Module ktrain.text.ner.preprocessor

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from ... import utils as U
from ...imports import *
from ...preprocessor import Preprocessor
from .. import preprocessor as tpp
from .. import textutils as TU

W2V = "word2vec"

WORD_COL = "Word"
TAG_COL = "Tag"
SENT_COL = "SentenceID"

# tokenizer_filter = rs='!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n'
# re_tok = re.compile(f'([{string.punctuation}“”¨«»®´·º½¾¿¡§£₤‘’])')
# def tokenize(s): return re_tok.sub(r' \1 ', s).split()

class NERPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
    NER preprocessing base class

    def __init__(self, p):
        self.p = p
        self.c = p._label_vocab._id2token

    def get_preprocessor(self):
        return self.p

    def get_classes(self):
        return self.c

    def filter_embeddings(self, embeddings, vocab, dim):
        """Loads word vectors in numpy array.

            embeddings (dict or TransformerEmbedding): a dictionary of numpy array or Transformer Embedding instance
            vocab (dict): word_index lookup table.

            numpy array: an array of word embeddings.
        if not isinstance(embeddings, dict):
        _embeddings = np.zeros([len(vocab), dim])
        for word in vocab:
            if word in embeddings:
                word_idx = vocab[word]
                _embeddings[word_idx] = embeddings[word]
        return _embeddings

    def get_wv_model(self, wv_path_or_url, verbose=1):
        if wv_path_or_url is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "wordvector_path_or_url is empty: supply a file path or "
                + "URL to fasttext word vector file"
        if verbose:
                "pretrained word embeddings will be loaded from:\n\t%s"
                % (wv_path_or_url)
        word_embedding_dim = 300  # all fasttext word vectors are of dim=300
        embs = tpp.load_wv(wv_path_or_url, verbose=verbose)
        wv_model = self.filter_embeddings(
            embs, self.p._word_vocab.vocab, word_embedding_dim
        return (wv_model, word_embedding_dim)

    def preprocess(self, sentences, lang=None, custom_tokenizer=None):
        if type(sentences) != list:
            raise ValueError("Param sentences must be a list of strings")

        # language detection
        if lang is None:
            lang = TU.detect_lang(sentences)

        # set tokenizer
        if custom_tokenizer is not None:
            tokfunc = custom_tokenizer
        elif TU.is_chinese(
            lang, strict=False
        ):  # strict=False: workaround for langdetect bug on short chinese texts
            tokfunc = lambda text: [c for c in text]
            tokfunc = TU.tokenize

        # preprocess
        X = []
        y = []
        for s in sentences:
            tokens = tokfunc(s)
            y.append([OTHER] * len(tokens))
        from .dataset import NERSequence

        nerseq = NERSequence(X, y, p=self.p)
        return nerseq

    def preprocess_test(self, x_test, y_test, verbose=1):
          x_test(list of lists of str): lists of token lists
          x_test (list of lists of str):  lists of tag lists
          verbose(bool): verbosity
          NERSequence:  can be used as argument to NERLearner.validate() to evaluate test sets
        # array > df > array in order to print statistics more easily
        from .data import array_to_df

        test_df = array_to_df(x_test, y_test)
        (x_list, y_list) = process_df(test_df, verbose=verbose)
        from .dataset import NERSequence

        return NERSequence(x_list, y_list, batch_size=U.DEFAULT_BS, p=self.p)

    def preprocess_test_from_conll2003(self, filepath, verbose=1):
        df = conll2003_to_df(filepath)
        (x, y) = process_df(df)
        return self.preprocess_test(x, y, verbose=verbose)

    def undo(self, nerseq):
        undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by:
        converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
        return [" ".join(e) for e in nerseq.x]

    def fit(self, X, y):
        Learn vocabulary from training set
        """, y)

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        Transform documents to sequences of word IDs
        return self.p.transform(X, y=y)

def array_to_df(x_list, y_list):
    ids = []
    words = []
    tags = []
    for idx, lst in enumerate(x_list):
        length = len(lst)
        ids.extend([idx] * length)
    return pd.DataFrame(zip(ids, words, tags), columns=[SENT_COL, WORD_COL, TAG_COL])

def conll2003_to_df(filepath, encoding="latin1"):
    # read data and convert to dataframe
    sents, words, tags = [], [], []
    sent_id = 0
    docstart = False
    with open(filepath, encoding=encoding) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.rstrip()
            if line:
                if line.startswith("-DOCSTART-"):
                    docstart = True
                    docstart = False
                    parts = line.split()
                if not docstart:
                    sent_id += 1
    df = pd.DataFrame({SENT_COL: sents, WORD_COL: words, TAG_COL: tags})
    df = df.fillna(method="ffill")
    return df

def gmb_to_df(filepath, encoding="latin1"):
    df = pd.read_csv(filepath, encoding=encoding)
    df = df.fillna(method="ffill")
    return df

def process_df(
    df, sentence_column="SentenceID", word_column="Word", tag_column="Tag", verbose=1
    Extract words, tags, and sentences from dataframe

    # get words and tags
    words = list(set(df[word_column].values))
    n_words = len(words)
    tags = list(set(df[tag_column].values))
    n_tags = len(tags)
    if verbose:
        print("Number of sentences: ", len(df.groupby([sentence_column])))
        print("Number of words in the dataset: ", n_words)
        print("Tags:", tags)
        print("Number of Labels: ", n_tags)

    # retrieve all sentences
    getter = SentenceGetter(df, word_column, tag_column, sentence_column)
    sentences = getter.sentences
    largest_sen = max(len(sen) for sen in sentences)
    if verbose:
        print("Longest sentence: {} words".format(largest_sen))
    data = [list(zip(*s)) for s in sentences]
    X = [list(e[0]) for e in data]
    y = [list(e[1]) for e in data]
    return (X, y)

class SentenceGetter(object):
    """Class to Get the sentence in this format:
    [(Token_1, Part_of_Speech_1, Tag_1), ..., (Token_n, Part_of_Speech_1, Tag_1)]"""

    def __init__(self, data, word_column, tag_column, sentence_column):
        data is the pandas.DataFrame which contains the above dataset"""
        self.n_sent = 1 = data
        self.empty = False
        agg_func = lambda s: [
            (w, t)
            for w, t in zip(
                s[word_column].values.tolist(), s[tag_column].values.tolist()
        self.grouped =
        self.sentences = [s for s in self.grouped]

    def get_next(self):
        """Return one sentence"""
            s = self.grouped["Sentence: {}".format(self.n_sent)]
            self.n_sent += 1
            return s
            return None


def array_to_df(x_list, y_list)
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def array_to_df(x_list, y_list):
    ids = []
    words = []
    tags = []
    for idx, lst in enumerate(x_list):
        length = len(lst)
        ids.extend([idx] * length)
    return pd.DataFrame(zip(ids, words, tags), columns=[SENT_COL, WORD_COL, TAG_COL])
def conll2003_to_df(filepath, encoding='latin1')
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def conll2003_to_df(filepath, encoding="latin1"):
    # read data and convert to dataframe
    sents, words, tags = [], [], []
    sent_id = 0
    docstart = False
    with open(filepath, encoding=encoding) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.rstrip()
            if line:
                if line.startswith("-DOCSTART-"):
                    docstart = True
                    docstart = False
                    parts = line.split()
                if not docstart:
                    sent_id += 1
    df = pd.DataFrame({SENT_COL: sents, WORD_COL: words, TAG_COL: tags})
    df = df.fillna(method="ffill")
    return df
def gmb_to_df(filepath, encoding='latin1')
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def gmb_to_df(filepath, encoding="latin1"):
    df = pd.read_csv(filepath, encoding=encoding)
    df = df.fillna(method="ffill")
    return df
def process_df(df, sentence_column='SentenceID', word_column='Word', tag_column='Tag', verbose=1)

Extract words, tags, and sentences from dataframe

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def process_df(
    df, sentence_column="SentenceID", word_column="Word", tag_column="Tag", verbose=1
    Extract words, tags, and sentences from dataframe

    # get words and tags
    words = list(set(df[word_column].values))
    n_words = len(words)
    tags = list(set(df[tag_column].values))
    n_tags = len(tags)
    if verbose:
        print("Number of sentences: ", len(df.groupby([sentence_column])))
        print("Number of words in the dataset: ", n_words)
        print("Tags:", tags)
        print("Number of Labels: ", n_tags)

    # retrieve all sentences
    getter = SentenceGetter(df, word_column, tag_column, sentence_column)
    sentences = getter.sentences
    largest_sen = max(len(sen) for sen in sentences)
    if verbose:
        print("Longest sentence: {} words".format(largest_sen))
    data = [list(zip(*s)) for s in sentences]
    X = [list(e[0]) for e in data]
    y = [list(e[1]) for e in data]
    return (X, y)


class NERPreprocessor (p)

NER preprocessing base class

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class NERPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
    NER preprocessing base class

    def __init__(self, p):
        self.p = p
        self.c = p._label_vocab._id2token

    def get_preprocessor(self):
        return self.p

    def get_classes(self):
        return self.c

    def filter_embeddings(self, embeddings, vocab, dim):
        """Loads word vectors in numpy array.

            embeddings (dict or TransformerEmbedding): a dictionary of numpy array or Transformer Embedding instance
            vocab (dict): word_index lookup table.

            numpy array: an array of word embeddings.
        if not isinstance(embeddings, dict):
        _embeddings = np.zeros([len(vocab), dim])
        for word in vocab:
            if word in embeddings:
                word_idx = vocab[word]
                _embeddings[word_idx] = embeddings[word]
        return _embeddings

    def get_wv_model(self, wv_path_or_url, verbose=1):
        if wv_path_or_url is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "wordvector_path_or_url is empty: supply a file path or "
                + "URL to fasttext word vector file"
        if verbose:
                "pretrained word embeddings will be loaded from:\n\t%s"
                % (wv_path_or_url)
        word_embedding_dim = 300  # all fasttext word vectors are of dim=300
        embs = tpp.load_wv(wv_path_or_url, verbose=verbose)
        wv_model = self.filter_embeddings(
            embs, self.p._word_vocab.vocab, word_embedding_dim
        return (wv_model, word_embedding_dim)

    def preprocess(self, sentences, lang=None, custom_tokenizer=None):
        if type(sentences) != list:
            raise ValueError("Param sentences must be a list of strings")

        # language detection
        if lang is None:
            lang = TU.detect_lang(sentences)

        # set tokenizer
        if custom_tokenizer is not None:
            tokfunc = custom_tokenizer
        elif TU.is_chinese(
            lang, strict=False
        ):  # strict=False: workaround for langdetect bug on short chinese texts
            tokfunc = lambda text: [c for c in text]
            tokfunc = TU.tokenize

        # preprocess
        X = []
        y = []
        for s in sentences:
            tokens = tokfunc(s)
            y.append([OTHER] * len(tokens))
        from .dataset import NERSequence

        nerseq = NERSequence(X, y, p=self.p)
        return nerseq

    def preprocess_test(self, x_test, y_test, verbose=1):
          x_test(list of lists of str): lists of token lists
          x_test (list of lists of str):  lists of tag lists
          verbose(bool): verbosity
          NERSequence:  can be used as argument to NERLearner.validate() to evaluate test sets
        # array > df > array in order to print statistics more easily
        from .data import array_to_df

        test_df = array_to_df(x_test, y_test)
        (x_list, y_list) = process_df(test_df, verbose=verbose)
        from .dataset import NERSequence

        return NERSequence(x_list, y_list, batch_size=U.DEFAULT_BS, p=self.p)

    def preprocess_test_from_conll2003(self, filepath, verbose=1):
        df = conll2003_to_df(filepath)
        (x, y) = process_df(df)
        return self.preprocess_test(x, y, verbose=verbose)

    def undo(self, nerseq):
        undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by:
        converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
        return [" ".join(e) for e in nerseq.x]

    def fit(self, X, y):
        Learn vocabulary from training set
        """, y)

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        Transform documents to sequences of word IDs
        return self.p.transform(X, y=y)



def filter_embeddings(self, embeddings, vocab, dim)

Loads word vectors in numpy array.


embeddings : dict or TransformerEmbedding
a dictionary of numpy array or Transformer Embedding instance
vocab : dict
word_index lookup table.


numpy array
an array of word embeddings.
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def filter_embeddings(self, embeddings, vocab, dim):
    """Loads word vectors in numpy array.

        embeddings (dict or TransformerEmbedding): a dictionary of numpy array or Transformer Embedding instance
        vocab (dict): word_index lookup table.

        numpy array: an array of word embeddings.
    if not isinstance(embeddings, dict):
    _embeddings = np.zeros([len(vocab), dim])
    for word in vocab:
        if word in embeddings:
            word_idx = vocab[word]
            _embeddings[word_idx] = embeddings[word]
    return _embeddings
def fit(self, X, y)

Learn vocabulary from training set

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def fit(self, X, y):
    Learn vocabulary from training set
    """, y)
def get_classes(self)
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def get_classes(self):
    return self.c
def get_preprocessor(self)
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def get_preprocessor(self):
    return self.p
def get_wv_model(self, wv_path_or_url, verbose=1)
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def get_wv_model(self, wv_path_or_url, verbose=1):
    if wv_path_or_url is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "wordvector_path_or_url is empty: supply a file path or "
            + "URL to fasttext word vector file"
    if verbose:
            "pretrained word embeddings will be loaded from:\n\t%s"
            % (wv_path_or_url)
    word_embedding_dim = 300  # all fasttext word vectors are of dim=300
    embs = tpp.load_wv(wv_path_or_url, verbose=verbose)
    wv_model = self.filter_embeddings(
        embs, self.p._word_vocab.vocab, word_embedding_dim
    return (wv_model, word_embedding_dim)
def preprocess(self, sentences, lang=None, custom_tokenizer=None)
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def preprocess(self, sentences, lang=None, custom_tokenizer=None):
    if type(sentences) != list:
        raise ValueError("Param sentences must be a list of strings")

    # language detection
    if lang is None:
        lang = TU.detect_lang(sentences)

    # set tokenizer
    if custom_tokenizer is not None:
        tokfunc = custom_tokenizer
    elif TU.is_chinese(
        lang, strict=False
    ):  # strict=False: workaround for langdetect bug on short chinese texts
        tokfunc = lambda text: [c for c in text]
        tokfunc = TU.tokenize

    # preprocess
    X = []
    y = []
    for s in sentences:
        tokens = tokfunc(s)
        y.append([OTHER] * len(tokens))
    from .dataset import NERSequence

    nerseq = NERSequence(X, y, p=self.p)
    return nerseq
def preprocess_test(self, x_test, y_test, verbose=1)


x_test(list of lists of str): lists of token lists
x_test : list of lists of str
lists of tag lists

verbose(bool): verbosity


can be used as argument to NERLearner.validate() to evaluate test sets
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def preprocess_test(self, x_test, y_test, verbose=1):
      x_test(list of lists of str): lists of token lists
      x_test (list of lists of str):  lists of tag lists
      verbose(bool): verbosity
      NERSequence:  can be used as argument to NERLearner.validate() to evaluate test sets
    # array > df > array in order to print statistics more easily
    from .data import array_to_df

    test_df = array_to_df(x_test, y_test)
    (x_list, y_list) = process_df(test_df, verbose=verbose)
    from .dataset import NERSequence

    return NERSequence(x_list, y_list, batch_size=U.DEFAULT_BS, p=self.p)
def preprocess_test_from_conll2003(self, filepath, verbose=1)
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def preprocess_test_from_conll2003(self, filepath, verbose=1):
    df = conll2003_to_df(filepath)
    (x, y) = process_df(df)
    return self.preprocess_test(x, y, verbose=verbose)
def transform(self, X, y=None)

Transform documents to sequences of word IDs

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def transform(self, X, y=None):
    Transform documents to sequences of word IDs
    return self.p.transform(X, y=y)
def undo(self, nerseq)

undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by: converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words

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def undo(self, nerseq):
    undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by:
    converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
    return [" ".join(e) for e in nerseq.x]
class SentenceGetter (data, word_column, tag_column, sentence_column)

Class to Get the sentence in this format: [(Token_1, Part_of_Speech_1, Tag_1), …, (Token_n, Part_of_Speech_1, Tag_1)]

Args: data is the pandas.DataFrame which contains the above dataset

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class SentenceGetter(object):
    """Class to Get the sentence in this format:
    [(Token_1, Part_of_Speech_1, Tag_1), ..., (Token_n, Part_of_Speech_1, Tag_1)]"""

    def __init__(self, data, word_column, tag_column, sentence_column):
        data is the pandas.DataFrame which contains the above dataset"""
        self.n_sent = 1 = data
        self.empty = False
        agg_func = lambda s: [
            (w, t)
            for w, t in zip(
                s[word_column].values.tolist(), s[tag_column].values.tolist()
        self.grouped =
        self.sentences = [s for s in self.grouped]

    def get_next(self):
        """Return one sentence"""
            s = self.grouped["Sentence: {}".format(self.n_sent)]
            self.n_sent += 1
            return s
            return None


def get_next(self)

Return one sentence

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def get_next(self):
    """Return one sentence"""
        s = self.grouped["Sentence: {}".format(self.n_sent)]
        self.n_sent += 1
        return s
        return None