Module ktrain.text.preprocessor
Expand source code
from transformers import (
from .. import utils as U
from ..imports import *
from ..preprocessor import Preprocessor
from . import textutils as TU
DISTILBERT = "distilbert"
NOSPACE_LANGS = ["zh-cn", "zh-tw", "ja"]
def is_nospace_lang(lang):
return lang in NOSPACE_LANGS
def fname_from_url(url):
return os.path.split(url)[-1]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Word Vectors
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WV_URL = ""
# WV_URL = '
def get_wv_path(wv_path_or_url=WV_URL):
# process if file path given
if os.path.isfile(wv_path_or_url) and wv_path_or_url.endswith("vec"):
return wv_path_or_url
elif os.path.isfile(wv_path_or_url):
raise ValueError(
"wv_path_or_url must either be URL or .vec.gz file or file path to .vec file"
# process if URL is given
fasttext_url = ""
if not wv_path_or_url.startswith(fasttext_url):
raise ValueError("selected word vector file must be from %s" % (fasttext_url))
if not wv_path_or_url.endswith("") and not wv_path_or_url.endswith(
raise ValueError(
"If wv_path_or_url is URL, must be filea from Facebook fasttext site."
ktrain_data = U.get_ktrain_data()
zip_fpath = os.path.join(ktrain_data, fname_from_url(wv_path_or_url))
wv_path = os.path.join(
ktrain_data, os.path.splitext(fname_from_url(wv_path_or_url))[0]
if not os.path.isfile(wv_path):
# download zip
print("downloading pretrained word vectors to %s ..." % (ktrain_data)), zip_fpath)
# unzip
print("\nextracting pretrained word vectors...")
if wv_path_or_url.endswith(""):
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fpath, "r") as zip_ref:
else: # .vec.gz
with, "rb") as f_in:
with open(wv_path, "wb") as f_out:
shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
# cleanup
print("cleanup downloaded zip...")
except OSError:
print("failed to cleanup/remove %s" % (zip_fpath))
return wv_path
def get_coefs(word, *arr):
return word, np.asarray(arr, dtype="float32")
# def load_wv(wv_path=None, verbose=1):
# if verbose: print('Loading pretrained word vectors...this may take a few moments...')
# if wv_path is None: wv_path = get_wv_path()
# embeddings_index = dict(get_coefs(*o.rstrip().rsplit(' ')) for o in open(wv_path, encoding='utf-8'))
# if verbose: print('Done.')
# return embeddings_index
def file_len(fname):
with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
return i + 1
def load_wv(wv_path_or_url=WV_URL, verbose=1):
wv_path = get_wv_path(wv_path_or_url)
if verbose:
print("loading pretrained word vectors...this may take a few moments...")
length = file_len(wv_path)
tups = []
mb = master_bar(range(1))
for i in mb:
f = open(wv_path, encoding="utf-8")
for o in progress_bar(range(length), parent=mb):
o = f.readline()
tups.append(get_coefs(*o.rstrip().rsplit(" ")))
# if verbose: mb.write('done.')
return dict(tups)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BERT_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(localbert.__file__)), 'uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12')
def get_bert_path(lang="en"):
if lang == "en":
bert_url = BERT_URL
elif lang.startswith("zh-"):
bert_url = BERT_URL_CN
bert_url = BERT_URL_MULTI
ktrain_data = U.get_ktrain_data()
zip_fpath = os.path.join(ktrain_data, fname_from_url(bert_url))
bert_path = os.path.join(ktrain_data, os.path.splitext(fname_from_url(bert_url))[0])
if (
not os.path.isdir(bert_path)
or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "bert_config.json"))
or not os.path.isfile(
os.path.join(bert_path, "")
or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "bert_model.ckpt.index"))
or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "bert_model.ckpt.meta"))
or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "vocab.txt"))
# download zip
print("downloading pretrained BERT model (%s)..." % (fname_from_url(bert_url))), zip_fpath)
# unzip
print("\nextracting pretrained BERT model...")
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fpath, "r") as zip_ref:
# cleanup
print("cleanup downloaded zip...")
except OSError:
print("failed to cleanup/remove %s" % (zip_fpath))
return bert_path
def bert_tokenize(docs, tokenizer, max_length, verbose=1):
if verbose:
mb = master_bar(range(1))
pb = progress_bar(docs, parent=mb)
mb = range(1)
pb = docs
indices = []
for i in mb:
for doc in pb:
doc = str(doc) if isinstance(doc, (float, int)) else doc
ids, segments = tokenizer.encode(doc, max_len=max_length)
if verbose:
zeros = np.zeros_like(indices)
return [np.array(indices), np.array(zeros)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Transformers UTILITIES
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# def convert_to_tfdataset(csv):
# def gen():
# for ex in csv:
# yield {'idx': ex[0],
#'sentence': ex[1],
#'label': str(ex[2])}
# return,
# {'idx': tf.int64,
#'sentence': tf.string,
#'label': tf.int64})
# def features_to_tfdataset(features):
# def gen():
# for ex in features:
# yield ({'input_ids': ex.input_ids,
# 'attention_mask': ex.attention_mask,
# 'token_type_ids': ex.token_type_ids},
# ex.label)
# return,
# ({'input_ids': tf.int32,
# 'attention_mask': tf.int32,
# 'token_type_ids': tf.int32},
# tf.int64),
# ({'input_ids': tf.TensorShape([None]),
# 'attention_mask': tf.TensorShape([None]),
# 'token_type_ids': tf.TensorShape([None])},
# tf.TensorShape([None])))
# #tf.TensorShape(])))
def _is_sentence_pair(tup):
if (
isinstance(tup, (tuple))
and len(tup) == 2
and isinstance(tup[0], str)
and isinstance(tup[1], str)
return True
# if (
# isinstance(tup, (list, np.ndarray))
# and len(tup) == 2
# and isinstance(tup[0], str)
# and isinstance(tup[1], str)
# ):
# warnings.warn(
# "List or array of two texts supplied, so task being treated as text classification. "
# + "If this is a sentence pair classification task, please cast to tuple."
# )
return False
def detect_text_format(texts):
is_pair = False
is_array = False
err_msg = "invalid text format: texts should be list of strings or list of sentence pairs in form of tuples (str, str)"
if _is_sentence_pair(texts):
is_pair = True
is_array = False
elif isinstance(texts, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
is_array = True
if len(texts) == 0:
raise ValueError("texts is empty")
peek = texts[0]
is_pair = _is_sentence_pair(peek)
if not is_pair and not isinstance(peek, str):
raise ValueError(err_msg)
return is_array, is_pair
def hf_features_to_tfdataset(features_list, labels):
features_list = np.array(features_list)
labels = np.array(labels) if labels is not None else None
tfdataset =, labels))
tfdataset =
lambda x, y: (
{"input_ids": x[0], "attention_mask": x[1], "token_type_ids": x[2]},
return tfdataset
def hf_convert_example(
convert InputExample to InputFeature for Hugging Face transformer
if tokenizer is None:
raise ValueError("tokenizer is required")
inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(
input_ids, token_type_ids = inputs["input_ids"], inputs["token_type_ids"]
# The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real
# tokens are attended to.
attention_mask = [1 if mask_padding_with_zero else 0] * len(input_ids)
# Zero-pad up to the sequence length.
padding_length = max_length - len(input_ids)
if pad_on_left:
input_ids = ([pad_token] * padding_length) + input_ids
attention_mask = (
[0 if mask_padding_with_zero else 1] * padding_length
) + attention_mask
token_type_ids = ([pad_token_segment_id] * padding_length) + token_type_ids
input_ids = input_ids + ([pad_token] * padding_length)
attention_mask = attention_mask + (
[0 if mask_padding_with_zero else 1] * padding_length
token_type_ids = token_type_ids + ([pad_token_segment_id] * padding_length)
assert len(input_ids) == max_length, "Error with input length {} vs {}".format(
len(input_ids), max_length
assert len(attention_mask) == max_length, "Error with input length {} vs {}".format(
len(attention_mask), max_length
assert len(token_type_ids) == max_length, "Error with input length {} vs {}".format(
len(token_type_ids), max_length
# if ex_index < 1:
# print("*** Example ***")
# print("guid: %s" % (example.guid))
# print("input_ids: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in input_ids]))
# print("attention_mask: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in attention_mask]))
# print("token_type_ids: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in token_type_ids]))
# print("label: %s (id = %d)" % (example.label, label))
return [input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TextPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
Text preprocessing base class
def __init__(self, maxlen, class_names, lang="en", multilabel=None):
self.set_classes(class_names) # converts to list of necessary
self.maxlen = maxlen
self.lang = lang
self.multilabel = multilabel # currently, this is always initially set None until set by set_multilabel
self.preprocess_train_called = False
# self.label_encoder = None # only set if y is in string format
self.ytransform = None
self.c = self.c.tolist() if isinstance(self.c, np.ndarray) else self.c
def migrate_classes(self, class_names, classes):
# NOTE: this method transforms to np.ndarray to list.
# If removed and "if class_names" is issued prior to set_classes(), an error will occur.
class_names = (
class_names.tolist() if isinstance(class_names, np.ndarray) else class_names
classes = classes.tolist() if isinstance(classes, np.ndarray) else classes
if not class_names and classes:
class_names = classes
"The class_names argument is replacing the classes argument. Please update your code."
return class_names
def get_tokenizer(self):
raise NotImplementedError("This method was not overridden in subclass")
def check_trained(self):
if not self.preprocess_train_called:
"The method preprocess_train was never called. You can disable this warning by setting preprocess_train_called=True."
# raise Exception('preprocess_train must be called')
def get_preprocessor(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_classes(self):
return self.c
def set_classes(self, class_names):
self.c = (
class_names.tolist() if isinstance(class_names, np.ndarray) else class_names
def preprocess(self, texts):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_multilabel(self, data, mode, verbose=1):
if mode == "train" and self.get_classes():
original_multilabel = self.multilabel
discovered_multilabel = U.is_multilabel(data)
if original_multilabel is None:
self.multilabel = discovered_multilabel
elif original_multilabel is True and discovered_multilabel is False:
"The multilabel=True argument was supplied, but labels do not indicate "
+ "a multilabel problem (labels appear to be mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=True anyways."
elif original_multilabel is False and discovered_multilabel is True:
"The multilabel=False argument was supplied, but labels inidcate that "
+ "this is a multilabel problem (labels are not mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=False anyways."
U.vprint("Is Multi-Label? %s" % (self.multilabel), verbose=verbose)
def undo(self, doc):
undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by:
converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
raise NotImplementedError
def is_chinese(self):
return TU.is_chinese(self.lang)
def is_nospace_lang(self):
return TU.is_nospace_lang(self.lang)
def process_chinese(self, texts, lang=None):
# if lang is None: lang = langdetect.detect(texts[0])
if lang is None:
lang = TU.detect_lang(texts)
if not TU.is_nospace_lang(lang):
return texts
return TU.split_chinese(texts)
def seqlen_stats(cls, list_of_texts):
compute sequence length stats from
list of texts in any spaces-segmented language
list_of_texts: list of strings
dict: dictionary with keys: mean, 95percentile, 99percentile
counts = []
for text in list_of_texts:
if isinstance(text, (list, np.ndarray)):
lst = text
lst = text.split()
p95 = np.percentile(counts, 95)
p99 = np.percentile(counts, 99)
avg = sum(counts) / len(counts)
return {"mean": avg, "95percentile": p95, "99percentile": p99}
def print_seqlen_stats(self, texts, mode, verbose=1):
prints stats about sequence lengths
if verbose and not self.is_nospace_lang():
stat_dict = TextPreprocessor.seqlen_stats(texts)
print("%s sequence lengths:" % mode)
for k in stat_dict:
print("\t%s : %s" % (k, int(round(stat_dict[k]))))
def _transform_y(self, y_data, train=False, verbose=1):
preprocess y
If shape of y is 1, then task is considered classification if self.c exists
or regression if not.
if self.ytransform is None:
self.ytransform = U.YTransform(class_names=self.get_classes())
y = self.ytransform.apply(y_data, train=train)
if train:
self.c = self.ytransform.get_classes()
return y
class StandardTextPreprocessor(TextPreprocessor):
Standard text preprocessing
def __init__(
class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes)
super().__init__(maxlen, class_names, lang=lang, multilabel=multilabel)
self.tok = None
self.tok_dct = {}
self.max_features = max_features
self.ngram_range = ngram_range
def get_tokenizer(self):
return self.tok
def __getstate__(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items()}
def __setstate__(self, state):
For backwards compatibility with pre-ytransform versions
if not hasattr(self, "ytransform"):
le = self.label_encoder if hasattr(self, "label_encoder") else None
self.ytransform = U.YTransform(
class_names=self.get_classes(), label_encoder=le
def get_preprocessor(self):
return (self.tok, self.tok_dct)
def preprocess(self, texts):
return self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0)[0]
def undo(self, doc):
undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by:
converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
dct = self.tok.index_word
return " ".join([dct[wid] for wid in doc if wid != 0 and wid in dct])
def preprocess_train(self, train_text, y_train, verbose=1):
preprocess training set
if self.lang is None:
self.lang = TU.detect_lang(train_text)
U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose)
# special processing if Chinese
train_text = self.process_chinese(train_text, lang=self.lang)
# extract vocabulary
self.tok = keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(num_words=self.max_features)
U.vprint("Word Counts: {}".format(len(self.tok.word_counts)), verbose=verbose)
U.vprint("Nrows: {}".format(len(train_text)), verbose=verbose)
# convert to word IDs
x_train = self.tok.texts_to_sequences(train_text)
U.vprint("{} train sequences".format(len(x_train)), verbose=verbose)
self.print_seqlen_stats(x_train, "train", verbose=verbose)
# add ngrams
x_train = self._fit_ngrams(x_train, verbose=verbose)
# pad sequences
x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(
x_train, maxlen=self.maxlen
"x_train shape: ({},{})".format(x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1]),
# transform y
y_train = self._transform_y(y_train, train=True, verbose=verbose)
if y_train is not None and verbose:
print("y_train shape: %s" % (y_train.shape,))
# return
result = (x_train, y_train)
self.set_multilabel(result, "train")
self.preprocess_train_called = True
return result
def preprocess_test(self, test_text, y_test=None, verbose=1):
preprocess validation or test dataset
if self.tok is None or self.lang is None:
raise Exception(
"Unfitted tokenizer or missing language. Did you run preprocess_train first?"
# check for and process chinese
test_text = self.process_chinese(test_text, self.lang)
# convert to word IDs
x_test = self.tok.texts_to_sequences(test_text)
U.vprint("{} test sequences".format(len(x_test)), verbose=verbose)
self.print_seqlen_stats(x_test, "test", verbose=verbose)
# add n-grams
x_test = self._add_ngrams(x_test, mode="test", verbose=verbose)
# pad sequences
x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=self.maxlen)
"x_test shape: ({},{})".format(x_test.shape[0], x_test.shape[1]),
# transform y
y_test = self._transform_y(y_test, train=False, verbose=verbose)
if y_test is not None and verbose:
print("y_test shape: %s" % (y_test.shape,))
# return
return (x_test, y_test)
def _fit_ngrams(self, x_train, verbose=1):
self.tok_dct = {}
if self.ngram_range < 2:
return x_train
U.vprint("Adding {}-gram features".format(self.ngram_range), verbose=verbose)
# Create set of unique n-gram from the training set.
ngram_set = set()
for input_list in x_train:
for i in range(2, self.ngram_range + 1):
set_of_ngram = self._create_ngram_set(input_list, ngram_value=i)
# Dictionary mapping n-gram token to a unique integer.
# Integer values are greater than max_features in order
# to avoid collision with existing features.
start_index = self.max_features + 1
token_indice = {v: k + start_index for k, v in enumerate(ngram_set)}
indice_token = {token_indice[k]: k for k in token_indice}
self.tok_dct = token_indice
# max_features is the highest integer that could be found in the dataset.
self.max_features = np.max(list(indice_token.keys())) + 1
"max_features changed to %s with addition of ngrams" % (self.max_features),
# Augmenting x_train with n-grams features
x_train = self._add_ngrams(x_train, verbose=verbose, mode="train")
return x_train
def _add_ngrams(self, sequences, verbose=1, mode="test"):
Augment the input list of list (sequences) by appending n-grams values.
Example: adding bi-gram
token_indice = self.tok_dct
if self.ngram_range < 2:
return sequences
new_sequences = []
for input_list in sequences:
new_list = input_list[:]
for ngram_value in range(2, self.ngram_range + 1):
for i in range(len(new_list) - ngram_value + 1):
ngram = tuple(new_list[i : i + ngram_value])
if ngram in token_indice:
"Average {} sequence length with ngrams: {}".format(
mode, np.mean(list(map(len, new_sequences)), dtype=int)
self.print_seqlen_stats(new_sequences, "%s (w/ngrams)" % mode, verbose=verbose)
return new_sequences
def _create_ngram_set(self, input_list, ngram_value=2):
Extract a set of n-grams from a list of integers.
>>> create_ngram_set([1, 4, 9, 4, 1, 4], ngram_value=2)
{(4, 9), (4, 1), (1, 4), (9, 4)}
>>> create_ngram_set([1, 4, 9, 4, 1, 4], ngram_value=3)
[(1, 4, 9), (4, 9, 4), (9, 4, 1), (4, 1, 4)]
return set(zip(*[input_list[i:] for i in range(ngram_value)]))
def ngram_count(self):
if not self.tok_dct:
return 1
s = set()
for k in self.tok_dct.keys():
return max(list(s))
class BERTPreprocessor(TextPreprocessor):
text preprocessing for BERT model
def __init__(
class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes)
if maxlen > 512:
raise ValueError("BERT only supports maxlen <= 512")
super().__init__(maxlen, class_names, lang=lang, multilabel=multilabel)
vocab_path = os.path.join(get_bert_path(lang=lang), "vocab.txt")
token_dict = {}
with, "r", "utf8") as reader:
for line in reader:
token = line.strip()
token_dict[token] = len(token_dict)
tokenizer = BERT_Tokenizer(token_dict)
self.tok = tokenizer
self.tok_dct = dict((v, k) for k, v in token_dict.items())
self.max_features = max_features # ignored
self.ngram_range = 1 # ignored
def get_tokenizer(self):
return self.tok
def __getstate__(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items()}
def __setstate__(self, state):
For backwards compatibility with pre-ytransform versions
if not hasattr(self, "ytransform"):
le = self.label_encoder if hasattr(self, "label_encoder") else None
self.ytransform = U.YTransform(
class_names=self.get_classes(), label_encoder=le
def get_preprocessor(self):
return (self.tok, self.tok_dct)
def preprocess(self, texts):
return self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0)[0]
def undo(self, doc):
undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by:
converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
dct = self.tok_dct
return " ".join([dct[wid] for wid in doc if wid != 0 and wid in dct])
def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1):
preprocess training set
if mode == "train" and y is None:
raise ValueError("y is required when mode=train")
if self.lang is None and mode == "train":
self.lang = TU.detect_lang(texts)
U.vprint("preprocessing %s..." % (mode), verbose=verbose)
U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose)
x = bert_tokenize(texts, self.tok, self.maxlen, verbose=verbose)
# transform y
y = self._transform_y(y, train=mode == "train", verbose=verbose)
result = (x, y)
self.set_multilabel(result, mode)
if mode == "train":
self.preprocess_train_called = True
return result
def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode="test", verbose=1):
return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose)
class TransformersPreprocessor(TextPreprocessor):
text preprocessing for Hugging Face Transformer models
def __init__(
class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes)
if maxlen > 512:
"Transformer models typically only support maxlen <= 512, unless you are using certain models like the Longformer."
super().__init__(maxlen, class_names, lang=lang, multilabel=multilabel)
self.model_name = model_name = model_name.split("-")[0]
if model_name.startswith("xlm-roberta"): = "xlm_roberta"
self.model_name = "jplu/tf-" + self.model_name
else: = model_name.split("-")[0]
self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name)
self.model_type = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification
self.tokenizer_type = AutoTokenizer
# DistilBert call method no longer accepts **kwargs, so we must avoid including token_type_ids parameter
# reference:
self.use_token_type_ids = (
in self.model_type.from_pretrained(
self.use_token_type_ids = (
in self.model_type.from_pretrained(
self.model_name, from_pt=True
# load model as normal to expose error to user
self.use_token_type_ids = (
in self.model_type.from_pretrained(
if "bert-base-japanese" in model_name:
self.tokenizer_type = transformers.BertJapaneseTokenizer
# NOTE: As of v0.16.1, do not unnecessarily instantiate tokenizer
# as it will be saved/pickled along with Preprocessor, which causes
# problems for some community-uploaded models like bert-base-japanse-whole-word-masking.
# tokenizer = self.tokenizer_type.from_pretrained(model_name)
# self.tok = tokenizer
self.tok = None # not pickled, see __getstate__
self.tok_dct = None
self.max_features = max_features # ignored
self.ngram_range = 1 # ignored
def __getstate__(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in ["tok"]}
def __setstate__(self, state):
For backwards compatibility with previous versions of ktrain
that saved tokenizer and did not use ytransform
if not hasattr(self, "tok"):
self.tok = None
if not hasattr(self, "ytransform"):
le = self.label_encoder if hasattr(self, "label_encoder") else None
self.ytransform = U.YTransform(
class_names=self.get_classes(), label_encoder=le
if not hasattr(self, "use_token_type_ids"):
# As a shortcut, we simply set use_token_type_ids to False if model is distilbert,
# as most models use token_type_ids (e.g., bert, deberta, etc.) in their call method
self.use_token_type_ids = != "distilbert"
def set_config(self, config):
self.config = config
def get_config(self):
return self.config
def set_tokenizer(self, tokenizer):
self.tok = tokenizer
def get_tokenizer(self, fpath=None):
model_name = self.model_name if fpath is None else fpath
if self.tok is None:
# use fast tokenizer if possible
if == "bert" and "japanese" not in model_name:
from transformers import BertTokenizerFast
self.tok = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name)
elif == "distilbert":
from transformers import DistilBertTokenizerFast
self.tok = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name)
elif == "roberta":
from transformers import RobertaTokenizerFast
self.tok = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name)
self.tok = self.tokenizer_type.from_pretrained(model_name)
error_msg = (
f"Could not load tokenizer from model_name: {model_name}. "
+ f"If {model_name} is a local path, please make sure it exists and contains tokenizer files from Hugging Face. "
+ f"You can also reset model_name with preproc.model_name = '/your/new/path'."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
return self.tok
def save_tokenizer(self, fpath):
if os.path.isfile(fpath):
raise ValueError(
f"There is an existing file named {fpath}. "
+ "Please use dfferent value for fpath."
elif os.path.exists(fpath):
elif not os.path.exists(fpath):
tok = self.get_tokenizer()
def get_preprocessor(self):
return (self.get_tokenizer(), self.tok_dct)
def preprocess(self, texts):
tseq = self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0)
return tseq.to_tfdataset(train=False)
def undo(self, doc):
undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by:
converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
tok, _ = self.get_preprocessor()
return self.tok.convert_ids_to_tokens(doc)
# raise Exception('currently_unsupported: Transformers.Preprocessor.undo is not yet supported')
def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1):
preprocess training set
U.vprint("preprocessing %s..." % (mode), verbose=verbose)
U.check_array(texts, y=y, X_name="texts")
# detect sentence pairs
is_array, is_pair = detect_text_format(texts)
if not is_array:
raise ValueError(
"texts must be a list of strings or a list of sentence pairs"
# detect language
if self.lang is None and mode == "train":
self.lang = TU.detect_lang(texts)
U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose)
# print stats
if not is_pair:
self.print_seqlen_stats(texts, mode, verbose=verbose)
if is_pair:
U.vprint("sentence pairs detected", verbose=verbose)
# transform y
if y is None and mode == "train":
raise ValueError("y is required for training sets")
elif y is None:
y = np.array([1] * len(texts))
y = self._transform_y(y, train=mode == "train", verbose=verbose)
# convert examples
tok, _ = self.get_preprocessor()
dataset = self.hf_convert_examples(
pad_on_left=bool( in ["xlnet"]),
pad_token_segment_id=4 if in ["xlnet"] else 0,
use_dynamic_shape=False if mode == "train" else True,
self.set_multilabel(dataset, mode, verbose=verbose)
if mode == "train":
self.preprocess_train_called = True
return dataset
def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode="test", verbose=1):
return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose)
def load_model_and_configure_from_data(cls, fpath, transformer_ds):
loads model from file path and configures loss function and metrics automatically
based on inspecting data
fpath(str): path to model folder
transformer_ds(TransformerDataset): an instance of TransformerDataset
is_regression = U.is_regression_from_data(transformer_ds)
multilabel = U.is_multilabel(transformer_ds)
model = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(fpath)
if is_regression:
metrics = ["mae"]
loss_fn = "mse"
metrics = ["accuracy"]
if multilabel:
loss_fn = keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
loss_fn = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics)
return model
def _load_pretrained(self, mname, num_labels):
load pretrained model
if self.config is not None:
self.config.num_labels = num_labels
model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(mname, config=self.config)
"Could not load a Tensorflow version of model. (If this worked before, it might be an out-of-memory issue.) "
+ "Attempting to download/load PyTorch version as TensorFlow model using from_pt=True. You will need PyTorch installed for this."
model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(
mname, config=self.config, from_pt=True
# load model as normal to expose error to user
model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(mname, config=self.config)
# raise ValueError('could not load pretrained model %s using both from_pt=False and from_pt=True' % (mname))
model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(mname, num_labels=num_labels)
# ISSUE 416: mname is either model name (e.g., bert-base-uncased) or path to folder with tokenizer files
return model
def get_classifier(self, fpath=None, multilabel=None, metrics=None):
creates a model for text classification
fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None.
multilabel(bool): If None, multilabel status is discovered from data [recommended].
If True, model will be forcibly configured for multilabel task.
If False, model will be forcibly configured for non-multilabel task.
It is recommended to leave this as None.
metrics(list): Metrics to use. If None, 'binary_accuracy' will be used if multilabel is True
and 'accuracy' is used otherwise.
if not self.get_classes():
warnings.warn("no class labels were provided - treating as regression")
return self.get_regression_model()
# process multilabel task
multilabel = self.multilabel if multilabel is None else multilabel
if multilabel is True and self.multilabel is False:
"The multilabel=True argument was supplied, but labels do not indicate "
+ "a multilabel problem (labels appear to be mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=True anyways."
elif multilabel is False and self.multilabel is True:
"The multilabel=False argument was supplied, but labels inidcate that "
+ "this is a multilabel problem (labels are not mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=False anyways."
if multilabel and metrics is None:
metrics = ["binary_accuracy"]
elif metrics is None:
metrics = ["accuracy"]
if multilabel and metrics == ["accuracy"]:
'For multilabel problems, we recommend you supply the following argument to this method: metrics=["binary_accuracy"]. '
+ "Otherwise, a low accuracy score will be displayed by TensorFlow ("
# setup model
num_labels = len(self.get_classes())
mname = fpath if fpath is not None else self.model_name
model = self._load_pretrained(mname, num_labels)
if multilabel:
loss_fn = keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
loss_fn = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics)
return model
def get_regression_model(self, fpath=None, metrics=["mae"]):
creates a model for text regression
fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None.
metrics(list): metrics to use
if self.get_classes():
"class labels were provided - treating as classification problem"
return self.get_classifier()
num_labels = 1
mname = fpath if fpath is not None else self.model_name
model = self._load_pretrained(mname, num_labels)
loss_fn = "mse"
model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics)
return model
def get_model(self, fpath=None):
if not self.get_classes():
return self.get_regression_model(fpath=fpath)
return self.get_classifier(fpath=fpath)
def hf_convert_examples(
Loads a data file into a list of ``InputFeatures``
texts: texts of documents or sentence pairs
y: labels for documents
tokenizer: Instance of a tokenizer that will tokenize the examples
max_length: Maximum example length
pad_on_left: If set to ``True``, the examples will be padded on the left rather than on the right (default)
pad_token: Padding token
pad_token_segment_id: The segment ID for the padding token (It is usually 0, but can vary such as for XLNet where it is 4)
mask_padding_with_zero: If set to ``True``, the attention mask will be filled by ``1`` for actual values
and by ``0`` for padded values. If set to ``False``, inverts it (``1`` for padded values, ``0`` for
actual values)
use_dynamic_shape(bool): If True, supplied max_length will be ignored and will be computed
based on provided texts instead.
verbose(bool): verbosity
If the ``examples`` input is a ````, will return a ````
containing the task-specific features. If the input is a list of ``InputExamples``, will return
a list of task-specific ``InputFeatures`` which can be fed to the model.
is_array, is_pair = detect_text_format(texts)
if use_dynamic_shape:
sentences = []
for text in texts:
if is_pair:
text_a = text[0]
text_b = text[1]
text_a = text
text_b = None
tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokenizer.encode(text_a, text_b))
# sentences.append(tokenizer.tokenize(text_a, text_b)) # only works for Fast tokenizers
maxlen = (
[tokens for tokens in sentences],
+ 2
if maxlen < max_length:
max_length = maxlen
data = []
features_list = []
labels = []
if verbose:
mb = master_bar(range(1))
pb = progress_bar(texts, parent=mb)
mb = range(1)
pb = texts
for i in mb:
# for (idx, text) in enumerate(progress_bar(texts, parent=mb)):
for idx, text in enumerate(pb):
if is_pair:
text_a = text[0]
text_b = text[1]
text_a = text
text_b = None
features = hf_convert_example(
labels.append(y[idx] if y is not None else None)
# tfdataset = hf_features_to_tfdataset(features_list, labels)
# return tfdataset
# return (features_list, labels)
# due to issues in transormers library and TF2 tf.Datasets, arrays are converted
# to iterators on-the-fly
# return TransformerSequence(np.array(features_list), np.array(labels))
from .dataset import TransformerDataset
return TransformerDataset(
class DistilBertPreprocessor(TransformersPreprocessor):
text preprocessing for Hugging Face DistlBert model
def __init__(
self, maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang="en", ngram_range=1
class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes)
if lang == "en":
model_name = "distilbert-base-uncased"
model_name = "distilbert-base-multilingual-cased"
class Transformer(TransformersPreprocessor):
convenience class for text classification Hugging Face transformers
t = Transformer('distilbert-base-uncased', maxlen=128, classes=['neg', 'pos'], batch_size=16)
train_dataset = t.preprocess_train(train_texts, train_labels)
model = t.get_classifier()
def __init__(
model_name (str): name of Hugging Face pretrained model
maxlen (int): sequence length
class_names(list): list of strings of class names (e.g., 'positive', 'negative').
The index position of string is the class ID.
Not required for:
- regression problems
- binary/multi classification problems where
labels in y_train/y_test are in string format.
In this case, classes will be populated automatically.
get_classes() can be called to view discovered class labels.
The class_names argument replaces the old classes argument.
classes(list): alias for class_names. Included for backwards-compatiblity.
use_with_learner(bool): If False, preprocess_train and preprocess_test
will return tf.Datasets for direct use with
in tf.Keras.
If True, preprocess_train and preprocess_test will
return a ktrain TransformerDataset object for use with
batch_size (int): batch_size - only required if use_with_learner=False
multilabel = None # force discovery of multilabel task from data in preprocess_train->set_multilabel
class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes)
if not use_with_learner and batch_size is None:
raise ValueError("batch_size is required when use_with_learner=False")
if multilabel and (class_names is None or not class_names):
raise ValueError("classes argument is required when multilabel=True")
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.use_with_learner = use_with_learner
self.lang = None
def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1):
Preprocess training set for A Transformer model
Y values can be in one of the following forms:
1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes)
for binary and multiclass text classification.
If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required.
2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive').
If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored,
as class labels will be extracted from y.
3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems
If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird.
4) Numerical values for regression problems.
<class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied
texts (list of strings): text of documents
y: labels
mode (str): If 'train' and prepare_for_learner=False,
a tf.Dataset will be returned with repeat enabled
for training with fit_generator
verbose(bool): verbosity
TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset
tseq = super().preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose)
if self.use_with_learner:
return tseq
tseq.batch_size = self.batch_size
train = mode == "train"
return tseq.to_tfdataset(train=train)
def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, verbose=1):
Preprocess the validation or test set for a Transformer model
Y values can be in one of the following forms:
1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes)
for binary and multiclass text classification.
If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required.
2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive').
If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored,
as class labels will be extracted from y.
3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems
If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird.
4) Numerical values for regression problems.
<class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied
texts (list of strings): text of documents
y: labels
verbose(bool): verbosity
TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset
return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode="test", verbose=verbose)
class TransformerEmbedding:
def __init__(self, model_name, layers=U.DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER_LAYERS):
model_name (str): name of Hugging Face pretrained model.
Choose from here:
layers(list): list of indexes indicating which hidden layers to use when
constructing the embedding (e.g., last=[-1])
self.layers = layers
self.model_name = model_name
if model_name.startswith("xlm-roberta"): = "xlm_roberta"
else: = model_name.split("-")[0]
self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name)
self.model_type = TFAutoModel
self.tokenizer_type = AutoTokenizer
if "bert-base-japanese" in model_name:
self.tokenizer_type = transformers.BertJapaneseTokenizer
self.tokenizer = self.tokenizer_type.from_pretrained(model_name)
self.model = self._load_pretrained(model_name)
self.embsize = self.embed("ktrain", word_level=False).shape[
] # (batch_size, embsize)
warnings.warn("could not determine Embedding size")
# if type(self.model).__name__ not in [
# "TFBertModel",
# "TFDistilBertModel",
# "TFAlbertModel",
# "TFRobertaModel",
# ]:
# raise ValueError(
# "TransformerEmbedding class currently only supports BERT-style models: "
# + "Bert, DistilBert, RoBERTa and Albert and variants like BioBERT and SciBERT\n\n"
# + "model received: %s (%s))" % (type(self.model).__name__, model_name)
# )
def _load_pretrained(self, model_name):
load pretrained model
if self.config is not None:
self.config.output_hidden_states = True
model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(model_name, config=self.config)
"Could not load a Tensorflow version of model. (If this worked before, it might be an out-of-memory issue.) "
+ "Attempting to download/load PyTorch version as TensorFlow model using from_pt=True. You will need PyTorch installed for this."
model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(
model_name, config=self.config, from_pt=True
model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(
model_name, output_hidden_states=True
return model
def _reconstruct_word_ids(self, offsets):
Reverse engineer the word_ids.
word_ids = []
last_word_id = -1
last_offset = (-1, -1)
for o in offsets:
if o == (0, 0):
# must test to see if start is same as last offset start due to xml-roberta quirk with tokens like 070
if o[0] == last_offset[0] or o[0] == last_offset[1]:
elif o[0] > last_offset[1]:
last_word_id += 1
last_offset = o
return word_ids
def embed(
Get embedding for word, phrase, or sentence.
text(str|list): word, phrase, or sentence or list of them representing a batch
word_level(bool): If True, returns embedding for each token in supplied texts.
If False, returns embedding for each text in texts
max_length(int): max length of tokens
aggregation_strategy(str): If 'first', vector of first subword is used as representation.
If 'average', mean of all subword vectors is used.
layers(list): list of indexes indicating which hidden layers to use when
constructing the embedding (e.g., last hidden state is [-1])
np.ndarray : embeddings
if isinstance(texts, str):
texts = [texts]
if not isinstance(texts[0], str):
texts = [" ".join(text) for text in texts]
sentences = []
for text in texts:
maxlen = (
[tokens for tokens in sentences],
+ 2
if max_length is not None and maxlen > max_length:
maxlen = max_length # added due to issue #270
sentences = []
all_input_ids = []
all_input_masks = []
all_word_ids = []
all_offsets = [] # retained but not currently used as of v0.36.1 (#492)
for text in texts:
encoded = self.tokenizer.encode_plus(
text, max_length=maxlen, truncation=True, return_offsets_mapping=True
input_ids = encoded["input_ids"]
offsets = encoded["offset_mapping"]
del encoded["offset_mapping"]
inp = encoded["input_ids"][:]
inp = inp[1:] if inp[0] == self.tokenizer.cls_token_id else inp
inp = inp[:-1] if inp[-1] == self.tokenizer.sep_token_id else inp
tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(inp)
if len(tokens) > maxlen - 2:
tokens = tokens[0 : (maxlen - 2)]
input_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)
while len(input_ids) < maxlen:
# Note about Issue #492:
# deberta includes preceding space in offfset_mapping (
# models like bert-base-case produce word_ids that do not correspond to whitespace tokenization (e.g.,"score 99.9%", "BRUSSELS 1996-08-22")
# Therefore, we use offset_mappings unless the model is deberta for now.
word_ids = (
if "deberta" in self.model_name
else self._reconstruct_word_ids(offsets)
all_input_ids = np.array(all_input_ids)
all_input_masks = np.array(all_input_masks)
outputs = self.model(all_input_ids, attention_mask=all_input_masks)
hidden_states = outputs[-1] # output_hidden_states=True
# compile raw embeddings
if len(self.layers) == 1:
# raw_embeddings = hidden_states[-1].numpy()
raw_embeddings = hidden_states[self.layers[0]].numpy()
raw_embeddings = []
for batch_id in range(hidden_states[0].shape[0]):
token_embeddings = []
for token_id in range(hidden_states[0].shape[1]):
all_layers = []
for layer_id in self.layers:
raw_embeddings = np.array(raw_embeddings)
if not word_level: # sentence-level embedding
return np.mean(raw_embeddings, axis=1)
# all space-separate tokens in input should be assigned a single embedding vector
# example: If 99.9% is a token, then it gets a single embedding.
# example: If input is pre-tokenized (i.e., 99 . 9 %), then there are four embedding vectors
filtered_embeddings = []
for i in range(len(raw_embeddings)):
filtered_embedding = []
raw_embedding = raw_embeddings[i]
subvectors = []
last_word_id = -1
for j in range(len(all_offsets[i])):
word_id = all_word_ids[i][j]
if word_id is None:
if word_id == last_word_id:
if word_id > last_word_id:
if len(subvectors) > 0:
if aggregation_strategy == "average":
filtered_embedding.append(np.mean(subvectors, axis=0))
subvectors = []
last_word_id = word_id
if len(subvectors) > 0:
if aggregation_strategy == "average":
filtered_embedding.append(np.mean(subvectors, axis=0))
subvectors = []
# pad embeddings with zeros
max_length = max([len(e) for e in filtered_embeddings])
embeddings = []
for e in filtered_embeddings:
for i in range(max_length - len(e)):
return np.array(embeddings)
# preprocessors
"standard": StandardTextPreprocessor,
"bert": BERTPreprocessor,
"distilbert": DistilBertPreprocessor,
def bert_tokenize(docs, tokenizer, max_length, verbose=1)
Expand source code
def bert_tokenize(docs, tokenizer, max_length, verbose=1): if verbose: mb = master_bar(range(1)) pb = progress_bar(docs, parent=mb) else: mb = range(1) pb = docs indices = [] for i in mb: for doc in pb: # doc = str(doc) if isinstance(doc, (float, int)) else doc ids, segments = tokenizer.encode(doc, max_len=max_length) indices.append(ids) if verbose: mb.write("done.") zeros = np.zeros_like(indices) return [np.array(indices), np.array(zeros)]
def detect_text_format(texts)
Expand source code
def detect_text_format(texts): is_pair = False is_array = False err_msg = "invalid text format: texts should be list of strings or list of sentence pairs in form of tuples (str, str)" if _is_sentence_pair(texts): is_pair = True is_array = False elif isinstance(texts, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): is_array = True if len(texts) == 0: raise ValueError("texts is empty") peek = texts[0] is_pair = _is_sentence_pair(peek) if not is_pair and not isinstance(peek, str): raise ValueError(err_msg) return is_array, is_pair
def file_len(fname)
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def file_len(fname): with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass return i + 1
def fname_from_url(url)
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def fname_from_url(url): return os.path.split(url)[-1]
def get_bert_path(lang='en')
Expand source code
def get_bert_path(lang="en"): if lang == "en": bert_url = BERT_URL elif lang.startswith("zh-"): bert_url = BERT_URL_CN else: bert_url = BERT_URL_MULTI ktrain_data = U.get_ktrain_data() zip_fpath = os.path.join(ktrain_data, fname_from_url(bert_url)) bert_path = os.path.join(ktrain_data, os.path.splitext(fname_from_url(bert_url))[0]) if ( not os.path.isdir(bert_path) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "bert_config.json")) or not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(bert_path, "") ) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "bert_model.ckpt.index")) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "bert_model.ckpt.meta")) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bert_path, "vocab.txt")) ): # download zip print("downloading pretrained BERT model (%s)..." % (fname_from_url(bert_url))), zip_fpath) # unzip print("\nextracting pretrained BERT model...") with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fpath, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(ktrain_data) print("done.\n") # cleanup print("cleanup downloaded zip...") try: os.remove(zip_fpath) print("done.\n") except OSError: print("failed to cleanup/remove %s" % (zip_fpath)) return bert_path
def get_coefs(word, *arr)
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def get_coefs(word, *arr): return word, np.asarray(arr, dtype="float32")
def get_wv_path(wv_path_or_url='')
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def get_wv_path(wv_path_or_url=WV_URL): # process if file path given if os.path.isfile(wv_path_or_url) and wv_path_or_url.endswith("vec"): return wv_path_or_url elif os.path.isfile(wv_path_or_url): raise ValueError( "wv_path_or_url must either be URL or .vec.gz file or file path to .vec file" ) # process if URL is given fasttext_url = "" if not wv_path_or_url.startswith(fasttext_url): raise ValueError("selected word vector file must be from %s" % (fasttext_url)) if not wv_path_or_url.endswith("") and not wv_path_or_url.endswith( "vec.gz" ): raise ValueError( "If wv_path_or_url is URL, must be filea from Facebook fasttext site." ) ktrain_data = U.get_ktrain_data() zip_fpath = os.path.join(ktrain_data, fname_from_url(wv_path_or_url)) wv_path = os.path.join( ktrain_data, os.path.splitext(fname_from_url(wv_path_or_url))[0] ) if not os.path.isfile(wv_path): # download zip print("downloading pretrained word vectors to %s ..." % (ktrain_data)), zip_fpath) # unzip print("\nextracting pretrained word vectors...") if wv_path_or_url.endswith(""): with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fpath, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(ktrain_data) else: # .vec.gz with, "rb") as f_in: with open(wv_path, "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) print("done.\n") # cleanup print("cleanup downloaded zip...") try: os.remove(zip_fpath) print("done.\n") except OSError: print("failed to cleanup/remove %s" % (zip_fpath)) return wv_path
def hf_convert_example(text_a, text_b=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=512, pad_on_left=False, pad_token=0, pad_token_segment_id=0, mask_padding_with_zero=True)
convert InputExample to InputFeature for Hugging Face transformer
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def hf_convert_example( text_a, text_b=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=512, pad_on_left=False, pad_token=0, pad_token_segment_id=0, mask_padding_with_zero=True, ): """ ``` convert InputExample to InputFeature for Hugging Face transformer ``` """ if tokenizer is None: raise ValueError("tokenizer is required") inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus( text_a, text_b, add_special_tokens=True, return_token_type_ids=True, max_length=max_length, truncation="longest_first", ) input_ids, token_type_ids = inputs["input_ids"], inputs["token_type_ids"] # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real # tokens are attended to. attention_mask = [1 if mask_padding_with_zero else 0] * len(input_ids) # Zero-pad up to the sequence length. padding_length = max_length - len(input_ids) if pad_on_left: input_ids = ([pad_token] * padding_length) + input_ids attention_mask = ( [0 if mask_padding_with_zero else 1] * padding_length ) + attention_mask token_type_ids = ([pad_token_segment_id] * padding_length) + token_type_ids else: input_ids = input_ids + ([pad_token] * padding_length) attention_mask = attention_mask + ( [0 if mask_padding_with_zero else 1] * padding_length ) token_type_ids = token_type_ids + ([pad_token_segment_id] * padding_length) assert len(input_ids) == max_length, "Error with input length {} vs {}".format( len(input_ids), max_length ) assert len(attention_mask) == max_length, "Error with input length {} vs {}".format( len(attention_mask), max_length ) assert len(token_type_ids) == max_length, "Error with input length {} vs {}".format( len(token_type_ids), max_length ) # if ex_index < 1: # print("*** Example ***") # print("guid: %s" % (example.guid)) # print("input_ids: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in input_ids])) # print("attention_mask: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in attention_mask])) # print("token_type_ids: %s" % " ".join([str(x) for x in token_type_ids])) # print("label: %s (id = %d)" % (example.label, label)) return [input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids]
def hf_features_to_tfdataset(features_list, labels)
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def hf_features_to_tfdataset(features_list, labels): features_list = np.array(features_list) labels = np.array(labels) if labels is not None else None tfdataset =, labels)) tfdataset = lambda x, y: ( {"input_ids": x[0], "attention_mask": x[1], "token_type_ids": x[2]}, y, ) ) return tfdataset
def is_nospace_lang(lang)
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def is_nospace_lang(lang): return lang in NOSPACE_LANGS
def load_wv(wv_path_or_url='', verbose=1)
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def load_wv(wv_path_or_url=WV_URL, verbose=1): wv_path = get_wv_path(wv_path_or_url) if verbose: print("loading pretrained word vectors...this may take a few moments...") length = file_len(wv_path) tups = [] mb = master_bar(range(1)) for i in mb: f = open(wv_path, encoding="utf-8") for o in progress_bar(range(length), parent=mb): o = f.readline() tups.append(get_coefs(*o.rstrip().rsplit(" "))) f.close() # if verbose: mb.write('done.') return dict(tups)
class BERTPreprocessor (maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang='en', ngram_range=1, multilabel=None)
text preprocessing for BERT model
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class BERTPreprocessor(TextPreprocessor): """ ``` text preprocessing for BERT model ``` """ def __init__( self, maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang="en", ngram_range=1, multilabel=None, ): class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes) if maxlen > 512: raise ValueError("BERT only supports maxlen <= 512") super().__init__(maxlen, class_names, lang=lang, multilabel=multilabel) vocab_path = os.path.join(get_bert_path(lang=lang), "vocab.txt") token_dict = {} with, "r", "utf8") as reader: for line in reader: token = line.strip() token_dict[token] = len(token_dict) check_keras_bert() tokenizer = BERT_Tokenizer(token_dict) self.tok = tokenizer self.tok_dct = dict((v, k) for k, v in token_dict.items()) self.max_features = max_features # ignored self.ngram_range = 1 # ignored def get_tokenizer(self): return self.tok def __getstate__(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items()} def __setstate__(self, state): """ ``` For backwards compatibility with pre-ytransform versions ``` """ self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, "ytransform"): le = self.label_encoder if hasattr(self, "label_encoder") else None self.ytransform = U.YTransform( class_names=self.get_classes(), label_encoder=le ) def get_preprocessor(self): return (self.tok, self.tok_dct) def preprocess(self, texts): return self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0)[0] def undo(self, doc): """ ``` undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by: converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words ``` """ dct = self.tok_dct return " ".join([dct[wid] for wid in doc if wid != 0 and wid in dct]) def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess training set ``` """ if mode == "train" and y is None: raise ValueError("y is required when mode=train") if self.lang is None and mode == "train": self.lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) U.vprint("preprocessing %s..." % (mode), verbose=verbose) U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose) x = bert_tokenize(texts, self.tok, self.maxlen, verbose=verbose) # transform y y = self._transform_y(y, train=mode == "train", verbose=verbose) result = (x, y) self.set_multilabel(result, mode) if mode == "train": self.preprocess_train_called = True return result def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode="test", verbose=1): self.check_trained() return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose)
- TextPreprocessor
- Preprocessor
- abc.ABC
def get_preprocessor(self)
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def get_preprocessor(self): return (self.tok, self.tok_dct)
def get_tokenizer(self)
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def get_tokenizer(self): return self.tok
def preprocess(self, texts)
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def preprocess(self, texts): return self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0)[0]
def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode='test', verbose=1)
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def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode="test", verbose=1): self.check_trained() return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose)
def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode='train', verbose=1)
preprocess training set
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def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess training set ``` """ if mode == "train" and y is None: raise ValueError("y is required when mode=train") if self.lang is None and mode == "train": self.lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) U.vprint("preprocessing %s..." % (mode), verbose=verbose) U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose) x = bert_tokenize(texts, self.tok, self.maxlen, verbose=verbose) # transform y y = self._transform_y(y, train=mode == "train", verbose=verbose) result = (x, y) self.set_multilabel(result, mode) if mode == "train": self.preprocess_train_called = True return result
Inherited members
class DistilBertPreprocessor (maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang='en', ngram_range=1)
text preprocessing for Hugging Face DistlBert model
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class DistilBertPreprocessor(TransformersPreprocessor): """ ``` text preprocessing for Hugging Face DistlBert model ``` """ def __init__( self, maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang="en", ngram_range=1 ): class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes) name = DISTILBERT if lang == "en": model_name = "distilbert-base-uncased" else: model_name = "distilbert-base-multilingual-cased" super().__init__( model_name, maxlen, max_features, class_names=class_names, lang=lang, ngram_range=ngram_range, )
Inherited members
class StandardTextPreprocessor (maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang='en', ngram_range=1, multilabel=None)
Standard text preprocessing
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class StandardTextPreprocessor(TextPreprocessor): """ ``` Standard text preprocessing ``` """ def __init__( self, maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang="en", ngram_range=1, multilabel=None, ): class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes) super().__init__(maxlen, class_names, lang=lang, multilabel=multilabel) self.tok = None self.tok_dct = {} self.max_features = max_features self.ngram_range = ngram_range def get_tokenizer(self): return self.tok def __getstate__(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items()} def __setstate__(self, state): """ ``` For backwards compatibility with pre-ytransform versions ``` """ self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, "ytransform"): le = self.label_encoder if hasattr(self, "label_encoder") else None self.ytransform = U.YTransform( class_names=self.get_classes(), label_encoder=le ) def get_preprocessor(self): return (self.tok, self.tok_dct) def preprocess(self, texts): return self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0)[0] def undo(self, doc): """ ``` undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by: converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words ``` """ dct = self.tok.index_word return " ".join([dct[wid] for wid in doc if wid != 0 and wid in dct]) def preprocess_train(self, train_text, y_train, verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess training set ``` """ if self.lang is None: self.lang = TU.detect_lang(train_text) U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose) # special processing if Chinese train_text = self.process_chinese(train_text, lang=self.lang) # extract vocabulary self.tok = keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(num_words=self.max_features) self.tok.fit_on_texts(train_text) U.vprint("Word Counts: {}".format(len(self.tok.word_counts)), verbose=verbose) U.vprint("Nrows: {}".format(len(train_text)), verbose=verbose) # convert to word IDs x_train = self.tok.texts_to_sequences(train_text) U.vprint("{} train sequences".format(len(x_train)), verbose=verbose) self.print_seqlen_stats(x_train, "train", verbose=verbose) # add ngrams x_train = self._fit_ngrams(x_train, verbose=verbose) # pad sequences x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences( x_train, maxlen=self.maxlen ) U.vprint( "x_train shape: ({},{})".format(x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1]), verbose=verbose, ) # transform y y_train = self._transform_y(y_train, train=True, verbose=verbose) if y_train is not None and verbose: print("y_train shape: %s" % (y_train.shape,)) # return result = (x_train, y_train) self.set_multilabel(result, "train") self.preprocess_train_called = True return result def preprocess_test(self, test_text, y_test=None, verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess validation or test dataset ``` """ self.check_trained() if self.tok is None or self.lang is None: raise Exception( "Unfitted tokenizer or missing language. Did you run preprocess_train first?" ) # check for and process chinese test_text = self.process_chinese(test_text, self.lang) # convert to word IDs x_test = self.tok.texts_to_sequences(test_text) U.vprint("{} test sequences".format(len(x_test)), verbose=verbose) self.print_seqlen_stats(x_test, "test", verbose=verbose) # add n-grams x_test = self._add_ngrams(x_test, mode="test", verbose=verbose) # pad sequences x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=self.maxlen) U.vprint( "x_test shape: ({},{})".format(x_test.shape[0], x_test.shape[1]), verbose=verbose, ) # transform y y_test = self._transform_y(y_test, train=False, verbose=verbose) if y_test is not None and verbose: print("y_test shape: %s" % (y_test.shape,)) # return return (x_test, y_test) def _fit_ngrams(self, x_train, verbose=1): self.tok_dct = {} if self.ngram_range < 2: return x_train U.vprint("Adding {}-gram features".format(self.ngram_range), verbose=verbose) # Create set of unique n-gram from the training set. ngram_set = set() for input_list in x_train: for i in range(2, self.ngram_range + 1): set_of_ngram = self._create_ngram_set(input_list, ngram_value=i) ngram_set.update(set_of_ngram) # Dictionary mapping n-gram token to a unique integer. # Integer values are greater than max_features in order # to avoid collision with existing features. start_index = self.max_features + 1 token_indice = {v: k + start_index for k, v in enumerate(ngram_set)} indice_token = {token_indice[k]: k for k in token_indice} self.tok_dct = token_indice # max_features is the highest integer that could be found in the dataset. self.max_features = np.max(list(indice_token.keys())) + 1 U.vprint( "max_features changed to %s with addition of ngrams" % (self.max_features), verbose=verbose, ) # Augmenting x_train with n-grams features x_train = self._add_ngrams(x_train, verbose=verbose, mode="train") return x_train def _add_ngrams(self, sequences, verbose=1, mode="test"): """ ``` Augment the input list of list (sequences) by appending n-grams values. Example: adding bi-gram ``` """ token_indice = self.tok_dct if self.ngram_range < 2: return sequences new_sequences = [] for input_list in sequences: new_list = input_list[:] for ngram_value in range(2, self.ngram_range + 1): for i in range(len(new_list) - ngram_value + 1): ngram = tuple(new_list[i : i + ngram_value]) if ngram in token_indice: new_list.append(token_indice[ngram]) new_sequences.append(new_list) U.vprint( "Average {} sequence length with ngrams: {}".format( mode, np.mean(list(map(len, new_sequences)), dtype=int) ), verbose=verbose, ) self.print_seqlen_stats(new_sequences, "%s (w/ngrams)" % mode, verbose=verbose) return new_sequences def _create_ngram_set(self, input_list, ngram_value=2): """ ``` Extract a set of n-grams from a list of integers. >>> create_ngram_set([1, 4, 9, 4, 1, 4], ngram_value=2) {(4, 9), (4, 1), (1, 4), (9, 4)} >>> create_ngram_set([1, 4, 9, 4, 1, 4], ngram_value=3) [(1, 4, 9), (4, 9, 4), (9, 4, 1), (4, 1, 4)] ``` """ return set(zip(*[input_list[i:] for i in range(ngram_value)])) def ngram_count(self): if not self.tok_dct: return 1 s = set() for k in self.tok_dct.keys(): s.add(len(k)) return max(list(s))
- TextPreprocessor
- Preprocessor
- abc.ABC
def get_preprocessor(self)
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def get_preprocessor(self): return (self.tok, self.tok_dct)
def get_tokenizer(self)
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def get_tokenizer(self): return self.tok
def ngram_count(self)
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def ngram_count(self): if not self.tok_dct: return 1 s = set() for k in self.tok_dct.keys(): s.add(len(k)) return max(list(s))
def preprocess(self, texts)
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def preprocess(self, texts): return self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0)[0]
def preprocess_test(self, test_text, y_test=None, verbose=1)
preprocess validation or test dataset
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def preprocess_test(self, test_text, y_test=None, verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess validation or test dataset ``` """ self.check_trained() if self.tok is None or self.lang is None: raise Exception( "Unfitted tokenizer or missing language. Did you run preprocess_train first?" ) # check for and process chinese test_text = self.process_chinese(test_text, self.lang) # convert to word IDs x_test = self.tok.texts_to_sequences(test_text) U.vprint("{} test sequences".format(len(x_test)), verbose=verbose) self.print_seqlen_stats(x_test, "test", verbose=verbose) # add n-grams x_test = self._add_ngrams(x_test, mode="test", verbose=verbose) # pad sequences x_test = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=self.maxlen) U.vprint( "x_test shape: ({},{})".format(x_test.shape[0], x_test.shape[1]), verbose=verbose, ) # transform y y_test = self._transform_y(y_test, train=False, verbose=verbose) if y_test is not None and verbose: print("y_test shape: %s" % (y_test.shape,)) # return return (x_test, y_test)
def preprocess_train(self, train_text, y_train, verbose=1)
preprocess training set
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def preprocess_train(self, train_text, y_train, verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess training set ``` """ if self.lang is None: self.lang = TU.detect_lang(train_text) U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose) # special processing if Chinese train_text = self.process_chinese(train_text, lang=self.lang) # extract vocabulary self.tok = keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(num_words=self.max_features) self.tok.fit_on_texts(train_text) U.vprint("Word Counts: {}".format(len(self.tok.word_counts)), verbose=verbose) U.vprint("Nrows: {}".format(len(train_text)), verbose=verbose) # convert to word IDs x_train = self.tok.texts_to_sequences(train_text) U.vprint("{} train sequences".format(len(x_train)), verbose=verbose) self.print_seqlen_stats(x_train, "train", verbose=verbose) # add ngrams x_train = self._fit_ngrams(x_train, verbose=verbose) # pad sequences x_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences( x_train, maxlen=self.maxlen ) U.vprint( "x_train shape: ({},{})".format(x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1]), verbose=verbose, ) # transform y y_train = self._transform_y(y_train, train=True, verbose=verbose) if y_train is not None and verbose: print("y_train shape: %s" % (y_train.shape,)) # return result = (x_train, y_train) self.set_multilabel(result, "train") self.preprocess_train_called = True return result
Inherited members
class TextPreprocessor (maxlen, class_names, lang='en', multilabel=None)
Text preprocessing base class
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class TextPreprocessor(Preprocessor): """ ``` Text preprocessing base class ``` """ def __init__(self, maxlen, class_names, lang="en", multilabel=None): self.set_classes(class_names) # converts to list of necessary self.maxlen = maxlen self.lang = lang self.multilabel = multilabel # currently, this is always initially set None until set by set_multilabel self.preprocess_train_called = False # self.label_encoder = None # only set if y is in string format self.ytransform = None self.c = self.c.tolist() if isinstance(self.c, np.ndarray) else self.c def migrate_classes(self, class_names, classes): # NOTE: this method transforms to np.ndarray to list. # If removed and "if class_names" is issued prior to set_classes(), an error will occur. class_names = ( class_names.tolist() if isinstance(class_names, np.ndarray) else class_names ) classes = classes.tolist() if isinstance(classes, np.ndarray) else classes if not class_names and classes: class_names = classes warnings.warn( "The class_names argument is replacing the classes argument. Please update your code." ) return class_names def get_tokenizer(self): raise NotImplementedError("This method was not overridden in subclass") def check_trained(self): if not self.preprocess_train_called: warnings.warn( "The method preprocess_train was never called. You can disable this warning by setting preprocess_train_called=True." ) # raise Exception('preprocess_train must be called') def get_preprocessor(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_classes(self): return self.c def set_classes(self, class_names): self.c = ( class_names.tolist() if isinstance(class_names, np.ndarray) else class_names ) def preprocess(self, texts): raise NotImplementedError def set_multilabel(self, data, mode, verbose=1): if mode == "train" and self.get_classes(): original_multilabel = self.multilabel discovered_multilabel = U.is_multilabel(data) if original_multilabel is None: self.multilabel = discovered_multilabel elif original_multilabel is True and discovered_multilabel is False: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=True argument was supplied, but labels do not indicate " + "a multilabel problem (labels appear to be mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=True anyways." ) elif original_multilabel is False and discovered_multilabel is True: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=False argument was supplied, but labels inidcate that " + "this is a multilabel problem (labels are not mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=False anyways." ) U.vprint("Is Multi-Label? %s" % (self.multilabel), verbose=verbose) def undo(self, doc): """ ``` undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by: converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words ``` """ raise NotImplementedError def is_chinese(self): return TU.is_chinese(self.lang) def is_nospace_lang(self): return TU.is_nospace_lang(self.lang) def process_chinese(self, texts, lang=None): # if lang is None: lang = langdetect.detect(texts[0]) if lang is None: lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) if not TU.is_nospace_lang(lang): return texts return TU.split_chinese(texts) @classmethod def seqlen_stats(cls, list_of_texts): """ ``` compute sequence length stats from list of texts in any spaces-segmented language Args: list_of_texts: list of strings Returns: dict: dictionary with keys: mean, 95percentile, 99percentile ``` """ counts = [] for text in list_of_texts: if isinstance(text, (list, np.ndarray)): lst = text else: lst = text.split() counts.append(len(lst)) p95 = np.percentile(counts, 95) p99 = np.percentile(counts, 99) avg = sum(counts) / len(counts) return {"mean": avg, "95percentile": p95, "99percentile": p99} def print_seqlen_stats(self, texts, mode, verbose=1): """ ``` prints stats about sequence lengths ``` """ if verbose and not self.is_nospace_lang(): stat_dict = TextPreprocessor.seqlen_stats(texts) print("%s sequence lengths:" % mode) for k in stat_dict: print("\t%s : %s" % (k, int(round(stat_dict[k])))) def _transform_y(self, y_data, train=False, verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess y If shape of y is 1, then task is considered classification if self.c exists or regression if not. ``` """ if self.ytransform is None: self.ytransform = U.YTransform(class_names=self.get_classes()) y = self.ytransform.apply(y_data, train=train) if train: self.c = self.ytransform.get_classes() return y
- Preprocessor
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def seqlen_stats(list_of_texts)
compute sequence length stats from list of texts in any spaces-segmented language Args: list_of_texts: list of strings Returns: dict: dictionary with keys: mean, 95percentile, 99percentile
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@classmethod def seqlen_stats(cls, list_of_texts): """ ``` compute sequence length stats from list of texts in any spaces-segmented language Args: list_of_texts: list of strings Returns: dict: dictionary with keys: mean, 95percentile, 99percentile ``` """ counts = [] for text in list_of_texts: if isinstance(text, (list, np.ndarray)): lst = text else: lst = text.split() counts.append(len(lst)) p95 = np.percentile(counts, 95) p99 = np.percentile(counts, 99) avg = sum(counts) / len(counts) return {"mean": avg, "95percentile": p95, "99percentile": p99}
def check_trained(self)
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def check_trained(self): if not self.preprocess_train_called: warnings.warn( "The method preprocess_train was never called. You can disable this warning by setting preprocess_train_called=True." ) # raise Exception('preprocess_train must be called')
def get_classes(self)
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def get_classes(self): return self.c
def get_preprocessor(self)
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def get_preprocessor(self): raise NotImplementedError
def get_tokenizer(self)
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def get_tokenizer(self): raise NotImplementedError("This method was not overridden in subclass")
def is_chinese(self)
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def is_chinese(self): return TU.is_chinese(self.lang)
def is_nospace_lang(self)
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def is_nospace_lang(self): return TU.is_nospace_lang(self.lang)
def migrate_classes(self, class_names, classes)
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def migrate_classes(self, class_names, classes): # NOTE: this method transforms to np.ndarray to list. # If removed and "if class_names" is issued prior to set_classes(), an error will occur. class_names = ( class_names.tolist() if isinstance(class_names, np.ndarray) else class_names ) classes = classes.tolist() if isinstance(classes, np.ndarray) else classes if not class_names and classes: class_names = classes warnings.warn( "The class_names argument is replacing the classes argument. Please update your code." ) return class_names
def preprocess(self, texts)
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def preprocess(self, texts): raise NotImplementedError
def print_seqlen_stats(self, texts, mode, verbose=1)
prints stats about sequence lengths
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def print_seqlen_stats(self, texts, mode, verbose=1): """ ``` prints stats about sequence lengths ``` """ if verbose and not self.is_nospace_lang(): stat_dict = TextPreprocessor.seqlen_stats(texts) print("%s sequence lengths:" % mode) for k in stat_dict: print("\t%s : %s" % (k, int(round(stat_dict[k]))))
def process_chinese(self, texts, lang=None)
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def process_chinese(self, texts, lang=None): # if lang is None: lang = langdetect.detect(texts[0]) if lang is None: lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) if not TU.is_nospace_lang(lang): return texts return TU.split_chinese(texts)
def set_classes(self, class_names)
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def set_classes(self, class_names): self.c = ( class_names.tolist() if isinstance(class_names, np.ndarray) else class_names )
def set_multilabel(self, data, mode, verbose=1)
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def set_multilabel(self, data, mode, verbose=1): if mode == "train" and self.get_classes(): original_multilabel = self.multilabel discovered_multilabel = U.is_multilabel(data) if original_multilabel is None: self.multilabel = discovered_multilabel elif original_multilabel is True and discovered_multilabel is False: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=True argument was supplied, but labels do not indicate " + "a multilabel problem (labels appear to be mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=True anyways." ) elif original_multilabel is False and discovered_multilabel is True: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=False argument was supplied, but labels inidcate that " + "this is a multilabel problem (labels are not mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=False anyways." ) U.vprint("Is Multi-Label? %s" % (self.multilabel), verbose=verbose)
def undo(self, doc)
undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by: converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words
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def undo(self, doc): """ ``` undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by: converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words ``` """ raise NotImplementedError
class Transformer (model_name, maxlen=128, class_names=[], classes=[], batch_size=None, use_with_learner=True)
convenience class for text classification Hugging Face transformers Usage: t = Transformer('distilbert-base-uncased', maxlen=128, classes=['neg', 'pos'], batch_size=16) train_dataset = t.preprocess_train(train_texts, train_labels) model = t.get_classifier()
Args: model_name (str): name of Hugging Face pretrained model maxlen (int): sequence length class_names(list): list of strings of class names (e.g., 'positive', 'negative'). The index position of string is the class ID. Not required for: - regression problems - binary/multi classification problems where labels in y_train/y_test are in string format. In this case, classes will be populated automatically. get_classes() can be called to view discovered class labels. The class_names argument replaces the old classes argument. classes(list): alias for class_names. Included for backwards-compatiblity. use_with_learner(bool): If False, preprocess_train and preprocess_test will return tf.Datasets for direct use with in tf.Keras. If True, preprocess_train and preprocess_test will return a ktrain TransformerDataset object for use with ktrain.get_learner. batch_size (int): batch_size - only required if use_with_learner=False
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class Transformer(TransformersPreprocessor): """ ``` convenience class for text classification Hugging Face transformers Usage: t = Transformer('distilbert-base-uncased', maxlen=128, classes=['neg', 'pos'], batch_size=16) train_dataset = t.preprocess_train(train_texts, train_labels) model = t.get_classifier() ``` """ def __init__( self, model_name, maxlen=128, class_names=[], classes=[], batch_size=None, use_with_learner=True, ): """ ``` Args: model_name (str): name of Hugging Face pretrained model maxlen (int): sequence length class_names(list): list of strings of class names (e.g., 'positive', 'negative'). The index position of string is the class ID. Not required for: - regression problems - binary/multi classification problems where labels in y_train/y_test are in string format. In this case, classes will be populated automatically. get_classes() can be called to view discovered class labels. The class_names argument replaces the old classes argument. classes(list): alias for class_names. Included for backwards-compatiblity. use_with_learner(bool): If False, preprocess_train and preprocess_test will return tf.Datasets for direct use with in tf.Keras. If True, preprocess_train and preprocess_test will return a ktrain TransformerDataset object for use with ktrain.get_learner. batch_size (int): batch_size - only required if use_with_learner=False ``` """ multilabel = None # force discovery of multilabel task from data in preprocess_train->set_multilabel class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes) if not use_with_learner and batch_size is None: raise ValueError("batch_size is required when use_with_learner=False") if multilabel and (class_names is None or not class_names): raise ValueError("classes argument is required when multilabel=True") super().__init__( model_name, maxlen, max_features=10000, class_names=class_names, multilabel=multilabel, ) self.batch_size = batch_size self.use_with_learner = use_with_learner self.lang = None def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1): """ ``` Preprocess training set for A Transformer model Y values can be in one of the following forms: 1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes) for binary and multiclass text classification. If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required. 2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive'). If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored, as class labels will be extracted from y. 3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird. 4) Numerical values for regression problems. <class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied Args: texts (list of strings): text of documents y: labels mode (str): If 'train' and prepare_for_learner=False, a tf.Dataset will be returned with repeat enabled for training with fit_generator verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset ``` """ tseq = super().preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose) if self.use_with_learner: return tseq tseq.batch_size = self.batch_size train = mode == "train" return tseq.to_tfdataset(train=train) def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, verbose=1): """ ``` Preprocess the validation or test set for a Transformer model Y values can be in one of the following forms: 1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes) for binary and multiclass text classification. If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required. 2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive'). If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored, as class labels will be extracted from y. 3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird. 4) Numerical values for regression problems. <class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied Args: texts (list of strings): text of documents y: labels verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset ``` """ self.check_trained() return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode="test", verbose=verbose)
def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, verbose=1)
Preprocess the validation or test set for a Transformer model Y values can be in one of the following forms: 1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes) for binary and multiclass text classification. If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required. 2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive'). If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored, as class labels will be extracted from y. 3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird. 4) Numerical values for regression problems. <class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied Args: texts (list of strings): text of documents y: labels verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset
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def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, verbose=1): """ ``` Preprocess the validation or test set for a Transformer model Y values can be in one of the following forms: 1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes) for binary and multiclass text classification. If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required. 2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive'). If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored, as class labels will be extracted from y. 3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird. 4) Numerical values for regression problems. <class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied Args: texts (list of strings): text of documents y: labels verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset ``` """ self.check_trained() return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode="test", verbose=verbose)
def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode='train', verbose=1)
Preprocess training set for A Transformer model Y values can be in one of the following forms: 1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes) for binary and multiclass text classification. If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required. 2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive'). If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored, as class labels will be extracted from y. 3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird. 4) Numerical values for regression problems. <class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied Args: texts (list of strings): text of documents y: labels mode (str): If 'train' and prepare_for_learner=False, a tf.Dataset will be returned with repeat enabled for training with fit_generator verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset
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def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1): """ ``` Preprocess training set for A Transformer model Y values can be in one of the following forms: 1) integers representing the class (index into array returned by get_classes) for binary and multiclass text classification. If labels are integers, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is required. 2) strings representing the class (e.g., 'negative', 'positive'). If labels are strings, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is ignored, as class labels will be extracted from y. 3) multi-hot-encoded vector for multilabel text classification problems If labels are multi-hot-encoded, class_names argument to Transformer constructor is requird. 4) Numerical values for regression problems. <class_names> argument to Transformer constructor should NOT be supplied Args: texts (list of strings): text of documents y: labels mode (str): If 'train' and prepare_for_learner=False, a tf.Dataset will be returned with repeat enabled for training with fit_generator verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: TransformerDataset if self.use_with_learner = True else tf.Dataset ``` """ tseq = super().preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose) if self.use_with_learner: return tseq tseq.batch_size = self.batch_size train = mode == "train" return tseq.to_tfdataset(train=train)
Inherited members
class TransformerEmbedding (model_name, layers=[-2])
Args: model_name (str): name of Hugging Face pretrained model. Choose from here: layers(list): list of indexes indicating which hidden layers to use when constructing the embedding (e.g., last=[-1])
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class TransformerEmbedding: def __init__(self, model_name, layers=U.DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER_LAYERS): """ ``` Args: model_name (str): name of Hugging Face pretrained model. Choose from here: layers(list): list of indexes indicating which hidden layers to use when constructing the embedding (e.g., last=[-1]) ``` """ self.layers = layers self.model_name = model_name if model_name.startswith("xlm-roberta"): = "xlm_roberta" else: = model_name.split("-")[0] self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model_type = TFAutoModel self.tokenizer_type = AutoTokenizer if "bert-base-japanese" in model_name: self.tokenizer_type = transformers.BertJapaneseTokenizer self.tokenizer = self.tokenizer_type.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model = self._load_pretrained(model_name) try: self.embsize = self.embed("ktrain", word_level=False).shape[ 1 ] # (batch_size, embsize) except: warnings.warn("could not determine Embedding size") # if type(self.model).__name__ not in [ # "TFBertModel", # "TFDistilBertModel", # "TFAlbertModel", # "TFRobertaModel", # ]: # raise ValueError( # "TransformerEmbedding class currently only supports BERT-style models: " # + "Bert, DistilBert, RoBERTa and Albert and variants like BioBERT and SciBERT\n\n" # + "model received: %s (%s))" % (type(self.model).__name__, model_name) # ) def _load_pretrained(self, model_name): """ ``` load pretrained model ``` """ if self.config is not None: self.config.output_hidden_states = True try: model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(model_name, config=self.config) except: warnings.warn( "Could not load a Tensorflow version of model. (If this worked before, it might be an out-of-memory issue.) " + "Attempting to download/load PyTorch version as TensorFlow model using from_pt=True. You will need PyTorch installed for this." ) model = self.model_type.from_pretrained( model_name, config=self.config, from_pt=True ) else: model = self.model_type.from_pretrained( model_name, output_hidden_states=True ) return model def _reconstruct_word_ids(self, offsets): """ ``` Reverse engineer the word_ids. ``` """ word_ids = [] last_word_id = -1 last_offset = (-1, -1) for o in offsets: if o == (0, 0): word_ids.append(None) continue # must test to see if start is same as last offset start due to xml-roberta quirk with tokens like 070 if o[0] == last_offset[0] or o[0] == last_offset[1]: word_ids.append(last_word_id) elif o[0] > last_offset[1]: last_word_id += 1 word_ids.append(last_word_id) last_offset = o return word_ids def embed( self, texts, word_level=True, max_length=512, aggregation_strategy="first", layers=U.DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER_LAYERS, ): """ ``` Get embedding for word, phrase, or sentence. Args: text(str|list): word, phrase, or sentence or list of them representing a batch word_level(bool): If True, returns embedding for each token in supplied texts. If False, returns embedding for each text in texts max_length(int): max length of tokens aggregation_strategy(str): If 'first', vector of first subword is used as representation. If 'average', mean of all subword vectors is used. layers(list): list of indexes indicating which hidden layers to use when constructing the embedding (e.g., last hidden state is [-1]) Returns: np.ndarray : embeddings ``` """ if isinstance(texts, str): texts = [texts] if not isinstance(texts[0], str): texts = [" ".join(text) for text in texts] sentences = [] for text in texts: sentences.append(self.tokenizer.tokenize(text)) maxlen = ( len( max( [tokens for tokens in sentences], key=len, ) ) + 2 ) if max_length is not None and maxlen > max_length: maxlen = max_length # added due to issue #270 sentences = [] all_input_ids = [] all_input_masks = [] all_word_ids = [] all_offsets = [] # retained but not currently used as of v0.36.1 (#492) for text in texts: encoded = self.tokenizer.encode_plus( text, max_length=maxlen, truncation=True, return_offsets_mapping=True ) input_ids = encoded["input_ids"] offsets = encoded["offset_mapping"] del encoded["offset_mapping"] inp = encoded["input_ids"][:] inp = inp[1:] if inp[0] == self.tokenizer.cls_token_id else inp inp = inp[:-1] if inp[-1] == self.tokenizer.sep_token_id else inp tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(inp) if len(tokens) > maxlen - 2: tokens = tokens[0 : (maxlen - 2)] sentences.append(tokens) input_mask = [1] * len(input_ids) while len(input_ids) < maxlen: input_ids.append(0) input_mask.append(0) all_input_ids.append(input_ids) all_input_masks.append(input_mask) # Note about Issue #492: # deberta includes preceding space in offfset_mapping ( # models like bert-base-case produce word_ids that do not correspond to whitespace tokenization (e.g.,"score 99.9%", "BRUSSELS 1996-08-22") # Therefore, we use offset_mappings unless the model is deberta for now. word_ids = ( encoded.word_ids() if "deberta" in self.model_name else self._reconstruct_word_ids(offsets) ) all_word_ids.append(word_ids) all_offsets.append(offsets) all_input_ids = np.array(all_input_ids) all_input_masks = np.array(all_input_masks) outputs = self.model(all_input_ids, attention_mask=all_input_masks) hidden_states = outputs[-1] # output_hidden_states=True # compile raw embeddings if len(self.layers) == 1: # raw_embeddings = hidden_states[-1].numpy() raw_embeddings = hidden_states[self.layers[0]].numpy() else: raw_embeddings = [] for batch_id in range(hidden_states[0].shape[0]): token_embeddings = [] for token_id in range(hidden_states[0].shape[1]): all_layers = [] for layer_id in self.layers: all_layers.append( hidden_states[layer_id][batch_id][token_id].numpy() ) token_embeddings.append(np.concatenate(all_layers)) raw_embeddings.append(token_embeddings) raw_embeddings = np.array(raw_embeddings) if not word_level: # sentence-level embedding return np.mean(raw_embeddings, axis=1) # all space-separate tokens in input should be assigned a single embedding vector # example: If 99.9% is a token, then it gets a single embedding. # example: If input is pre-tokenized (i.e., 99 . 9 %), then there are four embedding vectors filtered_embeddings = [] for i in range(len(raw_embeddings)): filtered_embedding = [] raw_embedding = raw_embeddings[i] subvectors = [] last_word_id = -1 for j in range(len(all_offsets[i])): word_id = all_word_ids[i][j] if word_id is None: continue if word_id == last_word_id: subvectors.append(raw_embedding[j]) if word_id > last_word_id: if len(subvectors) > 0: if aggregation_strategy == "average": filtered_embedding.append(np.mean(subvectors, axis=0)) else: filtered_embedding.append(subvectors[0]) subvectors = [] subvectors.append(raw_embedding[j]) last_word_id = word_id if len(subvectors) > 0: if aggregation_strategy == "average": filtered_embedding.append(np.mean(subvectors, axis=0)) else: filtered_embedding.append(subvectors[0]) subvectors = [] filtered_embeddings.append(filtered_embedding) # pad embeddings with zeros max_length = max([len(e) for e in filtered_embeddings]) embeddings = [] for e in filtered_embeddings: for i in range(max_length - len(e)): e.append(np.zeros((self.embsize,))) embeddings.append(np.array(e)) return np.array(embeddings)
def embed(self, texts, word_level=True, max_length=512, aggregation_strategy='first', layers=[-2])
Get embedding for word, phrase, or sentence. Args: text(str|list): word, phrase, or sentence or list of them representing a batch word_level(bool): If True, returns embedding for each token in supplied texts. If False, returns embedding for each text in texts max_length(int): max length of tokens aggregation_strategy(str): If 'first', vector of first subword is used as representation. If 'average', mean of all subword vectors is used. layers(list): list of indexes indicating which hidden layers to use when constructing the embedding (e.g., last hidden state is [-1]) Returns: np.ndarray : embeddings
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def embed( self, texts, word_level=True, max_length=512, aggregation_strategy="first", layers=U.DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER_LAYERS, ): """ ``` Get embedding for word, phrase, or sentence. Args: text(str|list): word, phrase, or sentence or list of them representing a batch word_level(bool): If True, returns embedding for each token in supplied texts. If False, returns embedding for each text in texts max_length(int): max length of tokens aggregation_strategy(str): If 'first', vector of first subword is used as representation. If 'average', mean of all subword vectors is used. layers(list): list of indexes indicating which hidden layers to use when constructing the embedding (e.g., last hidden state is [-1]) Returns: np.ndarray : embeddings ``` """ if isinstance(texts, str): texts = [texts] if not isinstance(texts[0], str): texts = [" ".join(text) for text in texts] sentences = [] for text in texts: sentences.append(self.tokenizer.tokenize(text)) maxlen = ( len( max( [tokens for tokens in sentences], key=len, ) ) + 2 ) if max_length is not None and maxlen > max_length: maxlen = max_length # added due to issue #270 sentences = [] all_input_ids = [] all_input_masks = [] all_word_ids = [] all_offsets = [] # retained but not currently used as of v0.36.1 (#492) for text in texts: encoded = self.tokenizer.encode_plus( text, max_length=maxlen, truncation=True, return_offsets_mapping=True ) input_ids = encoded["input_ids"] offsets = encoded["offset_mapping"] del encoded["offset_mapping"] inp = encoded["input_ids"][:] inp = inp[1:] if inp[0] == self.tokenizer.cls_token_id else inp inp = inp[:-1] if inp[-1] == self.tokenizer.sep_token_id else inp tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(inp) if len(tokens) > maxlen - 2: tokens = tokens[0 : (maxlen - 2)] sentences.append(tokens) input_mask = [1] * len(input_ids) while len(input_ids) < maxlen: input_ids.append(0) input_mask.append(0) all_input_ids.append(input_ids) all_input_masks.append(input_mask) # Note about Issue #492: # deberta includes preceding space in offfset_mapping ( # models like bert-base-case produce word_ids that do not correspond to whitespace tokenization (e.g.,"score 99.9%", "BRUSSELS 1996-08-22") # Therefore, we use offset_mappings unless the model is deberta for now. word_ids = ( encoded.word_ids() if "deberta" in self.model_name else self._reconstruct_word_ids(offsets) ) all_word_ids.append(word_ids) all_offsets.append(offsets) all_input_ids = np.array(all_input_ids) all_input_masks = np.array(all_input_masks) outputs = self.model(all_input_ids, attention_mask=all_input_masks) hidden_states = outputs[-1] # output_hidden_states=True # compile raw embeddings if len(self.layers) == 1: # raw_embeddings = hidden_states[-1].numpy() raw_embeddings = hidden_states[self.layers[0]].numpy() else: raw_embeddings = [] for batch_id in range(hidden_states[0].shape[0]): token_embeddings = [] for token_id in range(hidden_states[0].shape[1]): all_layers = [] for layer_id in self.layers: all_layers.append( hidden_states[layer_id][batch_id][token_id].numpy() ) token_embeddings.append(np.concatenate(all_layers)) raw_embeddings.append(token_embeddings) raw_embeddings = np.array(raw_embeddings) if not word_level: # sentence-level embedding return np.mean(raw_embeddings, axis=1) # all space-separate tokens in input should be assigned a single embedding vector # example: If 99.9% is a token, then it gets a single embedding. # example: If input is pre-tokenized (i.e., 99 . 9 %), then there are four embedding vectors filtered_embeddings = [] for i in range(len(raw_embeddings)): filtered_embedding = [] raw_embedding = raw_embeddings[i] subvectors = [] last_word_id = -1 for j in range(len(all_offsets[i])): word_id = all_word_ids[i][j] if word_id is None: continue if word_id == last_word_id: subvectors.append(raw_embedding[j]) if word_id > last_word_id: if len(subvectors) > 0: if aggregation_strategy == "average": filtered_embedding.append(np.mean(subvectors, axis=0)) else: filtered_embedding.append(subvectors[0]) subvectors = [] subvectors.append(raw_embedding[j]) last_word_id = word_id if len(subvectors) > 0: if aggregation_strategy == "average": filtered_embedding.append(np.mean(subvectors, axis=0)) else: filtered_embedding.append(subvectors[0]) subvectors = [] filtered_embeddings.append(filtered_embedding) # pad embeddings with zeros max_length = max([len(e) for e in filtered_embeddings]) embeddings = [] for e in filtered_embeddings: for i in range(max_length - len(e)): e.append(np.zeros((self.embsize,))) embeddings.append(np.array(e)) return np.array(embeddings)
class TransformersPreprocessor (model_name, maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang='en', ngram_range=1, multilabel=None)
text preprocessing for Hugging Face Transformer models
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class TransformersPreprocessor(TextPreprocessor): """ ``` text preprocessing for Hugging Face Transformer models ``` """ def __init__( self, model_name, maxlen, max_features, class_names=[], classes=[], lang="en", ngram_range=1, multilabel=None, ): class_names = self.migrate_classes(class_names, classes) if maxlen > 512: warnings.warn( "Transformer models typically only support maxlen <= 512, unless you are using certain models like the Longformer." ) super().__init__(maxlen, class_names, lang=lang, multilabel=multilabel) self.model_name = model_name = model_name.split("-")[0] if model_name.startswith("xlm-roberta"): = "xlm_roberta" self.model_name = "jplu/tf-" + self.model_name else: = model_name.split("-")[0] self.config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model_type = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification self.tokenizer_type = AutoTokenizer # DistilBert call method no longer accepts **kwargs, so we must avoid including token_type_ids parameter # reference: try: self.use_token_type_ids = ( "token_type_ids" in self.model_type.from_pretrained( self.model_name ).call.__code__.co_varnames ) except: try: self.use_token_type_ids = ( "token_type_ids" in self.model_type.from_pretrained( self.model_name, from_pt=True ).call.__code__.co_varnames ) except: # load model as normal to expose error to user self.use_token_type_ids = ( "token_type_ids" in self.model_type.from_pretrained( self.model_name ).call.__code__.co_varnames ) if "bert-base-japanese" in model_name: self.tokenizer_type = transformers.BertJapaneseTokenizer # NOTE: As of v0.16.1, do not unnecessarily instantiate tokenizer # as it will be saved/pickled along with Preprocessor, which causes # problems for some community-uploaded models like bert-base-japanse-whole-word-masking. # tokenizer = self.tokenizer_type.from_pretrained(model_name) # self.tok = tokenizer self.tok = None # not pickled, see __getstate__ self.tok_dct = None self.max_features = max_features # ignored self.ngram_range = 1 # ignored def __getstate__(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in ["tok"]} def __setstate__(self, state): """ ``` For backwards compatibility with previous versions of ktrain that saved tokenizer and did not use ytransform ``` """ self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, "tok"): self.tok = None if not hasattr(self, "ytransform"): le = self.label_encoder if hasattr(self, "label_encoder") else None self.ytransform = U.YTransform( class_names=self.get_classes(), label_encoder=le ) if not hasattr(self, "use_token_type_ids"): # As a shortcut, we simply set use_token_type_ids to False if model is distilbert, # as most models use token_type_ids (e.g., bert, deberta, etc.) in their call method self.use_token_type_ids = != "distilbert" def set_config(self, config): self.config = config def get_config(self): return self.config def set_tokenizer(self, tokenizer): self.tok = tokenizer def get_tokenizer(self, fpath=None): model_name = self.model_name if fpath is None else fpath if self.tok is None: try: # use fast tokenizer if possible if == "bert" and "japanese" not in model_name: from transformers import BertTokenizerFast self.tok = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name) elif == "distilbert": from transformers import DistilBertTokenizerFast self.tok = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name) elif == "roberta": from transformers import RobertaTokenizerFast self.tok = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name) else: self.tok = self.tokenizer_type.from_pretrained(model_name) except: error_msg = ( f"Could not load tokenizer from model_name: {model_name}. " + f"If {model_name} is a local path, please make sure it exists and contains tokenizer files from Hugging Face. " + f"You can also reset model_name with preproc.model_name = '/your/new/path'." ) raise ValueError(error_msg) return self.tok def save_tokenizer(self, fpath): if os.path.isfile(fpath): raise ValueError( f"There is an existing file named {fpath}. " + "Please use dfferent value for fpath." ) elif os.path.exists(fpath): pass elif not os.path.exists(fpath): os.makedirs(fpath) tok = self.get_tokenizer() tok.save_pretrained(fpath) return def get_preprocessor(self): return (self.get_tokenizer(), self.tok_dct) def preprocess(self, texts): tseq = self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0) return tseq.to_tfdataset(train=False) def undo(self, doc): """ ``` undoes preprocessing and returns raw data by: converting a list or array of Word IDs back to words ``` """ tok, _ = self.get_preprocessor() return self.tok.convert_ids_to_tokens(doc) # raise Exception('currently_unsupported: Transformers.Preprocessor.undo is not yet supported') def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess training set ``` """ U.vprint("preprocessing %s..." % (mode), verbose=verbose) U.check_array(texts, y=y, X_name="texts") # detect sentence pairs is_array, is_pair = detect_text_format(texts) if not is_array: raise ValueError( "texts must be a list of strings or a list of sentence pairs" ) # detect language if self.lang is None and mode == "train": self.lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose) # print stats if not is_pair: self.print_seqlen_stats(texts, mode, verbose=verbose) if is_pair: U.vprint("sentence pairs detected", verbose=verbose) # transform y if y is None and mode == "train": raise ValueError("y is required for training sets") elif y is None: y = np.array([1] * len(texts)) y = self._transform_y(y, train=mode == "train", verbose=verbose) # convert examples tok, _ = self.get_preprocessor() dataset = self.hf_convert_examples( texts, y=y, tokenizer=tok, max_length=self.maxlen, pad_on_left=bool( in ["xlnet"]), pad_token=tok.convert_tokens_to_ids([tok.pad_token][0]), pad_token_segment_id=4 if in ["xlnet"] else 0, use_dynamic_shape=False if mode == "train" else True, verbose=verbose, ) self.set_multilabel(dataset, mode, verbose=verbose) if mode == "train": self.preprocess_train_called = True return dataset def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode="test", verbose=1): self.check_trained() return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose) @classmethod def load_model_and_configure_from_data(cls, fpath, transformer_ds): """ ``` loads model from file path and configures loss function and metrics automatically based on inspecting data Args: fpath(str): path to model folder transformer_ds(TransformerDataset): an instance of TransformerDataset ``` """ is_regression = U.is_regression_from_data(transformer_ds) multilabel = U.is_multilabel(transformer_ds) model = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(fpath) if is_regression: metrics = ["mae"] loss_fn = "mse" else: metrics = ["accuracy"] if multilabel: loss_fn = keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) else: loss_fn = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics) return model def _load_pretrained(self, mname, num_labels): """ ``` load pretrained model ``` """ if self.config is not None: self.config.num_labels = num_labels try: model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(mname, config=self.config) except: warnings.warn( "Could not load a Tensorflow version of model. (If this worked before, it might be an out-of-memory issue.) " + "Attempting to download/load PyTorch version as TensorFlow model using from_pt=True. You will need PyTorch installed for this." ) try: model = self.model_type.from_pretrained( mname, config=self.config, from_pt=True ) except: # load model as normal to expose error to user model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(mname, config=self.config) # raise ValueError('could not load pretrained model %s using both from_pt=False and from_pt=True' % (mname)) else: model = self.model_type.from_pretrained(mname, num_labels=num_labels) # ISSUE 416: mname is either model name (e.g., bert-base-uncased) or path to folder with tokenizer files self.get_tokenizer(mname) return model def get_classifier(self, fpath=None, multilabel=None, metrics=None): """ ``` creates a model for text classification Args: fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None. multilabel(bool): If None, multilabel status is discovered from data [recommended]. If True, model will be forcibly configured for multilabel task. If False, model will be forcibly configured for non-multilabel task. It is recommended to leave this as None. metrics(list): Metrics to use. If None, 'binary_accuracy' will be used if multilabel is True and 'accuracy' is used otherwise. ``` """ self.check_trained() if not self.get_classes(): warnings.warn("no class labels were provided - treating as regression") return self.get_regression_model() # process multilabel task multilabel = self.multilabel if multilabel is None else multilabel if multilabel is True and self.multilabel is False: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=True argument was supplied, but labels do not indicate " + "a multilabel problem (labels appear to be mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=True anyways." ) elif multilabel is False and self.multilabel is True: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=False argument was supplied, but labels inidcate that " + "this is a multilabel problem (labels are not mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=False anyways." ) if multilabel and metrics is None: metrics = ["binary_accuracy"] elif metrics is None: metrics = ["accuracy"] if multilabel and metrics == ["accuracy"]: warnings.warn( 'For multilabel problems, we recommend you supply the following argument to this method: metrics=["binary_accuracy"]. ' + "Otherwise, a low accuracy score will be displayed by TensorFlow (" ) # setup model num_labels = len(self.get_classes()) mname = fpath if fpath is not None else self.model_name model = self._load_pretrained(mname, num_labels) if multilabel: loss_fn = keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) else: loss_fn = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics) return model def get_regression_model(self, fpath=None, metrics=["mae"]): """ ``` creates a model for text regression Args: fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None. metrics(list): metrics to use ``` """ self.check_trained() if self.get_classes(): warnings.warn( "class labels were provided - treating as classification problem" ) return self.get_classifier() num_labels = 1 mname = fpath if fpath is not None else self.model_name model = self._load_pretrained(mname, num_labels) loss_fn = "mse" model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics) return model def get_model(self, fpath=None): self.check_trained() if not self.get_classes(): return self.get_regression_model(fpath=fpath) else: return self.get_classifier(fpath=fpath) def hf_convert_examples( self, texts, y=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=512, pad_on_left=False, pad_token=0, pad_token_segment_id=0, mask_padding_with_zero=True, use_dynamic_shape=False, verbose=1, ): """ ``` Loads a data file into a list of ``InputFeatures`` Args: texts: texts of documents or sentence pairs y: labels for documents tokenizer: Instance of a tokenizer that will tokenize the examples max_length: Maximum example length pad_on_left: If set to ``True``, the examples will be padded on the left rather than on the right (default) pad_token: Padding token pad_token_segment_id: The segment ID for the padding token (It is usually 0, but can vary such as for XLNet where it is 4) mask_padding_with_zero: If set to ``True``, the attention mask will be filled by ``1`` for actual values and by ``0`` for padded values. If set to ``False``, inverts it (``1`` for padded values, ``0`` for actual values) use_dynamic_shape(bool): If True, supplied max_length will be ignored and will be computed based on provided texts instead. verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: If the ``examples`` input is a ````, will return a ```` containing the task-specific features. If the input is a list of ``InputExamples``, will return a list of task-specific ``InputFeatures`` which can be fed to the model. ``` """ is_array, is_pair = detect_text_format(texts) if use_dynamic_shape: sentences = [] for text in texts: if is_pair: text_a = text[0] text_b = text[1] else: text_a = text text_b = None sentences.append( tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokenizer.encode(text_a, text_b)) ) # sentences.append(tokenizer.tokenize(text_a, text_b)) # only works for Fast tokenizers maxlen = ( len( max( [tokens for tokens in sentences], key=len, ) ) + 2 ) if maxlen < max_length: max_length = maxlen data = [] features_list = [] labels = [] if verbose: mb = master_bar(range(1)) pb = progress_bar(texts, parent=mb) else: mb = range(1) pb = texts for i in mb: # for (idx, text) in enumerate(progress_bar(texts, parent=mb)): for idx, text in enumerate(pb): if is_pair: text_a = text[0] text_b = text[1] else: text_a = text text_b = None features = hf_convert_example( text_a, text_b=text_b, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=max_length, pad_on_left=pad_on_left, pad_token=pad_token, pad_token_segment_id=pad_token_segment_id, mask_padding_with_zero=mask_padding_with_zero, ) features_list.append(features) labels.append(y[idx] if y is not None else None) # tfdataset = hf_features_to_tfdataset(features_list, labels) # return tfdataset # return (features_list, labels) # HF_EXCEPTION # due to issues in transormers library and TF2 tf.Datasets, arrays are converted # to iterators on-the-fly # return TransformerSequence(np.array(features_list), np.array(labels)) from .dataset import TransformerDataset return TransformerDataset( np.array(features_list), np.array(labels), use_token_type_ids=self.use_token_type_ids, )
- TextPreprocessor
- Preprocessor
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def load_model_and_configure_from_data(fpath, transformer_ds)
loads model from file path and configures loss function and metrics automatically based on inspecting data Args: fpath(str): path to model folder transformer_ds(TransformerDataset): an instance of TransformerDataset
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@classmethod def load_model_and_configure_from_data(cls, fpath, transformer_ds): """ ``` loads model from file path and configures loss function and metrics automatically based on inspecting data Args: fpath(str): path to model folder transformer_ds(TransformerDataset): an instance of TransformerDataset ``` """ is_regression = U.is_regression_from_data(transformer_ds) multilabel = U.is_multilabel(transformer_ds) model = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(fpath) if is_regression: metrics = ["mae"] loss_fn = "mse" else: metrics = ["accuracy"] if multilabel: loss_fn = keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) else: loss_fn = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics) return model
def get_classifier(self, fpath=None, multilabel=None, metrics=None)
creates a model for text classification Args: fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None. multilabel(bool): If None, multilabel status is discovered from data [recommended]. If True, model will be forcibly configured for multilabel task. If False, model will be forcibly configured for non-multilabel task. It is recommended to leave this as None. metrics(list): Metrics to use. If None, 'binary_accuracy' will be used if multilabel is True and 'accuracy' is used otherwise.
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def get_classifier(self, fpath=None, multilabel=None, metrics=None): """ ``` creates a model for text classification Args: fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None. multilabel(bool): If None, multilabel status is discovered from data [recommended]. If True, model will be forcibly configured for multilabel task. If False, model will be forcibly configured for non-multilabel task. It is recommended to leave this as None. metrics(list): Metrics to use. If None, 'binary_accuracy' will be used if multilabel is True and 'accuracy' is used otherwise. ``` """ self.check_trained() if not self.get_classes(): warnings.warn("no class labels were provided - treating as regression") return self.get_regression_model() # process multilabel task multilabel = self.multilabel if multilabel is None else multilabel if multilabel is True and self.multilabel is False: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=True argument was supplied, but labels do not indicate " + "a multilabel problem (labels appear to be mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=True anyways." ) elif multilabel is False and self.multilabel is True: warnings.warn( "The multilabel=False argument was supplied, but labels inidcate that " + "this is a multilabel problem (labels are not mutually-exclusive). Using multilabel=False anyways." ) if multilabel and metrics is None: metrics = ["binary_accuracy"] elif metrics is None: metrics = ["accuracy"] if multilabel and metrics == ["accuracy"]: warnings.warn( 'For multilabel problems, we recommend you supply the following argument to this method: metrics=["binary_accuracy"]. ' + "Otherwise, a low accuracy score will be displayed by TensorFlow (" ) # setup model num_labels = len(self.get_classes()) mname = fpath if fpath is not None else self.model_name model = self._load_pretrained(mname, num_labels) if multilabel: loss_fn = keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) else: loss_fn = keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics) return model
def get_config(self)
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def get_config(self): return self.config
def get_model(self, fpath=None)
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def get_model(self, fpath=None): self.check_trained() if not self.get_classes(): return self.get_regression_model(fpath=fpath) else: return self.get_classifier(fpath=fpath)
def get_preprocessor(self)
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def get_preprocessor(self): return (self.get_tokenizer(), self.tok_dct)
def get_regression_model(self, fpath=None, metrics=['mae'])
creates a model for text regression Args: fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None. metrics(list): metrics to use
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def get_regression_model(self, fpath=None, metrics=["mae"]): """ ``` creates a model for text regression Args: fpath(str): optional path to saved pretrained model. Typically left as None. metrics(list): metrics to use ``` """ self.check_trained() if self.get_classes(): warnings.warn( "class labels were provided - treating as classification problem" ) return self.get_classifier() num_labels = 1 mname = fpath if fpath is not None else self.model_name model = self._load_pretrained(mname, num_labels) loss_fn = "mse" model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=U.DEFAULT_OPT, metrics=metrics) return model
def get_tokenizer(self, fpath=None)
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def get_tokenizer(self, fpath=None): model_name = self.model_name if fpath is None else fpath if self.tok is None: try: # use fast tokenizer if possible if == "bert" and "japanese" not in model_name: from transformers import BertTokenizerFast self.tok = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name) elif == "distilbert": from transformers import DistilBertTokenizerFast self.tok = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name) elif == "roberta": from transformers import RobertaTokenizerFast self.tok = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name) else: self.tok = self.tokenizer_type.from_pretrained(model_name) except: error_msg = ( f"Could not load tokenizer from model_name: {model_name}. " + f"If {model_name} is a local path, please make sure it exists and contains tokenizer files from Hugging Face. " + f"You can also reset model_name with preproc.model_name = '/your/new/path'." ) raise ValueError(error_msg) return self.tok
def hf_convert_examples(self, texts, y=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=512, pad_on_left=False, pad_token=0, pad_token_segment_id=0, mask_padding_with_zero=True, use_dynamic_shape=False, verbose=1)
Loads a data file into a list of ``InputFeatures`` Args: texts: texts of documents or sentence pairs y: labels for documents tokenizer: Instance of a tokenizer that will tokenize the examples max_length: Maximum example length pad_on_left: If set to ``True``, the examples will be padded on the left rather than on the right (default) pad_token: Padding token pad_token_segment_id: The segment ID for the padding token (It is usually 0, but can vary such as for XLNet where it is 4) mask_padding_with_zero: If set to ``True``, the attention mask will be filled by ``1`` for actual values and by ``0`` for padded values. If set to ``False``, inverts it (``1`` for padded values, ``0`` for actual values) use_dynamic_shape(bool): If True, supplied max_length will be ignored and will be computed based on provided texts instead. verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: If the ``examples`` input is a ````, will return a ```` containing the task-specific features. If the input is a list of ``InputExamples``, will return a list of task-specific ``InputFeatures`` which can be fed to the model.
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def hf_convert_examples( self, texts, y=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=512, pad_on_left=False, pad_token=0, pad_token_segment_id=0, mask_padding_with_zero=True, use_dynamic_shape=False, verbose=1, ): """ ``` Loads a data file into a list of ``InputFeatures`` Args: texts: texts of documents or sentence pairs y: labels for documents tokenizer: Instance of a tokenizer that will tokenize the examples max_length: Maximum example length pad_on_left: If set to ``True``, the examples will be padded on the left rather than on the right (default) pad_token: Padding token pad_token_segment_id: The segment ID for the padding token (It is usually 0, but can vary such as for XLNet where it is 4) mask_padding_with_zero: If set to ``True``, the attention mask will be filled by ``1`` for actual values and by ``0`` for padded values. If set to ``False``, inverts it (``1`` for padded values, ``0`` for actual values) use_dynamic_shape(bool): If True, supplied max_length will be ignored and will be computed based on provided texts instead. verbose(bool): verbosity Returns: If the ``examples`` input is a ````, will return a ```` containing the task-specific features. If the input is a list of ``InputExamples``, will return a list of task-specific ``InputFeatures`` which can be fed to the model. ``` """ is_array, is_pair = detect_text_format(texts) if use_dynamic_shape: sentences = [] for text in texts: if is_pair: text_a = text[0] text_b = text[1] else: text_a = text text_b = None sentences.append( tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokenizer.encode(text_a, text_b)) ) # sentences.append(tokenizer.tokenize(text_a, text_b)) # only works for Fast tokenizers maxlen = ( len( max( [tokens for tokens in sentences], key=len, ) ) + 2 ) if maxlen < max_length: max_length = maxlen data = [] features_list = [] labels = [] if verbose: mb = master_bar(range(1)) pb = progress_bar(texts, parent=mb) else: mb = range(1) pb = texts for i in mb: # for (idx, text) in enumerate(progress_bar(texts, parent=mb)): for idx, text in enumerate(pb): if is_pair: text_a = text[0] text_b = text[1] else: text_a = text text_b = None features = hf_convert_example( text_a, text_b=text_b, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=max_length, pad_on_left=pad_on_left, pad_token=pad_token, pad_token_segment_id=pad_token_segment_id, mask_padding_with_zero=mask_padding_with_zero, ) features_list.append(features) labels.append(y[idx] if y is not None else None) # tfdataset = hf_features_to_tfdataset(features_list, labels) # return tfdataset # return (features_list, labels) # HF_EXCEPTION # due to issues in transormers library and TF2 tf.Datasets, arrays are converted # to iterators on-the-fly # return TransformerSequence(np.array(features_list), np.array(labels)) from .dataset import TransformerDataset return TransformerDataset( np.array(features_list), np.array(labels), use_token_type_ids=self.use_token_type_ids, )
def preprocess(self, texts)
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def preprocess(self, texts): tseq = self.preprocess_test(texts, verbose=0) return tseq.to_tfdataset(train=False)
def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode='test', verbose=1)
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def preprocess_test(self, texts, y=None, mode="test", verbose=1): self.check_trained() return self.preprocess_train(texts, y=y, mode=mode, verbose=verbose)
def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode='train', verbose=1)
preprocess training set
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def preprocess_train(self, texts, y=None, mode="train", verbose=1): """ ``` preprocess training set ``` """ U.vprint("preprocessing %s..." % (mode), verbose=verbose) U.check_array(texts, y=y, X_name="texts") # detect sentence pairs is_array, is_pair = detect_text_format(texts) if not is_array: raise ValueError( "texts must be a list of strings or a list of sentence pairs" ) # detect language if self.lang is None and mode == "train": self.lang = TU.detect_lang(texts) U.vprint("language: %s" % (self.lang), verbose=verbose) # print stats if not is_pair: self.print_seqlen_stats(texts, mode, verbose=verbose) if is_pair: U.vprint("sentence pairs detected", verbose=verbose) # transform y if y is None and mode == "train": raise ValueError("y is required for training sets") elif y is None: y = np.array([1] * len(texts)) y = self._transform_y(y, train=mode == "train", verbose=verbose) # convert examples tok, _ = self.get_preprocessor() dataset = self.hf_convert_examples( texts, y=y, tokenizer=tok, max_length=self.maxlen, pad_on_left=bool( in ["xlnet"]), pad_token=tok.convert_tokens_to_ids([tok.pad_token][0]), pad_token_segment_id=4 if in ["xlnet"] else 0, use_dynamic_shape=False if mode == "train" else True, verbose=verbose, ) self.set_multilabel(dataset, mode, verbose=verbose) if mode == "train": self.preprocess_train_called = True return dataset
def save_tokenizer(self, fpath)
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def save_tokenizer(self, fpath): if os.path.isfile(fpath): raise ValueError( f"There is an existing file named {fpath}. " + "Please use dfferent value for fpath." ) elif os.path.exists(fpath): pass elif not os.path.exists(fpath): os.makedirs(fpath) tok = self.get_tokenizer() tok.save_pretrained(fpath) return
def set_config(self, config)
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def set_config(self, config): self.config = config
def set_tokenizer(self, tokenizer)
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def set_tokenizer(self, tokenizer): self.tok = tokenizer
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