len(self.model.components_)) ) feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() word_probs = self.model.components_[topic_id] word_ids = [i for i in word_probs.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] words = [feature_names[i] for i in word_ids] probs = [word_probs[i] for i in word_ids] return list(zip(words, probs))
def predict(self, texts, threshold=None, harden=False)
- list of texts
- If not None, documents with maximum topic scores
less than
are filtered out
harden(bool): If True, each document is assigned to a single topic for which it has the highest score
- if threshold is None:
- topic distribution for each text document
else: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): topic distribution and boolean array
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def predict(self, texts, threshold=None, harden=False): """ Args: texts (list of str): list of texts threshold (float): If not None, documents with maximum topic scores less than <threshold> are filtered out harden(bool): If True, each document is assigned to a single topic for which it has the highest score Returns: if threshold is None: np.ndarray: topic distribution for each text document else: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): topic distribution and boolean array """ self._check_model() transformed_texts = self.vectorizer.transform(texts) X_topics = self.model.transform(transformed_texts) # if self.model_type == 'nmf': # scores = np.matrix(X_topics) # scores_normalized= scores/scores.sum(axis=1) # X_topics = scores_normalized _idx = np.array([True] * len(texts)) if threshold is not None: _idx = ( np.amax(X_topics, axis=1) > threshold ) # idx of doc that above the threshold _idx = np.array(_idx) X_topics = X_topics[_idx] if harden: X_topics = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if threshold is not None: return (X_topics, _idx) else: return X_topics
def print_topics(self, n_words=10, show_counts=False)
print topics n_words(int): number of words to describe each topic show_counts(bool): If True, print topics with document counts, where the count is the number of documents with that topic as primary.
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def print_topics(self, n_words=10, show_counts=False): """ print topics n_words(int): number of words to describe each topic show_counts(bool): If True, print topics with document counts, where the count is the number of documents with that topic as primary. """ topics = self.get_topics(n_words=n_words, as_string=True) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topics[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) for idx, topic, count in topic_counts: print("topic:%s | count:%s | %s" % (idx, count, topic)) else: for i, t in enumerate(topics): print("topic %s | %s" % (i, t)) return
def recommend(self, text=None, doc_topic=None, n=5, n_neighbors=100)
Given an example document, recommends documents similar to it from the set of documents supplied to build().
- texts(list of str): list of document texts.
Mutually-exclusive with
- doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts.
- Mutually-exclusive with
. n
- number of recommendations to return
- each tuple is of the form: (text, doc_id, topic_probability, topic_id)
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def recommend(self, text=None, doc_topic=None, n=5, n_neighbors=100): """ Given an example document, recommends documents similar to it from the set of documents supplied to build(). Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. n (int): number of recommendations to return Returns: list of tuples: each tuple is of the form: (text, doc_id, topic_probability, topic_id) """ # error-checks if text is not None and doc_topic is not None: raise ValueError("text is mutually-exclusive with doc_topic") if text is None and doc_topic is None: raise ValueError("One of text or doc_topic is required.") if text is not None and type(text) not in [str]: raise ValueError("text must be a str ") if doc_topic is not None and type(doc_topic) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topic must be a np.ndarray") if n > n_neighbors: n_neighbors = n x_test = [doc_topic] if text: x_test = self.predict([text]) docs = self.get_docs() indices = self.recommender.kneighbors( x_test, return_distance=False, n_neighbors=n_neighbors ) results = [doc for i, doc in enumerate(docs) if i in indices] return results[:n]
- texts(list of str): list of document texts.
Mutually-exclusive with
def save(self, fname)
save TopicModel object
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def save(self, fname): """ save TopicModel object """ with open(fname + ".tm_vect", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.vectorizer, f) with open(fname + ".tm_model", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.model, f) params = { "n_topics": self.n_topics, "n_features": self.n_features, "verbose": self.verbose, } with open(fname + ".tm_params", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(params, f) return
def score(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None)
Given a new set of documents (supplied as texts or doc_topics), the score method uses a One-Class classifier to score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents (where seed set is computed by train_scorer() method).
Higher scores indicate a higher degree of similarity. Positive values represent a binary decision of similar. Negative values represent a binary decision of dissimlar. In practice, negative scores closer to zer will also be simlar as One-Class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. Documents with negative scores closer to zero are good candidates for inclusion in a training set for binary classification (e.g., active labeling).
NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity.
texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with . Returns
- larger values indicate higher degree of similarity positive values indicate a binary decision of similar negative values indicate binary decision of dissimilar In practice, negative scores closer to zero will also be similar as One-class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers.
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def score(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None): """ Given a new set of documents (supplied as texts or doc_topics), the score method uses a One-Class classifier to score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents (where seed set is computed by train_scorer() method). Higher scores indicate a higher degree of similarity. Positive values represent a binary decision of similar. Negative values represent a binary decision of dissimlar. In practice, negative scores closer to zer will also be simlar as One-Class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. Documents with negative scores closer to zero are good candidates for inclusion in a training set for binary classification (e.g., active labeling). NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. Returns: list of floats: larger values indicate higher degree of similarity positive values indicate a binary decision of similar negative values indicate binary decision of dissimilar In practice, negative scores closer to zero will also be similar as One-class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. """ # error-checks if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if texts is not None and type(texts) not in [list, np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("texts must be either a list or numpy ndarray") if doc_topics is not None and type(doc_topics) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topics must be a np.ndarray") x_test = doc_topics if texts: x_test = self.predict(texts) return self.scorer.decision_function(x_test)
def search(self, query, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], case_sensitive=False)
search documents for query string.
- query(str): the word or phrase to search
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics).
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics
case_sensitive(bool): If True, case sensitive search
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def search(self, query, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], case_sensitive=False): """ search documents for query string. Args: query(str): the word or phrase to search topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics case_sensitive(bool): If True, case sensitive search """ # setup pattern if not case_sensitive: query = query.lower() pattern = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % query) # retrive docs docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) # search mb = master_bar(range(1)) results = [] for i in mb: for doc in progress_bar(docs, parent=mb): text = doc["text"] if not case_sensitive: text = text.lower() matches = pattern.findall(text) if matches: results.append(doc) if self.verbose: mb.write("done.") return results
def train(self, texts, model_type='lda', n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words='english', max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode='online', token_pattern=None, hyperparam_kwargs=None)
Fits a topic model to documents in
. Example
tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95)
- list of texts
- number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]})
- maximum words to consider
- words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded
- either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore
- maximum iterations for 'lda'. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online'.
- alias for max_iter for backwards compatibility If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). Ignored if model_type != 'lda'
- one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored of model_type !='lda'
token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. If None, a default tokenizer will be used hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha_W: alpha for NMF alpha_W (default is 0.0) nmf_alpha_H: alpha for NMF alpha_H (default is 'same') l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1)
- (model, vectorizer)
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def train( self, texts, model_type="lda", n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words="english", max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode="online", token_pattern=None, hyperparam_kwargs=None, ): """ Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>. Example: tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95) Args: texts (list of str): list of texts n_topics (int): number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]}) n_features (int): maximum words to consider max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore max_iter (int): maximum iterations for 'lda'. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online'. lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatibility If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). Ignored if model_type != 'lda' lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored of model_type !='lda' token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. If None, a default tokenizer will be used hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha_W: alpha for NMF alpha_W (default is 0.0) nmf_alpha_H: alpha for NMF alpha_H (default is 'same') l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1) Returns: tuple: (model, vectorizer) """ max_iter = lda_max_iter if lda_max_iter is not None else max_iter if hyperparam_kwargs is None: hyperparam_kwargs = {} alpha = hyperparam_kwargs.get("alpha", 5.0 / n_topics) nmf_alpha_W = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_W", 0.0) nmf_alpha_H = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_H", "same") beta = hyperparam_kwargs.get("beta", 0.01) l1_ratio = hyperparam_kwargs.get("l1_ratio", 0) ngram_range = hyperparam_kwargs.get("ngram_range", (1, 1)) # adjust defaults based on language detected if texts is not None: lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) if lang != "en": stopwords = None if stop_words == "english" else stop_words token_pattern = ( r"(?u)\b\w+\b" if token_pattern is None else token_pattern ) if pp.is_nospace_lang(lang): text_list = [] for t in texts: text_list.append(" ".join(jieba.cut(t, HMM=False))) texts = text_list if self.verbose: print("lang: %s" % (lang)) # preprocess texts if self.verbose: print("preprocessing texts...") if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = TU.DEFAULT_TOKEN_PATTERN # if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = r'(?u)\b\w\w+\b' vectorizer = CountVectorizer( max_df=max_df, min_df=min_df, max_features=n_features, stop_words=stop_words, token_pattern=token_pattern, ngram_range=ngram_range, ) x_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts) # fit model if self.verbose: print("fitting model...") if model_type == "lda": model = LatentDirichletAllocation( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, learning_method=lda_mode, learning_offset=50.0, doc_topic_prior=alpha, topic_word_prior=beta, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, ) elif model_type == "nmf": model = NMF( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, verbose=self.verbose, alpha_W=nmf_alpha_W, alpha_H=nmf_alpha_H, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, random_state=0, ) else: raise ValueError("unknown model type:", str(model_type)) # save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings return (model, vectorizer)
def train_recommender(self, n_neighbors=20, metric='minkowski', p=2)
Trains a recommender that, given a single document, will return documents in the corpus that are semantically similar to it.
n_neighbors (int):
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def train_recommender(self, n_neighbors=20, metric="minkowski", p=2): """ Trains a recommender that, given a single document, will return documents in the corpus that are semantically similar to it. Args: n_neighbors (int): Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors rec = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, metric=metric, p=p) probs = self.get_doctopics() self.recommender = rec return
def train_scorer(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], n_neighbors=20)
Trains a scorer that can score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents represented by topic_ids and doc_ids.
NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. REFERENCE:
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics). Documents associated
- with these topic_ids will be used as seed set.
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics. Documents associated with these doc_ids will be used as seed set.
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def train_scorer(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], n_neighbors=20): """ Trains a scorer that can score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents represented by topic_ids and doc_ids. NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. REFERENCE: Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). Documents associated with these topic_ids will be used as seed set. doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics. Documents associated with these doc_ids will be used as seed set. Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor clf = LocalOutlierFactor( n_neighbors=n_neighbors, novelty=True, contamination=0.1 ) probs = self.get_doctopics(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) self.scorer = clf return
def visualize_documents(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None, width=700, height=700, point_size=5, title='Document Visualization', extra_info={}, colors=None, filepath=None)
Generates a visualization of a set of documents based on model. If
is supplied, raw documents will be first transformed into document-topic matrix. If is supplied, then this will be used for visualization instead. Args
texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with . width(int): width of image height(int): height of image point_size(int): size of circles in plot title(str): title of visualization extra_info(dict of lists): A user-supplied information for each datapoint (attributes of the datapoint). The keys are field names. The values are lists - each of which must be the same number of elements as or . These fields are displayed when hovering over datapoints in the visualization. colors(list of str): list of Hex color codes for each datapoint. Length of list must match either len(texts) or doc_topics.shape[0] filepath(str): Optional filepath to save the interactive visualization Expand source code
def visualize_documents( self, texts=None, doc_topics=None, width=700, height=700, point_size=5, title="Document Visualization", extra_info={}, colors=None, filepath=None, ): """ Generates a visualization of a set of documents based on model. If <texts> is supplied, raw documents will be first transformed into document-topic matrix. If <doc_topics> is supplied, then this will be used for visualization instead. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. width(int): width of image height(int): height of image point_size(int): size of circles in plot title(str): title of visualization extra_info(dict of lists): A user-supplied information for each datapoint (attributes of the datapoint). The keys are field names. The values are lists - each of which must be the same number of elements as <texts> or <doc_topics>. These fields are displayed when hovering over datapoints in the visualization. colors(list of str): list of Hex color codes for each datapoint. Length of list must match either len(texts) or doc_topics.shape[0] filepath(str): Optional filepath to save the interactive visualization """ # error-checking if texts is not None: length = len(texts) else: length = doc_topics.shape[0] if colors is not None and len(colors) != length: raise ValueError( "length of colors is not consistent with length of texts or doctopics" ) if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if extra_info: invalid_keys = ["x", "y", "topic", "fill_color"] for k in extra_info.keys(): if k in invalid_keys: raise ValueError('cannot use "%s" as key in extra_info' % (k)) lst = extra_info[k] if len(lst) != length: raise ValueError("texts and extra_info lists must be same size") # check fo bokeh try: import bokeh.plotting as bp from import output_notebook from bokeh.models import HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import save except: warnings.warn( "visualize_documents method requires bokeh package: pip install bokeh" ) return # prepare data if doc_topics is not None: X_topics = doc_topics else: if self.verbose: print("transforming texts...", end="") X_topics = self.predict(texts, harden=False) if self.verbose: print("done.") # reduce to 2-D if self.verbose: print("reducing to 2 dimensions...", end="") tsne_model = TSNE( n_components=2, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, angle=0.99, init="pca" ) tsne_lda = tsne_model.fit_transform(X_topics) print("done.") # get random colormap colormap = U.get_random_colors(self.n_topics) # generate inline visualization in Jupyter notebook lda_keys = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if colors is None: colors = colormap[lda_keys] topic_summaries = self.get_topics(n_words=5) os.environ["BOKEH_RESOURCES"] = "inline" output_notebook() dct = { "x": tsne_lda[:, 0], "y": tsne_lda[:, 1], "topic": [topic_summaries[tid] for tid in lda_keys], "fill_color": colors, } tool_tups = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x,$y)"), ("topic", "@topic")] for k in extra_info.keys(): dct[k] = extra_info[k] tool_tups.append((k, "@" + k)) source = bp.ColumnDataSource(data=dct) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tool_tups) p = bp.figure( width=width, height=height, tools=[hover, "save", "pan", "wheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "reset"], # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", title=title, ) # plot_lda = bp.figure(plot_width=1400, plot_height=1100, # title=title, # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", # x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1)"x", "y", size=point_size, source=source, fill_color="fill_color") if filepath is not None: bp.output_file(filepath) return
class get_topic_model (texts=None, n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words='english', model_type='lda', max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode='online', token_pattern=None, verbose=1, hyperparam_kwargs=None)
Fits a topic model to documents in
. Example
tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95)
- list of texts
- number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]})
- maximum words to consider
- words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded
- either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore
- model_type(str): type of topic model to fit. One of {'lda', 'nmf'}. Default:'lda'
- maximum iterations. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online' or nmf. If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500).
- alias for max_iter for backwards compatilibity
- one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored if model_type !='lda'
token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. verbose(bool): verbosity hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha: alias for alpha for backwars compatilibity l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1)
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class TopicModel: def __init__( self, texts=None, n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words="english", model_type="lda", max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode="online", token_pattern=None, verbose=1, hyperparam_kwargs=None, ): """ Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>. Example: tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95) Args: texts (list of str): list of texts n_topics (int): number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]}) n_features (int): maximum words to consider max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore model_type(str): type of topic model to fit. One of {'lda', 'nmf'}. Default:'lda' max_iter (int): maximum iterations. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online' or nmf. If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatilibity lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored if model_type !='lda' token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. verbose(bool): verbosity hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha: alias for alpha for backwars compatilibity l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1) """ self.verbose = verbose # estimate n_topics if n_topics is None: if texts is None: raise ValueError("If n_topics is None, texts must be supplied") estimated = max(1, int(math.floor(math.sqrt(len(texts) / 2)))) n_topics = min(400, estimated) if verbose: print("n_topics automatically set to %s" % (n_topics)) # train model if texts is not None: (model, vectorizer) = self.train( texts, model_type=model_type, n_topics=n_topics, n_features=n_features, min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df, stop_words=stop_words, max_iter=max_iter, lda_max_iter=lda_max_iter, lda_mode=lda_mode, token_pattern=token_pattern, hyperparam_kwargs=hyperparam_kwargs, ) else: vectorizer = None model = None # save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings self.vectorizer = vectorizer self.model = model self.n_topics = n_topics self.n_features = n_features if verbose: print("done.") # these variables are set by self.topic_dict = None self.doc_topics = None self.bool_array = None self.scorer = None # set by self.train_scorer() self.recommender = None # set by self.train_recommender() return def train( self, texts, model_type="lda", n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words="english", max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode="online", token_pattern=None, hyperparam_kwargs=None, ): """ Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>. Example: tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95) Args: texts (list of str): list of texts n_topics (int): number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]}) n_features (int): maximum words to consider max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore max_iter (int): maximum iterations for 'lda'. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online'. lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatibility If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). Ignored if model_type != 'lda' lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored of model_type !='lda' token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. If None, a default tokenizer will be used hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha_W: alpha for NMF alpha_W (default is 0.0) nmf_alpha_H: alpha for NMF alpha_H (default is 'same') l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1) Returns: tuple: (model, vectorizer) """ max_iter = lda_max_iter if lda_max_iter is not None else max_iter if hyperparam_kwargs is None: hyperparam_kwargs = {} alpha = hyperparam_kwargs.get("alpha", 5.0 / n_topics) nmf_alpha_W = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_W", 0.0) nmf_alpha_H = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_H", "same") beta = hyperparam_kwargs.get("beta", 0.01) l1_ratio = hyperparam_kwargs.get("l1_ratio", 0) ngram_range = hyperparam_kwargs.get("ngram_range", (1, 1)) # adjust defaults based on language detected if texts is not None: lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) if lang != "en": stopwords = None if stop_words == "english" else stop_words token_pattern = ( r"(?u)\b\w+\b" if token_pattern is None else token_pattern ) if pp.is_nospace_lang(lang): text_list = [] for t in texts: text_list.append(" ".join(jieba.cut(t, HMM=False))) texts = text_list if self.verbose: print("lang: %s" % (lang)) # preprocess texts if self.verbose: print("preprocessing texts...") if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = TU.DEFAULT_TOKEN_PATTERN # if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = r'(?u)\b\w\w+\b' vectorizer = CountVectorizer( max_df=max_df, min_df=min_df, max_features=n_features, stop_words=stop_words, token_pattern=token_pattern, ngram_range=ngram_range, ) x_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts) # fit model if self.verbose: print("fitting model...") if model_type == "lda": model = LatentDirichletAllocation( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, learning_method=lda_mode, learning_offset=50.0, doc_topic_prior=alpha, topic_word_prior=beta, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, ) elif model_type == "nmf": model = NMF( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, verbose=self.verbose, alpha_W=nmf_alpha_W, alpha_H=nmf_alpha_H, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, random_state=0, ) else: raise ValueError("unknown model type:", str(model_type)) # save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings return (model, vectorizer) @property def topics(self): """ convenience method/property """ return self.get_topics() def get_document_topic_distribution(self): """ Gets the document-topic distribution. Each row is a document and each column is a topic The output of this method is equivalent to invoking get_doctopics with no arguments. """ self._check_build() return self.doc_topics def get_sorted_docs(self, topic_id): """ Returns all docs sorted by relevance to <topic_id>. Unlike get_docs, this ranks documents by the supplied topic_id rather than the topic_id to which document is most relevant. """ docs = self.get_docs() d = {} for doc in docs: d[doc["doc_id"]] = doc m = self.get_document_topic_distribution() doc_ids = (-m[:, topic_id]).argsort() return [d[doc_id] for doc_id in doc_ids] def get_word_weights(self, topic_id, n_words=100): """ Returns a list tuples of the form: (word, weight) for given topic_id. The weight can be interpreted as the number of times word was assigned to topic with given topic_id. REFERENCE: Args: topic_id(int): topic ID n_words=int): number of top words """ self._check_model() if topic_id + 1 > len(self.model.components_): raise ValueError( "topic_id must be less than %s" % (len(self.model.components_)) ) feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() word_probs = self.model.components_[topic_id] word_ids = [i for i in word_probs.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] words = [feature_names[i] for i in word_ids] probs = [word_probs[i] for i in word_ids] return list(zip(words, probs)) def get_topics(self, n_words=10, as_string=True, show_counts=False): """ Returns a list of discovered topics Args: n_words(int): number of words to use in topic summary as_string(bool): If True, each summary is a space-delimited string instead of list of words show_counts(bool): If True, returns list of tuples of form (id, topic summary, count). Otherwise, a list of topic summaries. Returns: List of topic summaries if show_count is False Dictionary where key is topic ID and value is a tuple of form (topic summary, count) if show_count is True """ self._check_model() feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() topic_summaries = [] for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(self.model.components_): summary = [feature_names[i] for i in topic.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] if as_string: summary = " ".join(summary) topic_summaries.append(summary) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topic_summaries[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) return dict((t[0], t[1:]) for t in topic_counts) return topic_summaries def print_topics(self, n_words=10, show_counts=False): """ print topics n_words(int): number of words to describe each topic show_counts(bool): If True, print topics with document counts, where the count is the number of documents with that topic as primary. """ topics = self.get_topics(n_words=n_words, as_string=True) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topics[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) for idx, topic, count in topic_counts: print("topic:%s | count:%s | %s" % (idx, count, topic)) else: for i, t in enumerate(topics): print("topic %s | %s" % (i, t)) return def build(self, texts, threshold=None): """ Builds the document-topic distribution showing the topic probability distirbution for each document in <texts> with respect to the learned topic space. Args: texts (list of str): list of text documents threshold (float): If not None, documents with whose highest topic probability is less than threshold are filtered out. """ if threshold is not None: doc_topics, bool_array = self.predict(texts, threshold=threshold) else: doc_topics = self.predict(texts) bool_array = np.array([True] * len(texts)) self.doc_topics = doc_topics self.bool_array = bool_array texts = [text for i, text in enumerate(texts) if bool_array[i]] self.topic_dict = self._rank_documents(texts, doc_topics=doc_topics) return def filter(self, obj): """ The build method may prune documents based on threshold. This method prunes other lists based on how build pruned documents. This is useful to filter lists containing metadata associated with documents for use with visualize_documents. Args: obj(list|np.ndarray|pandas.DataFrame):a list, numpy array, or DataFrame of data Returns: filtered obj """ length = ( obj.shape[0] if isinstance(obj, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) else len(obj) ) if length != self.bool_array.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Length of obj is not consistent with the number of documents " + "supplied to get_topic_model" ) obj = np.array(obj) if isinstance(obj, list) else obj return obj[self.bool_array] def get_docs(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], rank=False): """ Returns document entries for supplied topic_ids. Documents returned are those whose primary topic is topic with given topic_id Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics rank(bool): If True, the list is sorted first by topic_id (ascending) and then ty topic probability (descending). Otherwise, list is sorted by doc_id (i.e., the order of texts supplied to (which is the order of self.doc_topics). Returns: list of dicts: list of dicts with keys: 'text': text of document 'doc_id': ID of document 'topic_proba': topic probability (or score) 'topic_id': ID of topic """ self._check_build() if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) result_texts = [] for topic_id in topic_ids: if topic_id not in self.topic_dict: continue texts = [ { "text": tup[0], "doc_id": tup[1], "topic_proba": tup[2], "topic_id": topic_id, } for tup in self.topic_dict[topic_id] if not doc_ids or tup[1] in doc_ids ] result_texts.extend(texts) if not rank: result_texts = sorted(result_texts, key=lambda x: x["doc_id"]) return result_texts def get_doctopics(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[]): """ Returns a topic probability distribution for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> and with doc_id in <doc_ids>. If no topic_ids or doc_ids are provided, then topic distributions for all documents are returned (which equivalent to the output of get_document_topic_distribution). Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics Returns: np.ndarray: Each row is the topic probability distribution of a document. Array is sorted in the order returned by self.get_docs. """ docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) return np.array([self.doc_topics[idx] for idx in [x["doc_id"] for x in docs]]) def get_texts(self, topic_ids=[]): """ Returns texts for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topic IDs Returns: list of str """ if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids) return [x[0] for x in docs] def predict(self, texts, threshold=None, harden=False): """ Args: texts (list of str): list of texts threshold (float): If not None, documents with maximum topic scores less than <threshold> are filtered out harden(bool): If True, each document is assigned to a single topic for which it has the highest score Returns: if threshold is None: np.ndarray: topic distribution for each text document else: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): topic distribution and boolean array """ self._check_model() transformed_texts = self.vectorizer.transform(texts) X_topics = self.model.transform(transformed_texts) # if self.model_type == 'nmf': # scores = np.matrix(X_topics) # scores_normalized= scores/scores.sum(axis=1) # X_topics = scores_normalized _idx = np.array([True] * len(texts)) if threshold is not None: _idx = ( np.amax(X_topics, axis=1) > threshold ) # idx of doc that above the threshold _idx = np.array(_idx) X_topics = X_topics[_idx] if harden: X_topics = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if threshold is not None: return (X_topics, _idx) else: return X_topics def visualize_documents( self, texts=None, doc_topics=None, width=700, height=700, point_size=5, title="Document Visualization", extra_info={}, colors=None, filepath=None, ): """ Generates a visualization of a set of documents based on model. If <texts> is supplied, raw documents will be first transformed into document-topic matrix. If <doc_topics> is supplied, then this will be used for visualization instead. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. width(int): width of image height(int): height of image point_size(int): size of circles in plot title(str): title of visualization extra_info(dict of lists): A user-supplied information for each datapoint (attributes of the datapoint). The keys are field names. The values are lists - each of which must be the same number of elements as <texts> or <doc_topics>. These fields are displayed when hovering over datapoints in the visualization. colors(list of str): list of Hex color codes for each datapoint. Length of list must match either len(texts) or doc_topics.shape[0] filepath(str): Optional filepath to save the interactive visualization """ # error-checking if texts is not None: length = len(texts) else: length = doc_topics.shape[0] if colors is not None and len(colors) != length: raise ValueError( "length of colors is not consistent with length of texts or doctopics" ) if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if extra_info: invalid_keys = ["x", "y", "topic", "fill_color"] for k in extra_info.keys(): if k in invalid_keys: raise ValueError('cannot use "%s" as key in extra_info' % (k)) lst = extra_info[k] if len(lst) != length: raise ValueError("texts and extra_info lists must be same size") # check fo bokeh try: import bokeh.plotting as bp from import output_notebook from bokeh.models import HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import save except: warnings.warn( "visualize_documents method requires bokeh package: pip install bokeh" ) return # prepare data if doc_topics is not None: X_topics = doc_topics else: if self.verbose: print("transforming texts...", end="") X_topics = self.predict(texts, harden=False) if self.verbose: print("done.") # reduce to 2-D if self.verbose: print("reducing to 2 dimensions...", end="") tsne_model = TSNE( n_components=2, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, angle=0.99, init="pca" ) tsne_lda = tsne_model.fit_transform(X_topics) print("done.") # get random colormap colormap = U.get_random_colors(self.n_topics) # generate inline visualization in Jupyter notebook lda_keys = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if colors is None: colors = colormap[lda_keys] topic_summaries = self.get_topics(n_words=5) os.environ["BOKEH_RESOURCES"] = "inline" output_notebook() dct = { "x": tsne_lda[:, 0], "y": tsne_lda[:, 1], "topic": [topic_summaries[tid] for tid in lda_keys], "fill_color": colors, } tool_tups = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x,$y)"), ("topic", "@topic")] for k in extra_info.keys(): dct[k] = extra_info[k] tool_tups.append((k, "@" + k)) source = bp.ColumnDataSource(data=dct) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tool_tups) p = bp.figure( width=width, height=height, tools=[hover, "save", "pan", "wheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "reset"], # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", title=title, ) # plot_lda = bp.figure(plot_width=1400, plot_height=1100, # title=title, # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", # x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1)"x", "y", size=point_size, source=source, fill_color="fill_color") if filepath is not None: bp.output_file(filepath) return def train_recommender(self, n_neighbors=20, metric="minkowski", p=2): """ Trains a recommender that, given a single document, will return documents in the corpus that are semantically similar to it. Args: n_neighbors (int): Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors rec = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, metric=metric, p=p) probs = self.get_doctopics() self.recommender = rec return def recommend(self, text=None, doc_topic=None, n=5, n_neighbors=100): """ Given an example document, recommends documents similar to it from the set of documents supplied to build(). Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. n (int): number of recommendations to return Returns: list of tuples: each tuple is of the form: (text, doc_id, topic_probability, topic_id) """ # error-checks if text is not None and doc_topic is not None: raise ValueError("text is mutually-exclusive with doc_topic") if text is None and doc_topic is None: raise ValueError("One of text or doc_topic is required.") if text is not None and type(text) not in [str]: raise ValueError("text must be a str ") if doc_topic is not None and type(doc_topic) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topic must be a np.ndarray") if n > n_neighbors: n_neighbors = n x_test = [doc_topic] if text: x_test = self.predict([text]) docs = self.get_docs() indices = self.recommender.kneighbors( x_test, return_distance=False, n_neighbors=n_neighbors ) results = [doc for i, doc in enumerate(docs) if i in indices] return results[:n] def train_scorer(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], n_neighbors=20): """ Trains a scorer that can score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents represented by topic_ids and doc_ids. NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. REFERENCE: Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). Documents associated with these topic_ids will be used as seed set. doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics. Documents associated with these doc_ids will be used as seed set. Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor clf = LocalOutlierFactor( n_neighbors=n_neighbors, novelty=True, contamination=0.1 ) probs = self.get_doctopics(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) self.scorer = clf return def score(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None): """ Given a new set of documents (supplied as texts or doc_topics), the score method uses a One-Class classifier to score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents (where seed set is computed by train_scorer() method). Higher scores indicate a higher degree of similarity. Positive values represent a binary decision of similar. Negative values represent a binary decision of dissimlar. In practice, negative scores closer to zer will also be simlar as One-Class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. Documents with negative scores closer to zero are good candidates for inclusion in a training set for binary classification (e.g., active labeling). NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. Returns: list of floats: larger values indicate higher degree of similarity positive values indicate a binary decision of similar negative values indicate binary decision of dissimilar In practice, negative scores closer to zero will also be similar as One-class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. """ # error-checks if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if texts is not None and type(texts) not in [list, np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("texts must be either a list or numpy ndarray") if doc_topics is not None and type(doc_topics) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topics must be a np.ndarray") x_test = doc_topics if texts: x_test = self.predict(texts) return self.scorer.decision_function(x_test) def search(self, query, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], case_sensitive=False): """ search documents for query string. Args: query(str): the word or phrase to search topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics case_sensitive(bool): If True, case sensitive search """ # setup pattern if not case_sensitive: query = query.lower() pattern = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % query) # retrive docs docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) # search mb = master_bar(range(1)) results = [] for i in mb: for doc in progress_bar(docs, parent=mb): text = doc["text"] if not case_sensitive: text = text.lower() matches = pattern.findall(text) if matches: results.append(doc) if self.verbose: mb.write("done.") return results def _rank_documents(self, texts, doc_topics=None): """ Rank documents by topic score. If topic_index is supplied, rank documents based on relevance to supplied topic. Otherwise, rank all texts by their highest topic score (for any topic). Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document If None, re-computed from texts. Returns: dict of lists: each element in list is a tuple of (doc_index, topic_index, score) ... where doc_index is an index into either texts """ if doc_topics is not None: X_topics = doc_topics else: if self.verbose: print("transforming texts to topic space...") X_topics = self.predict(texts) topics = np.argmax(X_topics, axis=1) scores = np.amax(X_topics, axis=1) doc_ids = np.array([i for i, x in enumerate(texts)]) result = list(zip(texts, doc_ids, topics, scores)) if self.verbose: print("done.") result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True) result_dict = {} for r in result: text = r[0] doc_id = r[1] topic_id = r[2] score = r[3] lst = result_dict.get(topic_id, []) lst.append((text, doc_id, score)) result_dict[topic_id] = lst return result_dict def _harden_topics(self, X_topics): """ Transforms soft-clustering to hard-clustering """ max_topics = [] for i in range(X_topics.shape[0]): max_topics.append(X_topics[i].argmax()) X_topics = np.array(max_topics) return X_topics def _check_build(self): self._check_model() if self.topic_dict is None: raise Exception("Must call build() method.") def _check_scorer(self): if self.scorer is None: raise Exception("Must call train_scorer()") def _check_recommender(self): if self.recommender is None: raise Exception("Must call train_recommender()") def _check_model(self): if self.model is None or self.vectorizer is None: raise Exception("Must call train()") def save(self, fname): """ save TopicModel object """ with open(fname + ".tm_vect", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.vectorizer, f) with open(fname + ".tm_model", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.model, f) params = { "n_topics": self.n_topics, "n_features": self.n_features, "verbose": self.verbose, } with open(fname + ".tm_params", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(params, f) return
Instance variables
var topics
convenience method/property
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@property def topics(self): """ convenience method/property """ return self.get_topics()
def build(self, texts, threshold=None)
Builds the document-topic distribution showing the topic probability distirbution for each document in
with respect to the learned topic space. Args
- list of text documents
- If not None, documents with whose highest topic probability is less than threshold are filtered out.
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def build(self, texts, threshold=None): """ Builds the document-topic distribution showing the topic probability distirbution for each document in <texts> with respect to the learned topic space. Args: texts (list of str): list of text documents threshold (float): If not None, documents with whose highest topic probability is less than threshold are filtered out. """ if threshold is not None: doc_topics, bool_array = self.predict(texts, threshold=threshold) else: doc_topics = self.predict(texts) bool_array = np.array([True] * len(texts)) self.doc_topics = doc_topics self.bool_array = bool_array texts = [text for i, text in enumerate(texts) if bool_array[i]] self.topic_dict = self._rank_documents(texts, doc_topics=doc_topics) return
def filter(self, obj)
The build method may prune documents based on threshold. This method prunes other lists based on how build pruned documents. This is useful to filter lists containing metadata associated with documents for use with visualize_documents.
obj(list|np.ndarray|pandas.DataFrame):a list, numpy array, or DataFrame of data
filtered obj
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def filter(self, obj): """ The build method may prune documents based on threshold. This method prunes other lists based on how build pruned documents. This is useful to filter lists containing metadata associated with documents for use with visualize_documents. Args: obj(list|np.ndarray|pandas.DataFrame):a list, numpy array, or DataFrame of data Returns: filtered obj """ length = ( obj.shape[0] if isinstance(obj, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) else len(obj) ) if length != self.bool_array.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Length of obj is not consistent with the number of documents " + "supplied to get_topic_model" ) obj = np.array(obj) if isinstance(obj, list) else obj return obj[self.bool_array]
def get_docs(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], rank=False)
Returns document entries for supplied topic_ids. Documents returned are those whose primary topic is topic with given topic_id
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics).
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics
rank(bool): If True, the list is sorted first by topic_id (ascending) and then ty topic probability (descending). Otherwise, list is sorted by doc_id (i.e., the order of texts supplied to (which is the order of self.doc_topics).
- list of dicts with keys: 'text': text of document 'doc_id': ID of document 'topic_proba': topic probability (or score) 'topic_id': ID of topic
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def get_docs(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], rank=False): """ Returns document entries for supplied topic_ids. Documents returned are those whose primary topic is topic with given topic_id Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics rank(bool): If True, the list is sorted first by topic_id (ascending) and then ty topic probability (descending). Otherwise, list is sorted by doc_id (i.e., the order of texts supplied to (which is the order of self.doc_topics). Returns: list of dicts: list of dicts with keys: 'text': text of document 'doc_id': ID of document 'topic_proba': topic probability (or score) 'topic_id': ID of topic """ self._check_build() if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) result_texts = [] for topic_id in topic_ids: if topic_id not in self.topic_dict: continue texts = [ { "text": tup[0], "doc_id": tup[1], "topic_proba": tup[2], "topic_id": topic_id, } for tup in self.topic_dict[topic_id] if not doc_ids or tup[1] in doc_ids ] result_texts.extend(texts) if not rank: result_texts = sorted(result_texts, key=lambda x: x["doc_id"]) return result_texts
def get_doctopics(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[])
Returns a topic probability distribution for documents with primary topic that is one of
and with doc_id in . If no topic_ids or doc_ids are provided, then topic distributions for all documents are returned (which equivalent to the output of get_document_topic_distribution).
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics).
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics
- Each row is the topic probability distribution of a document. Array is sorted in the order returned by self.get_docs.
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def get_doctopics(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[]): """ Returns a topic probability distribution for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> and with doc_id in <doc_ids>. If no topic_ids or doc_ids are provided, then topic distributions for all documents are returned (which equivalent to the output of get_document_topic_distribution). Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics Returns: np.ndarray: Each row is the topic probability distribution of a document. Array is sorted in the order returned by self.get_docs. """ docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) return np.array([self.doc_topics[idx] for idx in [x["doc_id"] for x in docs]])
def get_document_topic_distribution(self)
Gets the document-topic distribution. Each row is a document and each column is a topic The output of this method is equivalent to invoking get_doctopics with no arguments.
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def get_document_topic_distribution(self): """ Gets the document-topic distribution. Each row is a document and each column is a topic The output of this method is equivalent to invoking get_doctopics with no arguments. """ self._check_build() return self.doc_topics
def get_sorted_docs(self, topic_id)
Returns all docs sorted by relevance to
. Unlike get_docs, this ranks documents by the supplied topic_id rather than the topic_id to which document is most relevant. Expand source code
def get_sorted_docs(self, topic_id): """ Returns all docs sorted by relevance to <topic_id>. Unlike get_docs, this ranks documents by the supplied topic_id rather than the topic_id to which document is most relevant. """ docs = self.get_docs() d = {} for doc in docs: d[doc["doc_id"]] = doc m = self.get_document_topic_distribution() doc_ids = (-m[:, topic_id]).argsort() return [d[doc_id] for doc_id in doc_ids]
def get_texts(self, topic_ids=[])
Returns texts for documents with primary topic that is one of
topic_ids(list of ints): list of topic IDs
list of str
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def get_texts(self, topic_ids=[]): """ Returns texts for documents with primary topic that is one of <topic_ids> Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topic IDs Returns: list of str """ if not topic_ids: topic_ids = list(range(self.n_topics)) docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids) return [x[0] for x in docs]
def get_topics(self, n_words=10, as_string=True, show_counts=False)
Returns a list of discovered topics
n_words(int): number of words to use in topic summary as_string(bool): If True, each summary is a space-delimited string instead of list of words show_counts(bool): If True, returns list of tuples of form (id, topic summary, count). Otherwise, a list of topic summaries.
List of topic summaries if show_count is False Dictionary where key is topic ID and value is a tuple of form (topic summary, count) if show_count is True
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def get_topics(self, n_words=10, as_string=True, show_counts=False): """ Returns a list of discovered topics Args: n_words(int): number of words to use in topic summary as_string(bool): If True, each summary is a space-delimited string instead of list of words show_counts(bool): If True, returns list of tuples of form (id, topic summary, count). Otherwise, a list of topic summaries. Returns: List of topic summaries if show_count is False Dictionary where key is topic ID and value is a tuple of form (topic summary, count) if show_count is True """ self._check_model() feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() topic_summaries = [] for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(self.model.components_): summary = [feature_names[i] for i in topic.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] if as_string: summary = " ".join(summary) topic_summaries.append(summary) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topic_summaries[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) return dict((t[0], t[1:]) for t in topic_counts) return topic_summaries
def get_word_weights(self, topic_id, n_words=100)
Returns a list tuples of the form: (word, weight) for given topic_id. The weight can be interpreted as the number of times word was assigned to topic with given topic_id. REFERENCE:
topic_id(int): topic ID n_words=int): number of top words
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def get_word_weights(self, topic_id, n_words=100): """ Returns a list tuples of the form: (word, weight) for given topic_id. The weight can be interpreted as the number of times word was assigned to topic with given topic_id. REFERENCE: Args: topic_id(int): topic ID n_words=int): number of top words """ self._check_model() if topic_id + 1 > len(self.model.components_): raise ValueError( "topic_id must be less than %s" % (len(self.model.components_)) ) feature_names = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() word_probs = self.model.components_[topic_id] word_ids = [i for i in word_probs.argsort()[: -n_words - 1 : -1]] words = [feature_names[i] for i in word_ids] probs = [word_probs[i] for i in word_ids] return list(zip(words, probs))
def predict(self, texts, threshold=None, harden=False)
- list of texts
- If not None, documents with maximum topic scores
less than
are filtered out
harden(bool): If True, each document is assigned to a single topic for which it has the highest score
- if threshold is None:
- topic distribution for each text document
else: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): topic distribution and boolean array
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def predict(self, texts, threshold=None, harden=False): """ Args: texts (list of str): list of texts threshold (float): If not None, documents with maximum topic scores less than <threshold> are filtered out harden(bool): If True, each document is assigned to a single topic for which it has the highest score Returns: if threshold is None: np.ndarray: topic distribution for each text document else: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): topic distribution and boolean array """ self._check_model() transformed_texts = self.vectorizer.transform(texts) X_topics = self.model.transform(transformed_texts) # if self.model_type == 'nmf': # scores = np.matrix(X_topics) # scores_normalized= scores/scores.sum(axis=1) # X_topics = scores_normalized _idx = np.array([True] * len(texts)) if threshold is not None: _idx = ( np.amax(X_topics, axis=1) > threshold ) # idx of doc that above the threshold _idx = np.array(_idx) X_topics = X_topics[_idx] if harden: X_topics = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if threshold is not None: return (X_topics, _idx) else: return X_topics
def print_topics(self, n_words=10, show_counts=False)
print topics n_words(int): number of words to describe each topic show_counts(bool): If True, print topics with document counts, where the count is the number of documents with that topic as primary.
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def print_topics(self, n_words=10, show_counts=False): """ print topics n_words(int): number of words to describe each topic show_counts(bool): If True, print topics with document counts, where the count is the number of documents with that topic as primary. """ topics = self.get_topics(n_words=n_words, as_string=True) if show_counts: self._check_build() topic_counts = sorted( [(k, topics[k], len(v)) for k, v in self.topic_dict.items()], key=lambda kv: kv[-1], reverse=True, ) for idx, topic, count in topic_counts: print("topic:%s | count:%s | %s" % (idx, count, topic)) else: for i, t in enumerate(topics): print("topic %s | %s" % (i, t)) return
def recommend(self, text=None, doc_topic=None, n=5, n_neighbors=100)
Given an example document, recommends documents similar to it from the set of documents supplied to build().
- texts(list of str): list of document texts.
Mutually-exclusive with
- doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts.
- Mutually-exclusive with
. n
- number of recommendations to return
- each tuple is of the form: (text, doc_id, topic_probability, topic_id)
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def recommend(self, text=None, doc_topic=None, n=5, n_neighbors=100): """ Given an example document, recommends documents similar to it from the set of documents supplied to build(). Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. n (int): number of recommendations to return Returns: list of tuples: each tuple is of the form: (text, doc_id, topic_probability, topic_id) """ # error-checks if text is not None and doc_topic is not None: raise ValueError("text is mutually-exclusive with doc_topic") if text is None and doc_topic is None: raise ValueError("One of text or doc_topic is required.") if text is not None and type(text) not in [str]: raise ValueError("text must be a str ") if doc_topic is not None and type(doc_topic) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topic must be a np.ndarray") if n > n_neighbors: n_neighbors = n x_test = [doc_topic] if text: x_test = self.predict([text]) docs = self.get_docs() indices = self.recommender.kneighbors( x_test, return_distance=False, n_neighbors=n_neighbors ) results = [doc for i, doc in enumerate(docs) if i in indices] return results[:n]
- texts(list of str): list of document texts.
Mutually-exclusive with
def save(self, fname)
save TopicModel object
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def save(self, fname): """ save TopicModel object """ with open(fname + ".tm_vect", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.vectorizer, f) with open(fname + ".tm_model", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.model, f) params = { "n_topics": self.n_topics, "n_features": self.n_features, "verbose": self.verbose, } with open(fname + ".tm_params", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(params, f) return
def score(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None)
Given a new set of documents (supplied as texts or doc_topics), the score method uses a One-Class classifier to score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents (where seed set is computed by train_scorer() method).
Higher scores indicate a higher degree of similarity. Positive values represent a binary decision of similar. Negative values represent a binary decision of dissimlar. In practice, negative scores closer to zer will also be simlar as One-Class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. Documents with negative scores closer to zero are good candidates for inclusion in a training set for binary classification (e.g., active labeling).
NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity.
texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with . Returns
- larger values indicate higher degree of similarity positive values indicate a binary decision of similar negative values indicate binary decision of dissimilar In practice, negative scores closer to zero will also be similar as One-class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers.
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def score(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None): """ Given a new set of documents (supplied as texts or doc_topics), the score method uses a One-Class classifier to score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents (where seed set is computed by train_scorer() method). Higher scores indicate a higher degree of similarity. Positive values represent a binary decision of similar. Negative values represent a binary decision of dissimlar. In practice, negative scores closer to zer will also be simlar as One-Class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. Documents with negative scores closer to zero are good candidates for inclusion in a training set for binary classification (e.g., active labeling). NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. Returns: list of floats: larger values indicate higher degree of similarity positive values indicate a binary decision of similar negative values indicate binary decision of dissimilar In practice, negative scores closer to zero will also be similar as One-class classifiers are more strict than traditional binary classifiers. """ # error-checks if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if texts is not None and type(texts) not in [list, np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("texts must be either a list or numpy ndarray") if doc_topics is not None and type(doc_topics) not in [np.ndarray]: raise ValueError("doc_topics must be a np.ndarray") x_test = doc_topics if texts: x_test = self.predict(texts) return self.scorer.decision_function(x_test)
def search(self, query, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], case_sensitive=False)
search documents for query string.
- query(str): the word or phrase to search
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics).
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics
case_sensitive(bool): If True, case sensitive search
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def search(self, query, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], case_sensitive=False): """ search documents for query string. Args: query(str): the word or phrase to search topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics case_sensitive(bool): If True, case sensitive search """ # setup pattern if not case_sensitive: query = query.lower() pattern = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % query) # retrive docs docs = self.get_docs(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) # search mb = master_bar(range(1)) results = [] for i in mb: for doc in progress_bar(docs, parent=mb): text = doc["text"] if not case_sensitive: text = text.lower() matches = pattern.findall(text) if matches: results.append(doc) if self.verbose: mb.write("done.") return results
def train(self, texts, model_type='lda', n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words='english', max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode='online', token_pattern=None, hyperparam_kwargs=None)
Fits a topic model to documents in
. Example
tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95)
- list of texts
- number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]})
- maximum words to consider
- words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded
- either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore
- maximum iterations for 'lda'. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online'.
- alias for max_iter for backwards compatibility If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). Ignored if model_type != 'lda'
- one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored of model_type !='lda'
token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. If None, a default tokenizer will be used hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha_W: alpha for NMF alpha_W (default is 0.0) nmf_alpha_H: alpha for NMF alpha_H (default is 'same') l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1)
- (model, vectorizer)
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def train( self, texts, model_type="lda", n_topics=None, n_features=10000, min_df=5, max_df=0.5, stop_words="english", max_iter=5, lda_max_iter=None, lda_mode="online", token_pattern=None, hyperparam_kwargs=None, ): """ Fits a topic model to documents in <texts>. Example: tm = ktrain.text.get_topic_model(docs, n_topics=20, n_features=1000, min_df=2, max_df=0.95) Args: texts (list of str): list of texts n_topics (int): number of topics. If None, n_topics = min{400, sqrt[# documents/2]}) n_features (int): maximum words to consider max_df (float): words in more than max_df proportion of docs discarded stop_words (str or list): either 'english' for built-in stop words or a list of stop words to ignore max_iter (int): maximum iterations for 'lda'. 5 is default if using lda_mode='online'. lda_max_iter (int): alias for max_iter for backwards compatibility If lda_mode='batch', this should be increased (e.g., 1500). Ignored if model_type != 'lda' lda_mode (str): one of {'online', 'batch'}. Ignored of model_type !='lda' token_pattern(str): regex pattern to use to tokenize documents. If None, a default tokenizer will be used hyperparam_kwargs(dict): hyperparameters for LDA/NMF Keys in this dict can be any of the following: alpha: alpha for LDA default: 5./n_topics beta: beta for LDA. default:0.01 nmf_alpha_W: alpha for NMF alpha_W (default is 0.0) nmf_alpha_H: alpha for NMF alpha_H (default is 'same') l1_ratio: l1_ratio for NMF. default: 0 ngram_range: whether to consider bigrams, trigrams. default: (1,1) Returns: tuple: (model, vectorizer) """ max_iter = lda_max_iter if lda_max_iter is not None else max_iter if hyperparam_kwargs is None: hyperparam_kwargs = {} alpha = hyperparam_kwargs.get("alpha", 5.0 / n_topics) nmf_alpha_W = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_W", 0.0) nmf_alpha_H = hyperparam_kwargs.get("nmf_alpha_H", "same") beta = hyperparam_kwargs.get("beta", 0.01) l1_ratio = hyperparam_kwargs.get("l1_ratio", 0) ngram_range = hyperparam_kwargs.get("ngram_range", (1, 1)) # adjust defaults based on language detected if texts is not None: lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) if lang != "en": stopwords = None if stop_words == "english" else stop_words token_pattern = ( r"(?u)\b\w+\b" if token_pattern is None else token_pattern ) if pp.is_nospace_lang(lang): text_list = [] for t in texts: text_list.append(" ".join(jieba.cut(t, HMM=False))) texts = text_list if self.verbose: print("lang: %s" % (lang)) # preprocess texts if self.verbose: print("preprocessing texts...") if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = TU.DEFAULT_TOKEN_PATTERN # if token_pattern is None: token_pattern = r'(?u)\b\w\w+\b' vectorizer = CountVectorizer( max_df=max_df, min_df=min_df, max_features=n_features, stop_words=stop_words, token_pattern=token_pattern, ngram_range=ngram_range, ) x_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts) # fit model if self.verbose: print("fitting model...") if model_type == "lda": model = LatentDirichletAllocation( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, learning_method=lda_mode, learning_offset=50.0, doc_topic_prior=alpha, topic_word_prior=beta, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, ) elif model_type == "nmf": model = NMF( n_components=n_topics, max_iter=max_iter, verbose=self.verbose, alpha_W=nmf_alpha_W, alpha_H=nmf_alpha_H, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, random_state=0, ) else: raise ValueError("unknown model type:", str(model_type)) # save model and vectorizer and hyperparameter settings return (model, vectorizer)
def train_recommender(self, n_neighbors=20, metric='minkowski', p=2)
Trains a recommender that, given a single document, will return documents in the corpus that are semantically similar to it.
n_neighbors (int):
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def train_recommender(self, n_neighbors=20, metric="minkowski", p=2): """ Trains a recommender that, given a single document, will return documents in the corpus that are semantically similar to it. Args: n_neighbors (int): Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors rec = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, metric=metric, p=p) probs = self.get_doctopics() self.recommender = rec return
def train_scorer(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], n_neighbors=20)
Trains a scorer that can score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents represented by topic_ids and doc_ids.
NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. REFERENCE:
- topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range
- of range(self.n_topics). Documents associated
- with these topic_ids will be used as seed set.
- list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics. Documents associated with these doc_ids will be used as seed set.
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def train_scorer(self, topic_ids=[], doc_ids=[], n_neighbors=20): """ Trains a scorer that can score documents based on similarity to a seed set of documents represented by topic_ids and doc_ids. NOTE: The score method currently employs the use of LocalOutLierFactor, which means you should not try to score documents that were used in training. Only new, unseen documents should be scored for similarity. REFERENCE: Args: topic_ids(list of ints): list of topid IDs where each id is in the range of range(self.n_topics). Documents associated with these topic_ids will be used as seed set. doc_ids (list of ints): list of document IDs where each id is an index into self.doctopics. Documents associated with these doc_ids will be used as seed set. Returns: None """ from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor clf = LocalOutlierFactor( n_neighbors=n_neighbors, novelty=True, contamination=0.1 ) probs = self.get_doctopics(topic_ids=topic_ids, doc_ids=doc_ids) self.scorer = clf return
def visualize_documents(self, texts=None, doc_topics=None, width=700, height=700, point_size=5, title='Document Visualization', extra_info={}, colors=None, filepath=None)
Generates a visualization of a set of documents based on model. If
is supplied, raw documents will be first transformed into document-topic matrix. If is supplied, then this will be used for visualization instead. Args
texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with
doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with . width(int): width of image height(int): height of image point_size(int): size of circles in plot title(str): title of visualization extra_info(dict of lists): A user-supplied information for each datapoint (attributes of the datapoint). The keys are field names. The values are lists - each of which must be the same number of elements as or . These fields are displayed when hovering over datapoints in the visualization. colors(list of str): list of Hex color codes for each datapoint. Length of list must match either len(texts) or doc_topics.shape[0] filepath(str): Optional filepath to save the interactive visualization Expand source code
def visualize_documents( self, texts=None, doc_topics=None, width=700, height=700, point_size=5, title="Document Visualization", extra_info={}, colors=None, filepath=None, ): """ Generates a visualization of a set of documents based on model. If <texts> is supplied, raw documents will be first transformed into document-topic matrix. If <doc_topics> is supplied, then this will be used for visualization instead. Args: texts(list of str): list of document texts. Mutually-exclusive with <doc_topics> doc_topics(ndarray): pre-computed topic distribution for each document in texts. Mutually-exclusive with <texts>. width(int): width of image height(int): height of image point_size(int): size of circles in plot title(str): title of visualization extra_info(dict of lists): A user-supplied information for each datapoint (attributes of the datapoint). The keys are field names. The values are lists - each of which must be the same number of elements as <texts> or <doc_topics>. These fields are displayed when hovering over datapoints in the visualization. colors(list of str): list of Hex color codes for each datapoint. Length of list must match either len(texts) or doc_topics.shape[0] filepath(str): Optional filepath to save the interactive visualization """ # error-checking if texts is not None: length = len(texts) else: length = doc_topics.shape[0] if colors is not None and len(colors) != length: raise ValueError( "length of colors is not consistent with length of texts or doctopics" ) if texts is not None and doc_topics is not None: raise ValueError("texts is mutually-exclusive with doc_topics") if texts is None and doc_topics is None: raise ValueError("One of texts or doc_topics is required.") if extra_info: invalid_keys = ["x", "y", "topic", "fill_color"] for k in extra_info.keys(): if k in invalid_keys: raise ValueError('cannot use "%s" as key in extra_info' % (k)) lst = extra_info[k] if len(lst) != length: raise ValueError("texts and extra_info lists must be same size") # check fo bokeh try: import bokeh.plotting as bp from import output_notebook from bokeh.models import HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import save except: warnings.warn( "visualize_documents method requires bokeh package: pip install bokeh" ) return # prepare data if doc_topics is not None: X_topics = doc_topics else: if self.verbose: print("transforming texts...", end="") X_topics = self.predict(texts, harden=False) if self.verbose: print("done.") # reduce to 2-D if self.verbose: print("reducing to 2 dimensions...", end="") tsne_model = TSNE( n_components=2, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=0, angle=0.99, init="pca" ) tsne_lda = tsne_model.fit_transform(X_topics) print("done.") # get random colormap colormap = U.get_random_colors(self.n_topics) # generate inline visualization in Jupyter notebook lda_keys = self._harden_topics(X_topics) if colors is None: colors = colormap[lda_keys] topic_summaries = self.get_topics(n_words=5) os.environ["BOKEH_RESOURCES"] = "inline" output_notebook() dct = { "x": tsne_lda[:, 0], "y": tsne_lda[:, 1], "topic": [topic_summaries[tid] for tid in lda_keys], "fill_color": colors, } tool_tups = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x,$y)"), ("topic", "@topic")] for k in extra_info.keys(): dct[k] = extra_info[k] tool_tups.append((k, "@" + k)) source = bp.ColumnDataSource(data=dct) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tool_tups) p = bp.figure( width=width, height=height, tools=[hover, "save", "pan", "wheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "reset"], # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", title=title, ) # plot_lda = bp.figure(plot_width=1400, plot_height=1100, # title=title, # tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", # x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1)"x", "y", size=point_size, source=source, fill_color="fill_color") if filepath is not None: bp.output_file(filepath) return