Module ktrain.text.textutils
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from subprocess import DEVNULL, PIPE, Popen
from ..imports import *
def extract_copy(corpus_path, output_path, verbose=0):
Crawl <corpus_path>, extract plain text from documents
and then copy them to output_path.
Requires textract package
corpus_path(str): root folder containing documents
output_path(str): root folder of output directory
verbose(bool): Default:0. Set to 1 (or True) to see error details on why each skipped document was skipped.
list: list of skipped filenames
# TODO: change this to use TextExtractor
import textract
except ImportError:
raise Exception("extract_copy requires textract: pip install textract")
skipped = set()
num_skipped = 0
corpus_path = os.path.normpath(corpus_path)
output_path = os.path.normpath(output_path)
for idx, filename in enumerate(extract_filenames(corpus_path)):
if idx % 1000 == 0:
print("processed %s doc(s)" % (idx + 1))
mtype = get_mimetype(filename)
if mtype and mtype.split("/")[0] == "text":
with open(filename, "r") as f:
text =
text = str.encode(text)
text = textract.process(filename)
except Exception as e:
if verbose:
print("ERROR on %s:\n%s" % (filename, e))
num_skipped += 1
if not mtype:
mtype = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
if not mtype:
mtype == "unknown"
if not text:
num_skipped += 1
fpath, fname = os.path.split(filename)
if mtype and mtype.split("/")[0] != "text":
fname = fname + ".txt"
relfpath = fpath.replace(corpus_path, "")
relfpath = relfpath[1:] if relfpath and relfpath[0] == os.sep else relfpath
opath = os.path.join(output_path, relfpath)
if not os.path.exists(opath):
ofilename = os.path.join(opath, fname)
with open(ofilename, "wb") as f:
print("processed %s docs" % (idx + 1))
print("skipped %s docs" % (num_skipped))
if skipped:
print("%s" % (skipped))
def get_mimetype(filepath):
return mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]
def is_txt(filepath, strict=False):
if strict:
return mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0] == "text/plain"
mtype = get_mimetype(filepath)
return mtype is not None and mtype.split("/")[0] == "text"
def is_pdf(filepath):
return mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0] == "application/pdf"
def pdftotext(filename):
Use pdftotext program to convert PDF to text string.
:param filename: of PDF file
:return: text from file, or empty string if failure
output = Popen(["pdftotext", "-q", filename, "-"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
# None may indicate damage, but convert for consistency
return "" if output is None else output
def requires_ocr(filename):
Uses pdffonts program to determine if the PDF requires OCR, i.e., it
doesn't contain any fonts.
:param filename: of PDF file
:return: True if requires OCR, False if not
output = Popen(["pdffonts", filename], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL).communicate()[0]
return len(output.split("\n")) < 4
def extract_filenames(corpus_path, follow_links=False):
if os.listdir(corpus_path) == []:
raise ValueError("%s: path is empty" % corpus_path)
walk = os.walk
for root, dirs, filenames in walk(corpus_path, followlinks=follow_links):
for filename in filenames:
yield os.path.join(root, filename)
def strip_control_characters(data):
if data:
# unicode invalid characters
re_xml_illegal = (
% (
data = re.sub(re_xml_illegal, "", data)
# ascii control characters
# data = re.sub(r"[\x01-\x1F\x7F]", "", data)
# See:
# Printable utf-8 does not include any of these chars below x7F
data = re.sub(r"[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]", "", data)
return data
def to_ascii(data):
"""Transform accentuated unicode symbols into ascii or nothing
Warning: this solution is only suited for languages that have a direct
transliteration to ASCII symbols.
A better solution would be to use transliteration based on a precomputed
unidecode map to be used by translate as explained here:
import unicodedata
if isinstance(data, bytes):
data = data.decode()
nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", data)
only_ascii = nkfd_form.encode("ASCII", "ignore")
# Return a string
return only_ascii.decode("ascii")
def load_text_files(corpus_path, truncate_len=None, clean=True, return_fnames=False):
load text files
texts = []
filenames = []
mb = master_bar(range(1))
for i in mb:
for filename in progress_bar(list(extract_filenames(corpus_path)), parent=mb):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
text =
if clean:
text = strip_control_characters(text)
text = to_ascii(text)
if truncate_len is not None:
text = " ".join(text.split()[:truncate_len])
if return_fnames:
return (texts, filenames)
return texts
def filter_by_id(lst, ids=[]):
filter list by supplied IDs
return [x for i, x in enumerate(lst) if i in ids]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Language-Handling
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def chinese_stopwords():
with open(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "stopwords-zh.txt"),
) as f:
return [line.strip() for line in f]
def detect_lang(texts, sample_size=32):
detect language
# convert sentence pairs
if isinstance(texts, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) and len(texts) == 2:
texts = [texts[0], texts[1]]
elif (
isinstance(texts, (tuple, list, np.ndarray))
and isinstance(texts[0], (tuple, list, np.ndarray))
and len(texts[0]) == 2
texts = [t[0] for t in texts]
if isinstance(texts, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
texts = texts.values
if isinstance(texts, str):
texts = [texts]
if not isinstance(texts, (list, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError("texts must be a list or NumPy array of strings")
lst = []
for doc in texts[:sample_size]:
if len(lst) == 0:
"Defaulting to English for language detection: could not detect language from documents. "
+ "This may be due to empty or invalid texts being provided to detect_lang."
lang = "en"
lang = max(set(lst), key=lst.count)
# return max(set(lst), key=lst.count)
return lang
def is_chinese(lang, strict=True):
lang(str): language code (e.g., en)
strict(bool): If False, include additional languages due to mistakes on short texts by langdetect
if strict:
extra_clause = False
extra_clause = lang in ["ja", "ko"]
return lang is not None and lang.startswith("zh-") or extra_clause
def split_chinese(texts):
if isinstance(texts, str):
texts = [texts]
split_texts = []
for doc in texts:
seg_list = jieba.cut(doc, cut_all=False)
seg_list = list(seg_list)
return [" ".join(tokens) for tokens in split_texts]
NOSPACE_LANGS = ["zh-cn", "zh-tw", "ja"]
def is_nospace_lang(lang):
return lang in NOSPACE_LANGS
def decode_by_line(texts, encoding="utf-8", verbose=1):
Decode text line by line and skip over errors.
if isinstance(texts, str):
texts = [texts]
new_texts = []
skips = 0
num_lines = 0
for doc in texts:
text = ""
for line in doc.splitlines():
num_lines += 1
line = line.decode(encoding)
skips += 1
text += line
pct = round((skips * 1.0 / num_lines) * 100, 1)
if verbose:
print("skipped %s lines (%s%%) due to character decoding errors" % (skips, pct))
if pct > 10:
print("If this is too many, try a different encoding")
return new_texts
def detect_encoding(texts, sample_size=32):
if not isinstance(texts, list):
# check for instance of list as bytes are supplied as input
texts = [texts]
lst = [chardet.detect(doc)["encoding"] for doc in texts[:sample_size]]
encoding = max(set(lst), key=lst.count)
# standardize to utf-8 to prevent BERT problems
encoding = "utf-8" if encoding.lower() in ["ascii", "utf8", "utf-8"] else encoding
return encoding
def read_text(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
text =
encoding = detect_encoding([text])
decoded_text = text.decode(encoding)
"Decoding with %s failed 1st attempt - using %s with skips"
% (encoding, encoding),
decoded_text = decode_by_line(text, encoding=encoding)
return decoded_text.strip()
def sent_tokenize(text, lang=None):
segment text into sentences
lang = detect_lang(text) if lang is None else lang
sents = []
if is_chinese(lang):
for sent in re.findall("[^!?。\.\!\?]+[!?。\.\!\?]?", text, flags=re.U):
for paragraph in segmenter.process(text):
for sentence in paragraph:
sents.append(" ".join([t.value for t in sentence]))
return sents
# def paragraph_tokenize(text, join_sentences=False, lang=None):
# """
# ```
# segment text into paragraphs
# ```
# """
# lang = detect_lang(text) if lang is None else lang
# if is_chinese(lang):
# raise ValueError("paragraph_tokenize does not currently support Chinese.")
# paragraphs = []
# sents = []
# for paragraph in segmenter.process(text):
# sents = []
# for sentence in paragraph:
# sents.append(" ".join([t.value for t in sentence]))
# if join_sentences:
# sents = " ".join(sents)
# paragraphs.append(sents)
# return paragraphs
# tokenizer_filter = rs='!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n'
# re_tok = re.compile(f"([{string.punctuation}“”¨«»®´·º½¾¿¡§£₤‘’])")
# def tokenize(s, join_tokens=False, join_char=" "):
# tokens = re_tok.sub(r" \1 ", s).split()
# if join_tokens:
# tokens = join_char.join(tokens)
# return tokens
def paragraph_tokenize(
text, join_sentences=False, join_tokens=True, join_char=" ", lang=None
segment text into paragraphs
lang = detect_lang(text) if lang is None else lang
if is_chinese(lang):
raise ValueError("paragraph_tokenize does not currently support Chinese.")
paragraphs = []
sents = []
for paragraph in segmenter.process(text):
sents = []
for sentence in paragraph:
join_char.join([t.value for t in sentence])
if join_tokens
else [t.value for t in sentence]
if join_sentences and join_tokens:
sents = join_char.join(sents)
elif join_sentences and not join_tokens:
sents = [item for sublist in sents for item in sublist]
# 20220715: moved to tokenize due to text/qa/ usage
# paragraphs = paragraphs[0] if len(paragraphs) == 1 else paragraphs
return paragraphs
def tokenize(s, join_tokens=False, join_sentences=True, join_char=" "):
s = s.replace("\n", " ")
paragraphs = paragraph_tokenize(
s, join_tokens=join_tokens, join_sentences=join_sentences, join_char=join_char
return paragraphs[0] if len(paragraphs) == 1 else paragraphs
def extract_noun_phrases(text):
extracts noun phrases
from textblob import TextBlob
raise Exception("extract_noun_phrases require TextBlob: pip install textblob")
blob = TextBlob(text)
stop_words = ["which", "what"]
curr_phrase = []
np_list = []
start = False
for token in blob.tags:
if token[1].startswith("J") or token[1].startswith("N"):
if not start:
start = True
if token[0].lower() not in stop_words:
if start:
np_list.append(" ".join(curr_phrase))
curr_phrase = []
start = False
if start:
np_list.append(" ".join(curr_phrase))
return np_list
def extract_offsets(sentence, tokens=None, tokenizer=tokenize):
extracts character
sentence (str): text
tokens (list): list of tokens from sentence. If None, tokens will be generated using supplied tokenizer.
tokenizer (Callable): a callable that accepts text and returns a list of tokens
list of dictionaries of the form {'token': <the token>, 'start': start character index, 'end': end character index}
s = sentence
tokens = tokenizer(sentence)
offsets = []
last_end = 0
for t in tokens:
if t == "": # t[0] doesn't exist for empty strings
# find start of current token
for start_ind in range(last_end, len(sentence)):
if sentence[start_ind] == t[0]:
end_ind = len(sentence)
for end_ind in range(start_ind + 1, len(sentence)):
if (end_ind - start_ind) >= len(t):
d = {
"token": t,
"start": start_ind,
"end": end_ind,
last_end = end_ind
return offsets
def chinese_stopwords()
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def chinese_stopwords(): with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "stopwords-zh.txt"), "r", ) as f: return [line.strip() for line in f]
def decode_by_line(texts, encoding='utf-8', verbose=1)
Decode text line by line and skip over errors.
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def decode_by_line(texts, encoding="utf-8", verbose=1): """ ``` Decode text line by line and skip over errors. ``` """ if isinstance(texts, str): texts = [texts] new_texts = [] skips = 0 num_lines = 0 for doc in texts: text = "" for line in doc.splitlines(): num_lines += 1 try: line = line.decode(encoding) except: skips += 1 continue text += line new_texts.append(text) pct = round((skips * 1.0 / num_lines) * 100, 1) if verbose: print("skipped %s lines (%s%%) due to character decoding errors" % (skips, pct)) if pct > 10: print("If this is too many, try a different encoding") return new_texts
def detect_encoding(texts, sample_size=32)
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def detect_encoding(texts, sample_size=32): if not isinstance(texts, list): # check for instance of list as bytes are supplied as input texts = [texts] lst = [chardet.detect(doc)["encoding"] for doc in texts[:sample_size]] encoding = max(set(lst), key=lst.count) # standardize to utf-8 to prevent BERT problems encoding = "utf-8" if encoding.lower() in ["ascii", "utf8", "utf-8"] else encoding return encoding
def detect_lang(texts, sample_size=32)
detect language
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def detect_lang(texts, sample_size=32): """ ``` detect language ``` """ # convert sentence pairs if isinstance(texts, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) and len(texts) == 2: texts = [texts[0], texts[1]] elif ( isinstance(texts, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) and isinstance(texts[0], (tuple, list, np.ndarray)) and len(texts[0]) == 2 ): texts = [t[0] for t in texts] if isinstance(texts, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): texts = texts.values if isinstance(texts, str): texts = [texts] if not isinstance(texts, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError("texts must be a list or NumPy array of strings") lst = [] for doc in texts[:sample_size]: try: lst.append(langdetect.detect(doc)) except: continue if len(lst) == 0: warnings.warn( "Defaulting to English for language detection: could not detect language from documents. " + "This may be due to empty or invalid texts being provided to detect_lang." ) lang = "en" else: lang = max(set(lst), key=lst.count) # return max(set(lst), key=lst.count) return lang
def extract_copy(corpus_path, output_path, verbose=0)
Crawl <corpus_path>, extract plain text from documents and then copy them to output_path. Requires textract package Args: corpus_path(str): root folder containing documents output_path(str): root folder of output directory verbose(bool): Default:0. Set to 1 (or True) to see error details on why each skipped document was skipped. Returns: list: list of skipped filenames
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def extract_copy(corpus_path, output_path, verbose=0): """ ``` Crawl <corpus_path>, extract plain text from documents and then copy them to output_path. Requires textract package Args: corpus_path(str): root folder containing documents output_path(str): root folder of output directory verbose(bool): Default:0. Set to 1 (or True) to see error details on why each skipped document was skipped. Returns: list: list of skipped filenames ``` """ try: # TODO: change this to use TextExtractor import textract except ImportError: raise Exception("extract_copy requires textract: pip install textract") skipped = set() num_skipped = 0 corpus_path = os.path.normpath(corpus_path) output_path = os.path.normpath(output_path) for idx, filename in enumerate(extract_filenames(corpus_path)): if idx % 1000 == 0: print("processed %s doc(s)" % (idx + 1)) mtype = get_mimetype(filename) try: if mtype and mtype.split("/")[0] == "text": with open(filename, "r") as f: text = text = str.encode(text) else: text = textract.process(filename) except Exception as e: if verbose: print("ERROR on %s:\n%s" % (filename, e)) num_skipped += 1 if not mtype: mtype = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not mtype: mtype == "unknown" skipped.add(mtype) continue if not text: num_skipped += 1 continue fpath, fname = os.path.split(filename) if mtype and mtype.split("/")[0] != "text": fname = fname + ".txt" relfpath = fpath.replace(corpus_path, "") relfpath = relfpath[1:] if relfpath and relfpath[0] == os.sep else relfpath opath = os.path.join(output_path, relfpath) if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) ofilename = os.path.join(opath, fname) with open(ofilename, "wb") as f: f.write(text) print("processed %s docs" % (idx + 1)) print("done.") print("skipped %s docs" % (num_skipped)) if skipped: print("%s" % (skipped))
def extract_filenames(corpus_path, follow_links=False)
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def extract_filenames(corpus_path, follow_links=False): if os.listdir(corpus_path) == []: raise ValueError("%s: path is empty" % corpus_path) walk = os.walk for root, dirs, filenames in walk(corpus_path, followlinks=follow_links): for filename in filenames: try: yield os.path.join(root, filename) except: continue
def extract_noun_phrases(text)
extracts noun phrases
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def extract_noun_phrases(text): """ ``` extracts noun phrases ``` """ try: from textblob import TextBlob except: raise Exception("extract_noun_phrases require TextBlob: pip install textblob") blob = TextBlob(text) stop_words = ["which", "what"] curr_phrase = [] np_list = [] start = False for token in blob.tags: if token[1].startswith("J") or token[1].startswith("N"): if not start: start = True if token[0].lower() not in stop_words: curr_phrase.append(token[0]) else: if start: np_list.append(" ".join(curr_phrase)) curr_phrase = [] start = False if start: np_list.append(" ".join(curr_phrase)) return np_list
def extract_offsets(sentence, tokens=None, tokenizer=<function tokenize>)
extracts character Args: sentence (str): text tokens (list): list of tokens from sentence. If None, tokens will be generated using supplied tokenizer. tokenizer (Callable): a callable that accepts text and returns a list of tokens Return: list of dictionaries of the form {'token': <the token>, 'start': start character index, 'end': end character index}
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def extract_offsets(sentence, tokens=None, tokenizer=tokenize): """ ``` extracts character Args: sentence (str): text tokens (list): list of tokens from sentence. If None, tokens will be generated using supplied tokenizer. tokenizer (Callable): a callable that accepts text and returns a list of tokens Return: list of dictionaries of the form {'token': <the token>, 'start': start character index, 'end': end character index} ``` """ s = sentence tokens = tokenizer(sentence) offsets = [] last_end = 0 for t in tokens: if t == "": # t[0] doesn't exist for empty strings continue # find start of current token for start_ind in range(last_end, len(sentence)): if sentence[start_ind] == t[0]: break end_ind = len(sentence) for end_ind in range(start_ind + 1, len(sentence)): if (end_ind - start_ind) >= len(t): break d = { "token": t, "start": start_ind, "end": end_ind, } offsets.append(d) last_end = end_ind return offsets
def filter_by_id(lst, ids=[])
filter list by supplied IDs
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def filter_by_id(lst, ids=[]): """ ``` filter list by supplied IDs ``` """ return [x for i, x in enumerate(lst) if i in ids]
def get_mimetype(filepath)
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def get_mimetype(filepath): return mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]
def is_chinese(lang, strict=True)
Args: lang(str): language code (e.g., en) strict(bool): If False, include additional languages due to mistakes on short texts by langdetect
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def is_chinese(lang, strict=True): """ ``` Args: lang(str): language code (e.g., en) strict(bool): If False, include additional languages due to mistakes on short texts by langdetect ``` """ if strict: extra_clause = False else: extra_clause = lang in ["ja", "ko"] return lang is not None and lang.startswith("zh-") or extra_clause
def is_nospace_lang(lang)
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def is_nospace_lang(lang): return lang in NOSPACE_LANGS
def is_pdf(filepath)
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def is_pdf(filepath): return mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0] == "application/pdf"
def is_txt(filepath, strict=False)
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def is_txt(filepath, strict=False): if strict: return mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0] == "text/plain" else: mtype = get_mimetype(filepath) return mtype is not None and mtype.split("/")[0] == "text"
def load_text_files(corpus_path, truncate_len=None, clean=True, return_fnames=False)
load text files
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def load_text_files(corpus_path, truncate_len=None, clean=True, return_fnames=False): """ ``` load text files ``` """ texts = [] filenames = [] mb = master_bar(range(1)) for i in mb: for filename in progress_bar(list(extract_filenames(corpus_path)), parent=mb): with open(filename, "r") as f: text = if clean: text = strip_control_characters(text) text = to_ascii(text) if truncate_len is not None: text = " ".join(text.split()[:truncate_len]) texts.append(text) filenames.append(filename) mb.write("done.") if return_fnames: return (texts, filenames) else: return texts
def paragraph_tokenize(text, join_sentences=False, join_tokens=True, join_char=' ', lang=None)
segment text into paragraphs
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def paragraph_tokenize( text, join_sentences=False, join_tokens=True, join_char=" ", lang=None ): """ ``` segment text into paragraphs ``` """ lang = detect_lang(text) if lang is None else lang if is_chinese(lang): raise ValueError("paragraph_tokenize does not currently support Chinese.") paragraphs = [] sents = [] for paragraph in segmenter.process(text): sents = [] for sentence in paragraph: sents.append( join_char.join([t.value for t in sentence]) if join_tokens else [t.value for t in sentence] ) if join_sentences and join_tokens: sents = join_char.join(sents) elif join_sentences and not join_tokens: sents = [item for sublist in sents for item in sublist] paragraphs.append(sents) # 20220715: moved to tokenize due to text/qa/ usage # paragraphs = paragraphs[0] if len(paragraphs) == 1 else paragraphs return paragraphs
def pdftotext(filename)
Use pdftotext program to convert PDF to text string. :param filename: of PDF file :return: text from file, or empty string if failure
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def pdftotext(filename): """ ``` Use pdftotext program to convert PDF to text string. :param filename: of PDF file :return: text from file, or empty string if failure ``` """ output = Popen(["pdftotext", "-q", filename, "-"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] # None may indicate damage, but convert for consistency return "" if output is None else output
def read_text(filename)
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def read_text(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: text = encoding = detect_encoding([text]) try: decoded_text = text.decode(encoding) except: U.vprint( "Decoding with %s failed 1st attempt - using %s with skips" % (encoding, encoding), verbose=verbose, ) decoded_text = decode_by_line(text, encoding=encoding) return decoded_text.strip()
def requires_ocr(filename)
Uses pdffonts program to determine if the PDF requires OCR, i.e., it doesn't contain any fonts. :param filename: of PDF file :return: True if requires OCR, False if not
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def requires_ocr(filename): """ ``` Uses pdffonts program to determine if the PDF requires OCR, i.e., it doesn't contain any fonts. :param filename: of PDF file :return: True if requires OCR, False if not ``` """ output = Popen(["pdffonts", filename], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL).communicate()[0] return len(output.split("\n")) < 4
def sent_tokenize(text, lang=None)
segment text into sentences
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def sent_tokenize(text, lang=None): """ ``` segment text into sentences ``` """ lang = detect_lang(text) if lang is None else lang sents = [] if is_chinese(lang): for sent in re.findall("[^!?。\.\!\?]+[!?。\.\!\?]?", text, flags=re.U): sents.append(sent) else: for paragraph in segmenter.process(text): for sentence in paragraph: sents.append(" ".join([t.value for t in sentence])) return sents
def split_chinese(texts)
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def split_chinese(texts): if isinstance(texts, str): texts = [texts] split_texts = [] for doc in texts: seg_list = jieba.cut(doc, cut_all=False) seg_list = list(seg_list) split_texts.append(seg_list) return [" ".join(tokens) for tokens in split_texts]
def strip_control_characters(data)
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def strip_control_characters(data): if data: # unicode invalid characters re_xml_illegal = ( "([\u0000-\u0008\u000b-\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ufffe-\uffff])|" "([%s-%s][^%s-%s])|([^%s-%s][%s-%s])|([%s-%s]$)|(^[%s-%s])" % ( chr(0xD800), chr(0xDBFF), chr(0xDC00), chr(0xDFFF), chr(0xD800), chr(0xDBFF), chr(0xDC00), chr(0xDFFF), chr(0xD800), chr(0xDBFF), chr(0xDC00), chr(0xDFFF), ) ) data = re.sub(re_xml_illegal, "", data) # ascii control characters # data = re.sub(r"[\x01-\x1F\x7F]", "", data) # See: # Printable utf-8 does not include any of these chars below x7F data = re.sub(r"[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]", "", data) return data
def to_ascii(data)
Transform accentuated unicode symbols into ascii or nothing
Warning: this solution is only suited for languages that have a direct transliteration to ASCII symbols.
A better solution would be to use transliteration based on a precomputed unidecode map to be used by translate as explained here:
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def to_ascii(data): """Transform accentuated unicode symbols into ascii or nothing Warning: this solution is only suited for languages that have a direct transliteration to ASCII symbols. A better solution would be to use transliteration based on a precomputed unidecode map to be used by translate as explained here: """ import unicodedata if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode() nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", data) only_ascii = nkfd_form.encode("ASCII", "ignore") # Return a string return only_ascii.decode("ascii")
def tokenize(s, join_tokens=False, join_sentences=True, join_char=' ')
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def tokenize(s, join_tokens=False, join_sentences=True, join_char=" "): s = s.replace("\n", " ") paragraphs = paragraph_tokenize( s, join_tokens=join_tokens, join_sentences=join_sentences, join_char=join_char ) return paragraphs[0] if len(paragraphs) == 1 else paragraphs