Expand source code
# from transformers import TFBertForQuestionAnswering
# from transformers import BertTokenizer
from transformers import (
from whoosh import index, qparser
from whoosh.fields import *
from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
from ... import utils as U
from ...imports import *
from ...torch_base import TorchBase
from .. import preprocessor as tpp
from .. import textutils as TU
LOWCONF = -10000
DEFAULT_MODEL = "bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad"
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
def twolists(l1, l2):
return [x for x in chain(*zip_longest(l1, l2)) if x is not None]
def _answers2df(answers):
dfdata = []
for a in answers:
answer_text = a["answer"]
snippet_html = (
+ a["sentence_beginning"]
+ " <font color='red'>"
+ a["answer"]
+ "</font> "
+ a["sentence_end"]
+ "</div>"
confidence = a["confidence"]
doc_key = a["reference"]
dfdata.append([answer_text, snippet_html, confidence, doc_key])
df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["Candidate Answer", "Context", "Confidence", "Document Reference"],
if "\t" in answers[0]["reference"]:
df["Document Reference"] = df["Document Reference"].apply(
lambda x: '<a href="{}" target="_blank">{}</a>'.format(
x.split("\t")[1], x.split("\t")[0]
return df
def display_answers(answers):
if not answers:
df = _answers2df(answers)
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
return display(HTML(df.to_html(render_links=True, escape=False)))
def process_question(
question, include_np=False, and_np=False, remove_english_stopwords=False
result = None
np_list = []
if include_np:
# np_list = ['"%s"' % (np) for np in TU.extract_noun_phrases(question) if len(np.split()) > 1]
raw_np_list = [
np for np in TU.extract_noun_phrases(question) if len(np.split()) > 1
np_list = []
for np in raw_np_list:
N = 2
sentence = np.split()
'"%s"' % (" ".join(sentence[i : i + N]))
for i in range(len(sentence) - N + 1)
np_list = list(set(np_list))
import warnings
"TextBlob is not currently installed, so falling back to include_np=False with no extra question processing. "
+ "To install: pip install textblob"
result = TU.tokenize(question, join_tokens=False)
if remove_english_stopwords:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS
result = [
for term in result
if term.lower().strip() not in list(ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) + ["?"]
if np_list and and_np:
return f'( {" ".join(result)} ) AND ({" ".join(np_list)})'
return " ".join(result + np_list)
_process_question = process_question # for backwards compatibility
# def _process_question(question, include_np=False):
# if include_np:
# try:
# # attempt to use extract_noun_phrases first if textblob is installed
# np_list = ['"%s"' % (np) for np in TU.extract_noun_phrases(question) if len(np.split()) > 1]
# q_tokens = TU.tokenize(question, join_tokens=False)
# q_tokens.extend(np_list)
# return " ".join(q_tokens)
# except:
# import warnings
# warnings.warn('TextBlob is not currently installed, so falling back to include_np=False with no extra question processing. '+\
# 'To install: pip install textblob')
# return TU.tokenize(question, join_tokens=True)
# else:
# return TU.tokenize(question, join_tokens=True)
class ExtractiveQABase(ABC, TorchBase):
Base class for QA
def __init__(
model_name = bert_squad_model if bert_squad_model is not None else model_name
if bert_squad_model:
"The bert_squad_model argument is deprecated - please use model_name instead.",
self.model_name = model_name
self.framework = framework
if framework == "tf":
import tensorflow as tf
except ImportError:
raise Exception('If framework=="tf", TensorFlow must be installed.')
self.model = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(
"Could not load supplied model as TensorFlow checkpoint - attempting to load using from_pt=True"
self.model = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(
self.model_name, from_pt=True
bert_emb_model = (
None # set to None and ignore since we only want to use PyTorch
super().__init__(device=device, quantize=quantize)
self.model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(
if quantize:
self.model = self.quantize_model(self.model)
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_name)
self.maxlen = 512
self.te = (
tpp.TransformerEmbedding(bert_emb_model, layers=[-2])
if bert_emb_model is not None
else None
def search(self, query):
def predict_squad(self, documents, question):
Generates candidate answers to the <question> provided given <documents> as contexts.
if isinstance(documents, str):
documents = [documents]
sequences = [[question, d] for d in documents]
batch = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
batch = if self.framework == "pt" else batch
tokens_batch = list(
map(self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens, batch["input_ids"])
# Added from:
if U.get_hf_model_name(self.model_name) in ["xlm", "roberta", "distilbert"]:
start_scores, end_scores = self.model(
start_scores, end_scores = self.model(
start_scores = (
if self.framework == "pt"
else start_scores.numpy()
end_scores = (
if self.framework == "pt"
else end_scores.numpy()
start_scores = start_scores[:, 1:-1]
end_scores = end_scores[:, 1:-1]
# normalize logits and spans to retrieve the answer
# start_scores = np.exp(start_scores - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(start_scores), axis=-1, keepdims=True))) # from HF pipeline
# end_scores = np.exp(end_scores - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(end_scores), axis=-1, keepdims=True))) # from HF pipeline
answer_starts = np.argmax(start_scores, axis=1)
answer_ends = np.argmax(end_scores, axis=1)
answers = []
for i, tokens in enumerate(tokens_batch):
answer_start = answer_starts[i]
answer_end = answer_ends[i]
answer = self._reconstruct_text(tokens, answer_start, answer_end + 2)
if answer.startswith(". ") or answer.startswith(", "):
answer = answer[2:]
sep_index = tokens.index("[SEP]")
full_txt_tokens = tokens[sep_index + 1 :]
paragraph_bert = self._reconstruct_text(full_txt_tokens)
ans = {}
ans["answer"] = answer
if (
or answer_end < sep_index
or answer.endswith("[SEP]")
ans["confidence"] = LOWCONF
# confidence = torch.max(start_scores) + torch.max(end_scores)
# confidence = np.log(confidence.item())
# ans['confidence'] = start_scores[i,answer_start]*end_scores[i,answer_end]
ans["confidence"] = (
start_scores[i, answer_start] + end_scores[i, answer_end]
ans["start"] = answer_start
ans["end"] = answer_end
ans["context"] = paragraph_bert
# if len(answers) == 1: answers = answers[0]
return answers
def _clean_answer(self, answer):
import string
if not answer:
return answer
remove_list = [
"is ",
"are ",
"was ",
"were ",
"of ",
"include ",
"including ",
"in ",
"of ",
"the ",
"for ",
"on ",
"to ",
"and ",
for w in remove_list:
if answer.startswith(w):
answer = answer.replace(w, "", 1)
answer = answer.replace(" . ", ".")
answer = answer.replace(" / ", "/")
answer = answer.replace(" :// ", "://")
answer = answer.strip()
if answer and answer[0] in string.punctuation:
answer = answer[1:]
if answer and answer[-1] in string.punctuation:
answer = answer[:-1]
return answer
def _reconstruct_text(self, tokens, start=0, stop=-1):
Reconstruct text of *either* question or answer
tokens = tokens[start:stop]
# if '[SEP]' in tokens:
# sepind = tokens.index('[SEP]')
# tokens = tokens[sepind+1:]
txt = " ".join(tokens)
txt = txt.replace(
"[SEP]", ""
) # added for batch_encode_plus - removes [SEP] before [PAD]
txt = txt.replace("[PAD]", "") # added for batch_encode_plus - removes [PAD]
txt = txt.replace(" ##", "")
txt = txt.replace("##", "")
txt = txt.strip()
txt = " ".join(txt.split())
txt = txt.replace(" .", ".")
txt = txt.replace("( ", "(")
txt = txt.replace(" )", ")")
txt = txt.replace(" - ", "-")
txt_list = txt.split(" , ")
txt = ""
length = len(txt_list)
if length == 1:
return txt_list[0]
new_list = []
for i, t in enumerate(txt_list):
if i < length - 1:
if t[-1].isdigit() and txt_list[i + 1][0].isdigit():
new_list += [t, ","]
new_list += [t, ", "]
new_list += [t]
return "".join(new_list)
def _expand_answer(self, answer):
expand answer to include more of the context
full_abs = answer["context"]
bert_ans = answer["answer"]
split_abs = full_abs.split(bert_ans)
sent_beginning = split_abs[0][split_abs[0].rfind(".") + 1 :]
if len(split_abs) == 1:
sent_end_pos = len(full_abs)
sent_end = ""
sent_end_pos = split_abs[1].find(". ") + 1
if sent_end_pos == 0:
sent_end = split_abs[1]
sent_end = split_abs[1][:sent_end_pos]
answer["full_answer"] = sent_beginning + bert_ans + sent_end
answer["full_answer"] = answer["full_answer"].strip()
answer["sentence_beginning"] = sent_beginning
answer["sentence_end"] = sent_end
return answer
def _span_to_answer(self, question, text, start, end):
This method maps token indexes to actual word in the initial context.
text (str): The actual context to extract the answer from.
start (int): The answer starting token index.
end (int): The answer end token index.
dct: `{'answer': str, 'start': int, 'end': int}`
all_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(
text=question, pair=text, add_special_tokens=True
sep_idxs = [i for i, x in enumerate(all_tokens) if x == "[SEP]"]
start = start - sep_idxs[0]
end = end - sep_idxs[0]
words = []
token_idx = char_start_idx = char_end_idx = chars_idx = 0
for i, word in enumerate(text.split(" ")):
token = self.tokenizer.tokenize(word)
# Append words if they are in the span
if start <= token_idx <= end:
if token_idx == start:
char_start_idx = chars_idx
if token_idx == end:
char_end_idx = chars_idx + len(word)
words += [word]
# Stop if we went over the end of the answer
if token_idx > end:
# Append the subtokenization length to the running index
token_idx += len(token)
chars_idx += len(word) + 1
# Join text with spaces
return {
"answer": " ".join(words),
"start": max(0, char_start_idx),
"end": min(len(text), char_end_idx),
def _batchify(self, contexts, batch_size=8):
batchify contexts
if batch_size > len(contexts):
batch_size = len(contexts)
num_chunks = math.ceil(len(contexts) / batch_size)
return list(U.list2chunks(contexts, n=num_chunks))
def _split_contexts(self, doc_results):
splitup contexts into a manageable size
doc_results(list): list of dicts with keys: rawtext and reference
# extract paragraphs as contexts
contexts = []
refs = []
for doc_result in doc_results:
rawtext = doc_result.get("rawtext", "")
reference = doc_result.get("reference", "")
if len(self.tokenizer.tokenize(rawtext)) < self.maxlen:
paragraphs = TU.paragraph_tokenize(rawtext, join_sentences=True)
refs.extend([reference] * len(paragraphs))
return (contexts, refs)
def ask(
submit question to obtain candidate answers
question(str): question in the form of a string
query(str): Optional. If not None, words in query will be used to retrieve contexts instead of words in question
batch_size(int): number of question-context pairs fed to model at each iteration
Increase for faster answer-retrieval.
Decrease to reduce memory (if out-of-memory errors occur).
n_docs_considered(int): number of top search results that will
be searched for answer
n_answers(int): maximum number of candidate answers to return
raw_confidence(bool): If True, show raw confidence score of each answer. It could be used to
mitigate very high confidence on first answer when softmax is used.
If False, perform softmax on raw confidence scores.
Default: False
rerank_threshold(int): rerank top answers with confidence >= rerank_threshold
based on semantic similarity between question and answer.
This can help bump the correct answer closer to the top.
Default:0.015. This should be changed to somethink like 6.0
if raw_confidence=True.
If None, no re-ranking is performed.
include_np(bool): If True, noun phrases will be extracted from question and included
in query that retrieves documents likely to contain candidate answers.
This may be useful if you ask a question about artificial intelligence
and the answers returned pertain just to intelligence, for example.
Note: include_np=True requires textblob be installed.
# sanity check
if raw_confidence and rerank_threshold is not None and rerank_threshold < 1.00:
"Raw confidence is used, but rerank_threshold value is below 1.00: are you sure you this is what you wanted?"
# locate candidate document contexts
doc_results =
query if query is not None else question, include_np=include_np
if not doc_results:
"No documents matched words in question (or query if supplied)"
return []
# extract paragraphs as contexts
contexts, refs = self._split_contexts(doc_results)
# batchify contexts
context_batches = self._batchify(contexts, batch_size=batch_size)
# locate candidate answers
answers = []
mb = master_bar(range(1))
answer_batches = []
for i in mb:
idx = 0
for batch_id, contexts in enumerate(
progress_bar(context_batches, parent=mb)
answer_batch = self.predict_squad(contexts, question)
for answer in answer_batch:
idx += 1
if not answer["answer"] or answer["confidence"] < -100:
answer["confidence"] = answer["confidence"]
answer["reference"] = refs[idx - 1]
answer = self._expand_answer(answer)
mb.child.comment = f"generating candidate answers"
if not answers:
return answers # fix for #307
answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda k: k["confidence"], reverse=True)
if n_answers is not None:
answers = answers[:n_answers]
# transform confidence scores
if not raw_confidence:
confidences = [a["confidence"] for a in answers]
max_conf = max(confidences)
total = 0.0
exp_scores = []
for c in confidences:
s = np.exp(c - max_conf)
total = sum(exp_scores)
for idx, c in enumerate(confidences):
answers[idx]["confidence"] = exp_scores[idx] / total
if rerank_threshold is None or self.te is None:
return answers
# re-rank
top_confidences = [
for idx, a in enumerate(answers)
if a["confidence"] > rerank_threshold
v1 = self.te.embed(question, word_level=False)
for idx, answer in enumerate(answers):
# if idx >= rerank_top_n:
if answer["confidence"] <= rerank_threshold:
answer["similarity_score"] = 0.0
v2 = self.te.embed(answer["full_answer"], word_level=False)
score = v1 @ v2.T / (np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2))
answer["similarity_score"] = float(np.squeeze(score))
answer["confidence"] = top_confidences[idx]
answers = sorted(
key=lambda k: (k["similarity_score"], k["confidence"]),
for idx, confidence in enumerate(top_confidences):
answers[idx]["confidence"] = confidence
return answers
def display_answers(self, answers):
return display_answers(answers)
class SimpleQA(ExtractiveQABase):
SimpleQA: Question-Answering on a list of texts
def __init__(
bert_squad_model=None, # deprecated
SimpleQA constructor
index_dir(str): path to index directory created by SimpleQA.initialze_index
model_name(str): name of Question-Answering model (e.g., BERT SQUAD) to use
bert_squad_model(str): alias for model_name (deprecated)
bert_emb_model(str): BERT model to use to generate embeddings for semantic similarity
framework(str): 'tf' for TensorFlow or 'pt' for PyTorch
device(str): Torch device to use (e.g., 'cuda', 'cpu'). Ignored if framework=='tf'.
If framework=='tf', use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable
to select device.
quantize(bool): If True and framework=='pt' and device != 'cpu', then faster quantized inference is used.
Ignored if framework=="tf".
self.index_dir = index_dir
ix = index.open_dir(self.index_dir)
raise ValueError(
'index_dir has not yet been created - please call SimpleQA.initialize_index("%s")'
% (self.index_dir)
def _open_ix(self):
return index.open_dir(self.index_dir)
def initialize_index(cls, index_dir):
schema = Schema(
reference=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT, rawtext=TEXT(stored=True)
if not os.path.exists(index_dir):
raise ValueError(
"There is already an existing directory or file with path %s"
% (index_dir)
ix = index.create_in(index_dir, schema)
return ix
def index_from_list(
index documents from list.
The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to
speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation
for more information on these parameters:
docs(list): list of strings representing documents
index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index)
commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents
breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents.
This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method
when documents being searched are longer.
procs(int): number of processors
limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process
multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging
min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index.
Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers
references(list): List of strings containing a reference (e.g., file name) for each document in docs.
Each string is treated as a label for the document (e.g., file name, MD5 hash, etc.):
Example: ['some_file.pdf', 'some_other_file,pdf', ...]
Strings can also be hyperlinks in which case the label and URL should be separated by a single tab character:
Example: ['ktrain_article\t', ...]
These references will be returned in the output of the ask method.
If strings are hyperlinks, then they will automatically be made clickable when the display_answers function
displays candidate answers in a pandas DataFRame.
If references is None, the index of element in docs is used as reference.
if not isinstance(docs, (np.ndarray, list)):
raise ValueError("docs must be a list of strings")
if references is not None and not isinstance(references, (np.ndarray, list)):
raise ValueError("references must be a list of strings")
if references is not None and len(references) != len(docs):
raise ValueError("lengths of docs and references must be equal")
ix = index.open_dir(index_dir)
writer = ix.writer(procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment)
mb = master_bar(range(1))
for i in mb:
for idx, doc in enumerate(progress_bar(docs, parent=mb)):
reference = "%s" % (idx) if references is None else references[idx]
if breakup_docs:
small_docs = TU.paragraph_tokenize(
doc, join_sentences=True, lang="en"
refs = [reference] * len(small_docs)
for i, small_doc in enumerate(small_docs):
if len(small_doc.split()) < min_words:
content = small_doc
reference = refs[i]
reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content
if len(doc.split()) < min_words:
content = doc
reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content
idx += 1
if idx % commit_every == 0:
# writer = ix.writer()
writer = ix.writer(
procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment
mb.child.comment = f"indexing documents"
# mb.write(f'Finished indexing documents')
def index_from_folder(
index all plain text documents within a folder.
The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to
speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation
for more information on these parameters:
folder_path(str): path to folder containing plain text documents (e.g., .txt files)
index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index)
use_text_extraction(bool): If True, the `textract` package will be used to index text from various
file types including PDF, MS Word, and MS PowerPoint (in addition to plain text files).
If False, only plain text files will be indexed.
commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents
breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents.
This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method
when documents being searched are longer.
min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index.
Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers
encoding(str): encoding to use when reading document files from disk
procs(int): number of processors
limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process
multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging
verbose(bool): verbosity
if use_text_extraction:
# TODO: change this to use TextExtractor
import textract
except ImportError:
raise Exception(
"use_text_extraction=True requires textract: pip install textract"
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):
raise ValueError("folder_path is not a valid folder")
if folder_path[-1] != os.sep:
folder_path += os.sep
ix = index.open_dir(index_dir)
writer = ix.writer(procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment)
for idx, fpath in enumerate(TU.extract_filenames(folder_path)):
reference = "%s" % (fpath.join(fpath.split(folder_path)[1:]))
if TU.is_txt(fpath):
with open(fpath, "r", encoding=encoding) as f:
doc =
if use_text_extraction:
doc = textract.process(fpath)
doc = doc.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
if verbose:
warnings.warn("Could not extract text from %s" % (fpath))
if breakup_docs:
small_docs = TU.paragraph_tokenize(doc, join_sentences=True, lang="en")
refs = [reference] * len(small_docs)
for i, small_doc in enumerate(small_docs):
if len(small_doc.split()) < min_words:
content = small_doc
reference = refs[i]
reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content
if len(doc.split()) < min_words:
content = doc
reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content
idx += 1
if idx % commit_every == 0:
writer = ix.writer(
procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment
if verbose:
print("%s docs indexed" % (idx))
def search(self, query, limit=10):
search index for query
query(str): search query
limit(int): number of top search results to return
list of dicts with keys: reference, rawtext
ix = self._open_ix()
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
query_obj = QueryParser("content", ix.schema, group=qparser.OrGroup).parse(
results =, limit=limit)
docs = []
output = [dict(r) for r in results]
return output
class _QAExtractor(ExtractiveQABase):
def __init__(
QAExtractor is a convenience class for extracting answers from contexts
model_name(str): name of Question-Answering model (e.g., BERT SQUAD) to use
bert_squad_model(str): alias for model_name (deprecated)
framework(str): 'tf' for TensorFlow or 'pt' for PyTorch
device(str): Torch device to use (e.g., 'cuda', 'cpu'). Ignored if framework=='tf'.
If framework=='tf', use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable
to select device.
quantize(bool): If True and framework=='pt' and device != 'cpu', then faster quantized inference is used.
Ignored if framework=="tf".
def search(self, query):
raise NotImplemented(
"This method is not used or needed for extraction QA-based extraction."
def ask(self, question, batch_size=8, **kwargs):
# locate candidate document contexts
doc_results = kwargs.get("doc_results", [])
if not doc_results:
return []
# extract paragraphs as contexts
contexts, refs = self._split_contexts(doc_results)
contexts = [c.replace("\n", " ") for c in contexts]
# batchify contexts
context_batches = self._batchify(contexts, batch_size=batch_size)
# locate candidate answers
answers = []
mb = master_bar(range(1))
answer_batches = []
for i in mb:
idx = 0
for batch_id, contexts in enumerate(
progress_bar(context_batches, parent=mb)
answer_batch = self.predict_squad(contexts, question)
for i, answer in enumerate(answer_batch):
idx += 1
if not answer["answer"]:
answer["answer"] = None
answer["confidence"] = (
if isinstance(
answer["confidence"], (int, float, np.float32, np.float16)
else answer["confidence"].numpy()
answer["reference"] = refs[idx - 1]
if answer["answer"] is not None:
formatted_answer = self._span_to_answer(
question, contexts[i], answer["start"], answer["end"]
if formatted_answer:
answer["answer"] = formatted_answer
answer["answer"] = self._clean_answer(answer["answer"])
mb.child.comment = f"extracting information"
return answers
class AnswerExtractor:
Question-Answering-based Information Extraction
def __init__(
Extracts information from documents using Question-Answering.
model_name(str): name of Question-Answering model (e.g., BERT SQUAD) to use
bert_squad_model(str): alias for model_name (deprecated)
framework(str): 'tf' for TensorFlow or 'pt' for PyTorch
device(str): Torch device to use (e.g., 'cuda', 'cpu'). Ignored if framework=='tf'.
If framework=='tf', use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable
to select device.
quantize(bool): If True and framework=='pt' and device != 'cpu', then faster quantized inference is used.
Ignored if framework=="tf".
""" = _QAExtractor(
def _check_columns(self, labels, df):
"""check columns"""
cols = df.columns.values
for l in labels:
if l in cols:
raise ValueError(
"There is already a column named %s in your DataFrame." % (l)
def _extract(
Extracts answers
num_rows = len(contexts)
doc_results = [
{"rawtext": rawtext, "reference": row}
for row, rawtext in enumerate(contexts)
cols = []
for q in questions:
result_dict = {}
conf_dict = {}
answers =, doc_results=doc_results, batch_size=batch_size)
for a in answers:
answer = a["answer"] if a["confidence"] > min_conf else None
lst = result_dict.get(a["reference"], [])
result_dict[a["reference"]] = lst
lst = conf_dict.get(a["reference"], [])
conf_dict[a["reference"]] = lst
results = []
for i in range(num_rows):
ans = [a for a in result_dict[i] if a is not None]
results.append(None if not ans else " | ".join(ans))
if return_conf:
confs = []
for i in range(num_rows):
conf = [str(round(c, 2)) for c in conf_dict[i] if c is not None]
confs.append(None if not conf else " | ".join(conf))
return cols
def extract(
Extracts answers from texts
texts(list): list of strings
df(pd.DataFrame): original DataFrame to which columns need to be added
question_label_pairs(list): A list of tuples of the form (question, label).
Extracted ansewrs to the question will be added as new columns with the
specified labels.
Example: ('What are the risk factors?', 'Risk Factors')
min_conf(float): Answers at or below this confidence value will be set to None in the results
Default: 5.0
Lower this value to reduce false negatives.
Raise this value to reduce false positives.
return_conf(bool): If True, confidence score of each extraction is included in results
batch_size(int): batch size. Default: 8
if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
raise ValueError("df must be a pandas DataFrame.")
if len(texts) != df.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"Number of texts is not equal to the number of rows in the DataFrame."
# texts = [t.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") for t in texts]
texts = [t.replace("\t", " ") for t in texts]
questions = [q for q, l in question_label_pairs]
labels = [l for q, l in question_label_pairs]
self._check_columns(labels, df)
cols = self._extract(
data = list(zip(*cols)) if len(cols) > 1 else cols[0]
if return_conf:
labels = twolists(labels, [l + " CONF" for l in labels])
return df.join(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=labels, index=df.index))
def finetune(
self, data, epochs=3, learning_rate=2e-5, batch_size=8, max_seq_length=512
Finetune a QA model.
data(list): list of dictionaries of the form:
[{'question': 'What is ktrain?'
'context': 'ktrain is a low-code library for augmented machine learning.'
'answer': 'ktrain'}]
epochs(int): number of epochs. Default:3
learning_rate(float): learning rate. Default: 2e-5
batch_size(int): batch size. Default:8
max_seq_length(int): maximum sequence length. Default:512
if != "tf":
raise ValueError(
'The finetune method does not currently support the framework="pt" option. Please use framework="tf" to finetune.'
from .qa_finetuner import QAFineTuner
ft = QAFineTuner(,
model = ft.finetune(
data, epochs=epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size
def display_answers(answers)
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def display_answers(answers): if not answers: return df = _answers2df(answers) from IPython.core.display import HTML, display return display(HTML(df.to_html(render_links=True, escape=False)))
def pack_byte(...)
S.pack(v1, v2, …) -> bytes
Return a bytes object containing values v1, v2, … packed according to the format string S.format. See help(struct) for more on format strings.
def process_question(question, include_np=False, and_np=False, remove_english_stopwords=False)
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def process_question( question, include_np=False, and_np=False, remove_english_stopwords=False ): result = None np_list = [] if include_np: try: # np_list = ['"%s"' % (np) for np in TU.extract_noun_phrases(question) if len(np.split()) > 1] raw_np_list = [ np for np in TU.extract_noun_phrases(question) if len(np.split()) > 1 ] np_list = [] for np in raw_np_list: N = 2 sentence = np.split() np_list.extend( [ '"%s"' % (" ".join(sentence[i : i + N])) for i in range(len(sentence) - N + 1) ] ) np_list = list(set(np_list)) except: import warnings warnings.warn( "TextBlob is not currently installed, so falling back to include_np=False with no extra question processing. " + "To install: pip install textblob" ) result = TU.tokenize(question, join_tokens=False) if remove_english_stopwords: from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS result = [ term for term in result if term.lower().strip() not in list(ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) + ["?"] ] if np_list and and_np: return f'( {" ".join(result)} ) AND ({" ".join(np_list)})' else: return " ".join(result + np_list)
def twolists(l1, l2)
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def twolists(l1, l2): return [x for x in chain(*zip_longest(l1, l2)) if x is not None]
def unpack_byte(buffer, /)
Return a tuple containing unpacked values.
Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer's size in bytes must be Struct.size.
See help(struct) for more on format strings.
class AnswerExtractor (model_name='bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad', bert_squad_model=None, framework='tf', device=None, quantize=False)
Question-Answering-based Information Extraction
Extracts information from documents using Question-Answering. model_name(str): name of Question-Answering model (e.g., BERT SQUAD) to use bert_squad_model(str): alias for model_name (deprecated) framework(str): 'tf' for TensorFlow or 'pt' for PyTorch device(str): Torch device to use (e.g., 'cuda', 'cpu'). Ignored if framework=='tf'. If framework=='tf', use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to select device. quantize(bool): If True and framework=='pt' and device != 'cpu', then faster quantized inference is used. Ignored if framework=="tf".
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class AnswerExtractor: """ Question-Answering-based Information Extraction """ def __init__( self, model_name=DEFAULT_MODEL, bert_squad_model=None, framework="tf", device=None, quantize=False, ): """ ``` Extracts information from documents using Question-Answering. model_name(str): name of Question-Answering model (e.g., BERT SQUAD) to use bert_squad_model(str): alias for model_name (deprecated) framework(str): 'tf' for TensorFlow or 'pt' for PyTorch device(str): Torch device to use (e.g., 'cuda', 'cpu'). Ignored if framework=='tf'. If framework=='tf', use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to select device. quantize(bool): If True and framework=='pt' and device != 'cpu', then faster quantized inference is used. Ignored if framework=="tf". ``` """ = _QAExtractor( model_name=model_name, bert_squad_model=bert_squad_model, framework=framework, device=device, quantize=quantize, ) return def _check_columns(self, labels, df): """check columns""" cols = df.columns.values for l in labels: if l in cols: raise ValueError( "There is already a column named %s in your DataFrame." % (l) ) def _extract( self, questions, contexts, min_conf=DEFAULT_MIN_CONF, return_conf=False, batch_size=8, ): """ ``` Extracts answers ``` """ num_rows = len(contexts) doc_results = [ {"rawtext": rawtext, "reference": row} for row, rawtext in enumerate(contexts) ] cols = [] for q in questions: result_dict = {} conf_dict = {} answers =, doc_results=doc_results, batch_size=batch_size) for a in answers: answer = a["answer"] if a["confidence"] > min_conf else None lst = result_dict.get(a["reference"], []) lst.append(answer) result_dict[a["reference"]] = lst lst = conf_dict.get(a["reference"], []) lst.append(a["confidence"]) conf_dict[a["reference"]] = lst results = [] for i in range(num_rows): ans = [a for a in result_dict[i] if a is not None] results.append(None if not ans else " | ".join(ans)) cols.append(results) if return_conf: confs = [] for i in range(num_rows): conf = [str(round(c, 2)) for c in conf_dict[i] if c is not None] confs.append(None if not conf else " | ".join(conf)) cols.append(confs) return cols def extract( self, texts, df, question_label_pairs, min_conf=DEFAULT_MIN_CONF, return_conf=False, batch_size=8, ): """ ``` Extracts answers from texts Args: texts(list): list of strings df(pd.DataFrame): original DataFrame to which columns need to be added question_label_pairs(list): A list of tuples of the form (question, label). Extracted ansewrs to the question will be added as new columns with the specified labels. Example: ('What are the risk factors?', 'Risk Factors') min_conf(float): Answers at or below this confidence value will be set to None in the results Default: 5.0 Lower this value to reduce false negatives. Raise this value to reduce false positives. return_conf(bool): If True, confidence score of each extraction is included in results batch_size(int): batch size. Default: 8 ``` """ if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("df must be a pandas DataFrame.") if len(texts) != df.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Number of texts is not equal to the number of rows in the DataFrame." ) # texts = [t.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") for t in texts] texts = [t.replace("\t", " ") for t in texts] questions = [q for q, l in question_label_pairs] labels = [l for q, l in question_label_pairs] self._check_columns(labels, df) cols = self._extract( questions, texts, min_conf=min_conf, return_conf=return_conf, batch_size=batch_size, ) data = list(zip(*cols)) if len(cols) > 1 else cols[0] if return_conf: labels = twolists(labels, [l + " CONF" for l in labels]) return df.join(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=labels, index=df.index)) def finetune( self, data, epochs=3, learning_rate=2e-5, batch_size=8, max_seq_length=512 ): """ ``` Finetune a QA model. Args: data(list): list of dictionaries of the form: [{'question': 'What is ktrain?' 'context': 'ktrain is a low-code library for augmented machine learning.' 'answer': 'ktrain'}] epochs(int): number of epochs. Default:3 learning_rate(float): learning rate. Default: 2e-5 batch_size(int): batch size. Default:8 max_seq_length(int): maximum sequence length. Default:512 Returns: None ``` """ if != "tf": raise ValueError( 'The finetune method does not currently support the framework="pt" option. Please use framework="tf" to finetune.' ) from .qa_finetuner import QAFineTuner ft = QAFineTuner(, model = ft.finetune( data, epochs=epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size ) return
def extract(self, texts, df, question_label_pairs, min_conf=6, return_conf=False, batch_size=8)
Extracts answers from texts Args: texts(list): list of strings df(pd.DataFrame): original DataFrame to which columns need to be added question_label_pairs(list): A list of tuples of the form (question, label). Extracted ansewrs to the question will be added as new columns with the specified labels. Example: ('What are the risk factors?', 'Risk Factors') min_conf(float): Answers at or below this confidence value will be set to None in the results Default: 5.0 Lower this value to reduce false negatives. Raise this value to reduce false positives. return_conf(bool): If True, confidence score of each extraction is included in results batch_size(int): batch size. Default: 8
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def extract( self, texts, df, question_label_pairs, min_conf=DEFAULT_MIN_CONF, return_conf=False, batch_size=8, ): """ ``` Extracts answers from texts Args: texts(list): list of strings df(pd.DataFrame): original DataFrame to which columns need to be added question_label_pairs(list): A list of tuples of the form (question, label). Extracted ansewrs to the question will be added as new columns with the specified labels. Example: ('What are the risk factors?', 'Risk Factors') min_conf(float): Answers at or below this confidence value will be set to None in the results Default: 5.0 Lower this value to reduce false negatives. Raise this value to reduce false positives. return_conf(bool): If True, confidence score of each extraction is included in results batch_size(int): batch size. Default: 8 ``` """ if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("df must be a pandas DataFrame.") if len(texts) != df.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Number of texts is not equal to the number of rows in the DataFrame." ) # texts = [t.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") for t in texts] texts = [t.replace("\t", " ") for t in texts] questions = [q for q, l in question_label_pairs] labels = [l for q, l in question_label_pairs] self._check_columns(labels, df) cols = self._extract( questions, texts, min_conf=min_conf, return_conf=return_conf, batch_size=batch_size, ) data = list(zip(*cols)) if len(cols) > 1 else cols[0] if return_conf: labels = twolists(labels, [l + " CONF" for l in labels]) return df.join(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=labels, index=df.index))
def finetune(self, data, epochs=3, learning_rate=2e-05, batch_size=8, max_seq_length=512)
Finetune a QA model. Args: data(list): list of dictionaries of the form: [{'question': 'What is ktrain?' 'context': 'ktrain is a low-code library for augmented machine learning.' 'answer': 'ktrain'}] epochs(int): number of epochs. Default:3 learning_rate(float): learning rate. Default: 2e-5 batch_size(int): batch size. Default:8 max_seq_length(int): maximum sequence length. Default:512 Returns: None
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def finetune( self, data, epochs=3, learning_rate=2e-5, batch_size=8, max_seq_length=512 ): """ ``` Finetune a QA model. Args: data(list): list of dictionaries of the form: [{'question': 'What is ktrain?' 'context': 'ktrain is a low-code library for augmented machine learning.' 'answer': 'ktrain'}] epochs(int): number of epochs. Default:3 learning_rate(float): learning rate. Default: 2e-5 batch_size(int): batch size. Default:8 max_seq_length(int): maximum sequence length. Default:512 Returns: None ``` """ if != "tf": raise ValueError( 'The finetune method does not currently support the framework="pt" option. Please use framework="tf" to finetune.' ) from .qa_finetuner import QAFineTuner ft = QAFineTuner(, model = ft.finetune( data, epochs=epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size ) return
class ExtractiveQABase (model_name='bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad', bert_squad_model=None, bert_emb_model='bert-base-uncased', framework='tf', device=None, quantize=False)
Base class for QA
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class ExtractiveQABase(ABC, TorchBase): """ Base class for QA """ def __init__( self, model_name=DEFAULT_MODEL, bert_squad_model=None, bert_emb_model="bert-base-uncased", framework="tf", device=None, quantize=False, ): model_name = bert_squad_model if bert_squad_model is not None else model_name if bert_squad_model: warnings.warn( "The bert_squad_model argument is deprecated - please use model_name instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.model_name = model_name self.framework = framework if framework == "tf": try: import tensorflow as tf except ImportError: raise Exception('If framework=="tf", TensorFlow must be installed.') try: self.model = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained( self.model_name ) except: warnings.warn( "Could not load supplied model as TensorFlow checkpoint - attempting to load using from_pt=True" ) self.model = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained( self.model_name, from_pt=True ) else: bert_emb_model = ( None # set to None and ignore since we only want to use PyTorch ) super().__init__(device=device, quantize=quantize) self.model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained( self.model_name ).to(self.torch_device) if quantize: self.model = self.quantize_model(self.model) self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_name) self.maxlen = 512 self.te = ( tpp.TransformerEmbedding(bert_emb_model, layers=[-2]) if bert_emb_model is not None else None ) @abstractmethod def search(self, query): pass def predict_squad(self, documents, question): """ Generates candidate answers to the <question> provided given <documents> as contexts. """ if isinstance(documents, str): documents = [documents] sequences = [[question, d] for d in documents] batch = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( sequences, return_tensors=self.framework, max_length=self.maxlen, truncation="only_second", padding=True, ) batch = if self.framework == "pt" else batch tokens_batch = list( map(self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens, batch["input_ids"]) ) # Added from: if U.get_hf_model_name(self.model_name) in ["xlm", "roberta", "distilbert"]: start_scores, end_scores = self.model( batch["input_ids"], attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"], return_dict=False, ) else: start_scores, end_scores = self.model( batch["input_ids"], attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"], token_type_ids=batch["token_type_ids"], return_dict=False, ) start_scores = ( start_scores.cpu().detach().numpy() if self.framework == "pt" else start_scores.numpy() ) end_scores = ( end_scores.cpu().detach().numpy() if self.framework == "pt" else end_scores.numpy() ) start_scores = start_scores[:, 1:-1] end_scores = end_scores[:, 1:-1] # normalize logits and spans to retrieve the answer # start_scores = np.exp(start_scores - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(start_scores), axis=-1, keepdims=True))) # from HF pipeline # end_scores = np.exp(end_scores - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(end_scores), axis=-1, keepdims=True))) # from HF pipeline answer_starts = np.argmax(start_scores, axis=1) answer_ends = np.argmax(end_scores, axis=1) answers = [] for i, tokens in enumerate(tokens_batch): answer_start = answer_starts[i] answer_end = answer_ends[i] answer = self._reconstruct_text(tokens, answer_start, answer_end + 2) if answer.startswith(". ") or answer.startswith(", "): answer = answer[2:] sep_index = tokens.index("[SEP]") full_txt_tokens = tokens[sep_index + 1 :] paragraph_bert = self._reconstruct_text(full_txt_tokens) ans = {} ans["answer"] = answer if ( answer.startswith("[CLS]") or answer_end < sep_index or answer.endswith("[SEP]") ): ans["confidence"] = LOWCONF else: # confidence = torch.max(start_scores) + torch.max(end_scores) # confidence = np.log(confidence.item()) # ans['confidence'] = start_scores[i,answer_start]*end_scores[i,answer_end] ans["confidence"] = ( start_scores[i, answer_start] + end_scores[i, answer_end] ) ans["start"] = answer_start ans["end"] = answer_end ans["context"] = paragraph_bert answers.append(ans) # if len(answers) == 1: answers = answers[0] return answers def _clean_answer(self, answer): import string if not answer: return answer remove_list = [ "is ", "are ", "was ", "were ", "of ", "include ", "including ", "in ", "of ", "the ", "for ", "on ", "to ", "-", ":", "/", "and ", ] for w in remove_list: if answer.startswith(w): answer = answer.replace(w, "", 1) answer = answer.replace(" . ", ".") answer = answer.replace(" / ", "/") answer = answer.replace(" :// ", "://") answer = answer.strip() if answer and answer[0] in string.punctuation: answer = answer[1:] if answer and answer[-1] in string.punctuation: answer = answer[:-1] return answer def _reconstruct_text(self, tokens, start=0, stop=-1): """ Reconstruct text of *either* question or answer """ tokens = tokens[start:stop] # if '[SEP]' in tokens: # sepind = tokens.index('[SEP]') # tokens = tokens[sepind+1:] txt = " ".join(tokens) txt = txt.replace( "[SEP]", "" ) # added for batch_encode_plus - removes [SEP] before [PAD] txt = txt.replace("[PAD]", "") # added for batch_encode_plus - removes [PAD] txt = txt.replace(" ##", "") txt = txt.replace("##", "") txt = txt.strip() txt = " ".join(txt.split()) txt = txt.replace(" .", ".") txt = txt.replace("( ", "(") txt = txt.replace(" )", ")") txt = txt.replace(" - ", "-") txt_list = txt.split(" , ") txt = "" length = len(txt_list) if length == 1: return txt_list[0] new_list = [] for i, t in enumerate(txt_list): if i < length - 1: if t[-1].isdigit() and txt_list[i + 1][0].isdigit(): new_list += [t, ","] else: new_list += [t, ", "] else: new_list += [t] return "".join(new_list) def _expand_answer(self, answer): """ expand answer to include more of the context """ full_abs = answer["context"] bert_ans = answer["answer"] split_abs = full_abs.split(bert_ans) sent_beginning = split_abs[0][split_abs[0].rfind(".") + 1 :] if len(split_abs) == 1: sent_end_pos = len(full_abs) sent_end = "" else: sent_end_pos = split_abs[1].find(". ") + 1 if sent_end_pos == 0: sent_end = split_abs[1] else: sent_end = split_abs[1][:sent_end_pos] answer["full_answer"] = sent_beginning + bert_ans + sent_end answer["full_answer"] = answer["full_answer"].strip() answer["sentence_beginning"] = sent_beginning answer["sentence_end"] = sent_end return answer def _span_to_answer(self, question, text, start, end): """ ``` This method maps token indexes to actual word in the initial context. Args: text (str): The actual context to extract the answer from. start (int): The answer starting token index. end (int): The answer end token index. Returns: dct: `{'answer': str, 'start': int, 'end': int}` ``` """ all_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize( text=question, pair=text, add_special_tokens=True ) sep_idxs = [i for i, x in enumerate(all_tokens) if x == "[SEP]"] start = start - sep_idxs[0] end = end - sep_idxs[0] words = [] token_idx = char_start_idx = char_end_idx = chars_idx = 0 for i, word in enumerate(text.split(" ")): token = self.tokenizer.tokenize(word) # Append words if they are in the span if start <= token_idx <= end: if token_idx == start: char_start_idx = chars_idx if token_idx == end: char_end_idx = chars_idx + len(word) words += [word] # Stop if we went over the end of the answer if token_idx > end: break # Append the subtokenization length to the running index token_idx += len(token) chars_idx += len(word) + 1 # Join text with spaces return { "answer": " ".join(words), "start": max(0, char_start_idx), "end": min(len(text), char_end_idx), } def _batchify(self, contexts, batch_size=8): """ batchify contexts """ if batch_size > len(contexts): batch_size = len(contexts) num_chunks = math.ceil(len(contexts) / batch_size) return list(U.list2chunks(contexts, n=num_chunks)) def _split_contexts(self, doc_results): """ ``` splitup contexts into a manageable size Args: doc_results(list): list of dicts with keys: rawtext and reference ``` """ # extract paragraphs as contexts contexts = [] refs = [] for doc_result in doc_results: rawtext = doc_result.get("rawtext", "") reference = doc_result.get("reference", "") if len(self.tokenizer.tokenize(rawtext)) < self.maxlen: contexts.append(rawtext) refs.append(reference) else: paragraphs = TU.paragraph_tokenize(rawtext, join_sentences=True) contexts.extend(paragraphs) refs.extend([reference] * len(paragraphs)) return (contexts, refs) def ask( self, question, query=None, batch_size=8, n_docs_considered=10, n_answers=50, raw_confidence=False, rerank_threshold=0.015, include_np=False, ): """ ``` submit question to obtain candidate answers Args: question(str): question in the form of a string query(str): Optional. If not None, words in query will be used to retrieve contexts instead of words in question batch_size(int): number of question-context pairs fed to model at each iteration Default:8 Increase for faster answer-retrieval. Decrease to reduce memory (if out-of-memory errors occur). n_docs_considered(int): number of top search results that will be searched for answer Default:10 n_answers(int): maximum number of candidate answers to return Default:50 raw_confidence(bool): If True, show raw confidence score of each answer. It could be used to mitigate very high confidence on first answer when softmax is used. If False, perform softmax on raw confidence scores. Default: False rerank_threshold(int): rerank top answers with confidence >= rerank_threshold based on semantic similarity between question and answer. This can help bump the correct answer closer to the top. Default:0.015. This should be changed to somethink like 6.0 if raw_confidence=True. If None, no re-ranking is performed. include_np(bool): If True, noun phrases will be extracted from question and included in query that retrieves documents likely to contain candidate answers. This may be useful if you ask a question about artificial intelligence and the answers returned pertain just to intelligence, for example. Note: include_np=True requires textblob be installed. Default:False Returns: list ``` """ # sanity check if raw_confidence and rerank_threshold is not None and rerank_threshold < 1.00: warnings.warn( "Raw confidence is used, but rerank_threshold value is below 1.00: are you sure you this is what you wanted?" ) # locate candidate document contexts doc_results = process_question( query if query is not None else question, include_np=include_np ), limit=n_docs_considered, ) if not doc_results: warnings.warn( "No documents matched words in question (or query if supplied)" ) return [] # extract paragraphs as contexts contexts, refs = self._split_contexts(doc_results) # batchify contexts context_batches = self._batchify(contexts, batch_size=batch_size) # locate candidate answers answers = [] mb = master_bar(range(1)) answer_batches = [] for i in mb: idx = 0 for batch_id, contexts in enumerate( progress_bar(context_batches, parent=mb) ): answer_batch = self.predict_squad(contexts, question) answer_batches.extend(answer_batch) for answer in answer_batch: idx += 1 if not answer["answer"] or answer["confidence"] < -100: continue answer["confidence"] = answer["confidence"] answer["reference"] = refs[idx - 1] answer = self._expand_answer(answer) answers.append(answer) mb.child.comment = f"generating candidate answers" if not answers: return answers # fix for #307 answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda k: k["confidence"], reverse=True) if n_answers is not None: answers = answers[:n_answers] # transform confidence scores if not raw_confidence: confidences = [a["confidence"] for a in answers] max_conf = max(confidences) total = 0.0 exp_scores = [] for c in confidences: s = np.exp(c - max_conf) exp_scores.append(s) total = sum(exp_scores) for idx, c in enumerate(confidences): answers[idx]["confidence"] = exp_scores[idx] / total if rerank_threshold is None or self.te is None: return answers # re-rank top_confidences = [ a["confidence"] for idx, a in enumerate(answers) if a["confidence"] > rerank_threshold ] v1 = self.te.embed(question, word_level=False) for idx, answer in enumerate(answers): # if idx >= rerank_top_n: if answer["confidence"] <= rerank_threshold: answer["similarity_score"] = 0.0 continue v2 = self.te.embed(answer["full_answer"], word_level=False) score = v1 @ v2.T / (np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2)) answer["similarity_score"] = float(np.squeeze(score)) answer["confidence"] = top_confidences[idx] answers = sorted( answers, key=lambda k: (k["similarity_score"], k["confidence"]), reverse=True, ) for idx, confidence in enumerate(top_confidences): answers[idx]["confidence"] = confidence return answers def display_answers(self, answers): return display_answers(answers)
- abc.ABC
- TorchBase
- SimpleQA
def ask(self, question, query=None, batch_size=8, n_docs_considered=10, n_answers=50, raw_confidence=False, rerank_threshold=0.015, include_np=False)
submit question to obtain candidate answers Args: question(str): question in the form of a string query(str): Optional. If not None, words in query will be used to retrieve contexts instead of words in question batch_size(int): number of question-context pairs fed to model at each iteration Default:8 Increase for faster answer-retrieval. Decrease to reduce memory (if out-of-memory errors occur). n_docs_considered(int): number of top search results that will be searched for answer Default:10 n_answers(int): maximum number of candidate answers to return Default:50 raw_confidence(bool): If True, show raw confidence score of each answer. It could be used to mitigate very high confidence on first answer when softmax is used. If False, perform softmax on raw confidence scores. Default: False rerank_threshold(int): rerank top answers with confidence >= rerank_threshold based on semantic similarity between question and answer. This can help bump the correct answer closer to the top. Default:0.015. This should be changed to somethink like 6.0 if raw_confidence=True. If None, no re-ranking is performed. include_np(bool): If True, noun phrases will be extracted from question and included in query that retrieves documents likely to contain candidate answers. This may be useful if you ask a question about artificial intelligence and the answers returned pertain just to intelligence, for example. Note: include_np=True requires textblob be installed. Default:False Returns: list
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def ask( self, question, query=None, batch_size=8, n_docs_considered=10, n_answers=50, raw_confidence=False, rerank_threshold=0.015, include_np=False, ): """ ``` submit question to obtain candidate answers Args: question(str): question in the form of a string query(str): Optional. If not None, words in query will be used to retrieve contexts instead of words in question batch_size(int): number of question-context pairs fed to model at each iteration Default:8 Increase for faster answer-retrieval. Decrease to reduce memory (if out-of-memory errors occur). n_docs_considered(int): number of top search results that will be searched for answer Default:10 n_answers(int): maximum number of candidate answers to return Default:50 raw_confidence(bool): If True, show raw confidence score of each answer. It could be used to mitigate very high confidence on first answer when softmax is used. If False, perform softmax on raw confidence scores. Default: False rerank_threshold(int): rerank top answers with confidence >= rerank_threshold based on semantic similarity between question and answer. This can help bump the correct answer closer to the top. Default:0.015. This should be changed to somethink like 6.0 if raw_confidence=True. If None, no re-ranking is performed. include_np(bool): If True, noun phrases will be extracted from question and included in query that retrieves documents likely to contain candidate answers. This may be useful if you ask a question about artificial intelligence and the answers returned pertain just to intelligence, for example. Note: include_np=True requires textblob be installed. Default:False Returns: list ``` """ # sanity check if raw_confidence and rerank_threshold is not None and rerank_threshold < 1.00: warnings.warn( "Raw confidence is used, but rerank_threshold value is below 1.00: are you sure you this is what you wanted?" ) # locate candidate document contexts doc_results = process_question( query if query is not None else question, include_np=include_np ), limit=n_docs_considered, ) if not doc_results: warnings.warn( "No documents matched words in question (or query if supplied)" ) return [] # extract paragraphs as contexts contexts, refs = self._split_contexts(doc_results) # batchify contexts context_batches = self._batchify(contexts, batch_size=batch_size) # locate candidate answers answers = [] mb = master_bar(range(1)) answer_batches = [] for i in mb: idx = 0 for batch_id, contexts in enumerate( progress_bar(context_batches, parent=mb) ): answer_batch = self.predict_squad(contexts, question) answer_batches.extend(answer_batch) for answer in answer_batch: idx += 1 if not answer["answer"] or answer["confidence"] < -100: continue answer["confidence"] = answer["confidence"] answer["reference"] = refs[idx - 1] answer = self._expand_answer(answer) answers.append(answer) mb.child.comment = f"generating candidate answers" if not answers: return answers # fix for #307 answers = sorted(answers, key=lambda k: k["confidence"], reverse=True) if n_answers is not None: answers = answers[:n_answers] # transform confidence scores if not raw_confidence: confidences = [a["confidence"] for a in answers] max_conf = max(confidences) total = 0.0 exp_scores = [] for c in confidences: s = np.exp(c - max_conf) exp_scores.append(s) total = sum(exp_scores) for idx, c in enumerate(confidences): answers[idx]["confidence"] = exp_scores[idx] / total if rerank_threshold is None or self.te is None: return answers # re-rank top_confidences = [ a["confidence"] for idx, a in enumerate(answers) if a["confidence"] > rerank_threshold ] v1 = self.te.embed(question, word_level=False) for idx, answer in enumerate(answers): # if idx >= rerank_top_n: if answer["confidence"] <= rerank_threshold: answer["similarity_score"] = 0.0 continue v2 = self.te.embed(answer["full_answer"], word_level=False) score = v1 @ v2.T / (np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2)) answer["similarity_score"] = float(np.squeeze(score)) answer["confidence"] = top_confidences[idx] answers = sorted( answers, key=lambda k: (k["similarity_score"], k["confidence"]), reverse=True, ) for idx, confidence in enumerate(top_confidences): answers[idx]["confidence"] = confidence return answers
def display_answers(self, answers)
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def display_answers(self, answers): return display_answers(answers)
def predict_squad(self, documents, question)
Generates candidate answers to the
provided given as contexts. Expand source code
def predict_squad(self, documents, question): """ Generates candidate answers to the <question> provided given <documents> as contexts. """ if isinstance(documents, str): documents = [documents] sequences = [[question, d] for d in documents] batch = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( sequences, return_tensors=self.framework, max_length=self.maxlen, truncation="only_second", padding=True, ) batch = if self.framework == "pt" else batch tokens_batch = list( map(self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens, batch["input_ids"]) ) # Added from: if U.get_hf_model_name(self.model_name) in ["xlm", "roberta", "distilbert"]: start_scores, end_scores = self.model( batch["input_ids"], attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"], return_dict=False, ) else: start_scores, end_scores = self.model( batch["input_ids"], attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"], token_type_ids=batch["token_type_ids"], return_dict=False, ) start_scores = ( start_scores.cpu().detach().numpy() if self.framework == "pt" else start_scores.numpy() ) end_scores = ( end_scores.cpu().detach().numpy() if self.framework == "pt" else end_scores.numpy() ) start_scores = start_scores[:, 1:-1] end_scores = end_scores[:, 1:-1] # normalize logits and spans to retrieve the answer # start_scores = np.exp(start_scores - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(start_scores), axis=-1, keepdims=True))) # from HF pipeline # end_scores = np.exp(end_scores - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(end_scores), axis=-1, keepdims=True))) # from HF pipeline answer_starts = np.argmax(start_scores, axis=1) answer_ends = np.argmax(end_scores, axis=1) answers = [] for i, tokens in enumerate(tokens_batch): answer_start = answer_starts[i] answer_end = answer_ends[i] answer = self._reconstruct_text(tokens, answer_start, answer_end + 2) if answer.startswith(". ") or answer.startswith(", "): answer = answer[2:] sep_index = tokens.index("[SEP]") full_txt_tokens = tokens[sep_index + 1 :] paragraph_bert = self._reconstruct_text(full_txt_tokens) ans = {} ans["answer"] = answer if ( answer.startswith("[CLS]") or answer_end < sep_index or answer.endswith("[SEP]") ): ans["confidence"] = LOWCONF else: # confidence = torch.max(start_scores) + torch.max(end_scores) # confidence = np.log(confidence.item()) # ans['confidence'] = start_scores[i,answer_start]*end_scores[i,answer_end] ans["confidence"] = ( start_scores[i, answer_start] + end_scores[i, answer_end] ) ans["start"] = answer_start ans["end"] = answer_end ans["context"] = paragraph_bert answers.append(ans) # if len(answers) == 1: answers = answers[0] return answers
def search(self, query)
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@abstractmethod def search(self, query): pass
Inherited members
class SimpleQA (index_dir, model_name='bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad', bert_squad_model=None, bert_emb_model='bert-base-uncased', framework='tf', device=None, quantize=False)
SimpleQA: Question-Answering on a list of texts
SimpleQA constructor Args: index_dir(str): path to index directory created by SimpleQA.initialze_index model_name(str): name of Question-Answering model (e.g., BERT SQUAD) to use bert_squad_model(str): alias for model_name (deprecated) bert_emb_model(str): BERT model to use to generate embeddings for semantic similarity framework(str): 'tf' for TensorFlow or 'pt' for PyTorch device(str): Torch device to use (e.g., 'cuda', 'cpu'). Ignored if framework=='tf'. If framework=='tf', use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to select device. quantize(bool): If True and framework=='pt' and device != 'cpu', then faster quantized inference is used. Ignored if framework=="tf".
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class SimpleQA(ExtractiveQABase): """ SimpleQA: Question-Answering on a list of texts """ def __init__( self, index_dir, model_name=DEFAULT_MODEL, bert_squad_model=None, # deprecated bert_emb_model="bert-base-uncased", framework="tf", device=None, quantize=False, ): """ ``` SimpleQA constructor Args: index_dir(str): path to index directory created by SimpleQA.initialze_index model_name(str): name of Question-Answering model (e.g., BERT SQUAD) to use bert_squad_model(str): alias for model_name (deprecated) bert_emb_model(str): BERT model to use to generate embeddings for semantic similarity framework(str): 'tf' for TensorFlow or 'pt' for PyTorch device(str): Torch device to use (e.g., 'cuda', 'cpu'). Ignored if framework=='tf'. If framework=='tf', use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to select device. quantize(bool): If True and framework=='pt' and device != 'cpu', then faster quantized inference is used. Ignored if framework=="tf". ``` """ self.index_dir = index_dir try: ix = index.open_dir(self.index_dir) except: raise ValueError( 'index_dir has not yet been created - please call SimpleQA.initialize_index("%s")' % (self.index_dir) ) super().__init__( model_name=model_name, bert_squad_model=bert_squad_model, bert_emb_model=bert_emb_model, framework=framework, device=device, quantize=quantize, ) def _open_ix(self): return index.open_dir(self.index_dir) @classmethod def initialize_index(cls, index_dir): schema = Schema( reference=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT, rawtext=TEXT(stored=True) ) if not os.path.exists(index_dir): os.makedirs(index_dir) else: raise ValueError( "There is already an existing directory or file with path %s" % (index_dir) ) ix = index.create_in(index_dir, schema) return ix @classmethod def index_from_list( cls, docs, index_dir, commit_every=1024, breakup_docs=True, procs=1, limitmb=256, multisegment=False, min_words=20, references=None, ): """ ``` index documents from list. The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation for more information on these parameters: Args: docs(list): list of strings representing documents index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index) commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents. This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method when documents being searched are longer. procs(int): number of processors limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index. Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers references(list): List of strings containing a reference (e.g., file name) for each document in docs. Each string is treated as a label for the document (e.g., file name, MD5 hash, etc.): Example: ['some_file.pdf', 'some_other_file,pdf', ...] Strings can also be hyperlinks in which case the label and URL should be separated by a single tab character: Example: ['ktrain_article\t', ...] These references will be returned in the output of the ask method. If strings are hyperlinks, then they will automatically be made clickable when the display_answers function displays candidate answers in a pandas DataFRame. If references is None, the index of element in docs is used as reference. ``` """ if not isinstance(docs, (np.ndarray, list)): raise ValueError("docs must be a list of strings") if references is not None and not isinstance(references, (np.ndarray, list)): raise ValueError("references must be a list of strings") if references is not None and len(references) != len(docs): raise ValueError("lengths of docs and references must be equal") ix = index.open_dir(index_dir) writer = ix.writer(procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment) mb = master_bar(range(1)) for i in mb: for idx, doc in enumerate(progress_bar(docs, parent=mb)): reference = "%s" % (idx) if references is None else references[idx] if breakup_docs: small_docs = TU.paragraph_tokenize( doc, join_sentences=True, lang="en" ) refs = [reference] * len(small_docs) for i, small_doc in enumerate(small_docs): if len(small_doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = small_doc reference = refs[i] writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) else: if len(doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = doc writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) idx += 1 if idx % commit_every == 0: writer.commit() # writer = ix.writer() writer = ix.writer( procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment ) mb.child.comment = f"indexing documents" writer.commit() # mb.write(f'Finished indexing documents') return @classmethod def index_from_folder( cls, folder_path, index_dir, use_text_extraction=False, commit_every=1024, breakup_docs=True, min_words=20, encoding="utf-8", procs=1, limitmb=256, multisegment=False, verbose=1, ): """ ``` index all plain text documents within a folder. The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation for more information on these parameters: Args: folder_path(str): path to folder containing plain text documents (e.g., .txt files) index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index) use_text_extraction(bool): If True, the `textract` package will be used to index text from various file types including PDF, MS Word, and MS PowerPoint (in addition to plain text files). If False, only plain text files will be indexed. commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents. This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method when documents being searched are longer. min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index. Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers encoding(str): encoding to use when reading document files from disk procs(int): number of processors limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging verbose(bool): verbosity ``` """ if use_text_extraction: # TODO: change this to use TextExtractor try: import textract except ImportError: raise Exception( "use_text_extraction=True requires textract: pip install textract" ) if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): raise ValueError("folder_path is not a valid folder") if folder_path[-1] != os.sep: folder_path += os.sep ix = index.open_dir(index_dir) writer = ix.writer(procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment) for idx, fpath in enumerate(TU.extract_filenames(folder_path)): reference = "%s" % (fpath.join(fpath.split(folder_path)[1:])) if TU.is_txt(fpath): with open(fpath, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: doc = else: if use_text_extraction: try: doc = textract.process(fpath) doc = doc.decode("utf-8", "ignore") except: if verbose: warnings.warn("Could not extract text from %s" % (fpath)) continue else: continue if breakup_docs: small_docs = TU.paragraph_tokenize(doc, join_sentences=True, lang="en") refs = [reference] * len(small_docs) for i, small_doc in enumerate(small_docs): if len(small_doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = small_doc reference = refs[i] writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) else: if len(doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = doc writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) idx += 1 if idx % commit_every == 0: writer.commit() writer = ix.writer( procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment ) if verbose: print("%s docs indexed" % (idx)) writer.commit() return def search(self, query, limit=10): """ ``` search index for query Args: query(str): search query limit(int): number of top search results to return Returns: list of dicts with keys: reference, rawtext ``` """ ix = self._open_ix() with ix.searcher() as searcher: query_obj = QueryParser("content", ix.schema, group=qparser.OrGroup).parse( query ) results =, limit=limit) docs = [] output = [dict(r) for r in results] return output
- ExtractiveQABase
- abc.ABC
- TorchBase
Static methods
def index_from_folder(folder_path, index_dir, use_text_extraction=False, commit_every=1024, breakup_docs=True, min_words=20, encoding='utf-8', procs=1, limitmb=256, multisegment=False, verbose=1)
index all plain text documents within a folder. The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation for more information on these parameters: Args: folder_path(str): path to folder containing plain text documents (e.g., .txt files) index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index) use_text_extraction(bool): If True, the `textract` package will be used to index text from various file types including PDF, MS Word, and MS PowerPoint (in addition to plain text files). If False, only plain text files will be indexed. commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents. This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method when documents being searched are longer. min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index. Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers encoding(str): encoding to use when reading document files from disk procs(int): number of processors limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging verbose(bool): verbosity
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@classmethod def index_from_folder( cls, folder_path, index_dir, use_text_extraction=False, commit_every=1024, breakup_docs=True, min_words=20, encoding="utf-8", procs=1, limitmb=256, multisegment=False, verbose=1, ): """ ``` index all plain text documents within a folder. The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation for more information on these parameters: Args: folder_path(str): path to folder containing plain text documents (e.g., .txt files) index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index) use_text_extraction(bool): If True, the `textract` package will be used to index text from various file types including PDF, MS Word, and MS PowerPoint (in addition to plain text files). If False, only plain text files will be indexed. commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents. This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method when documents being searched are longer. min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index. Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers encoding(str): encoding to use when reading document files from disk procs(int): number of processors limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging verbose(bool): verbosity ``` """ if use_text_extraction: # TODO: change this to use TextExtractor try: import textract except ImportError: raise Exception( "use_text_extraction=True requires textract: pip install textract" ) if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): raise ValueError("folder_path is not a valid folder") if folder_path[-1] != os.sep: folder_path += os.sep ix = index.open_dir(index_dir) writer = ix.writer(procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment) for idx, fpath in enumerate(TU.extract_filenames(folder_path)): reference = "%s" % (fpath.join(fpath.split(folder_path)[1:])) if TU.is_txt(fpath): with open(fpath, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: doc = else: if use_text_extraction: try: doc = textract.process(fpath) doc = doc.decode("utf-8", "ignore") except: if verbose: warnings.warn("Could not extract text from %s" % (fpath)) continue else: continue if breakup_docs: small_docs = TU.paragraph_tokenize(doc, join_sentences=True, lang="en") refs = [reference] * len(small_docs) for i, small_doc in enumerate(small_docs): if len(small_doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = small_doc reference = refs[i] writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) else: if len(doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = doc writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) idx += 1 if idx % commit_every == 0: writer.commit() writer = ix.writer( procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment ) if verbose: print("%s docs indexed" % (idx)) writer.commit() return
def index_from_list(docs, index_dir, commit_every=1024, breakup_docs=True, procs=1, limitmb=256, multisegment=False, min_words=20, references=None)
index documents from list. The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation for more information on these parameters: Args: docs(list): list of strings representing documents index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index) commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents. This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method when documents being searched are longer. procs(int): number of processors limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index. Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers references(list): List of strings containing a reference (e.g., file name) for each document in docs. Each string is treated as a label for the document (e.g., file name, MD5 hash, etc.): Example: ['some_file.pdf', 'some_other_file,pdf', ...] Strings can also be hyperlinks in which case the label and URL should be separated by a single tab character: Example: ['ktrain_article', ...] These references will be returned in the output of the ask method. If strings are hyperlinks, then they will automatically be made clickable when the display_answers function displays candidate answers in a pandas DataFRame. If references is None, the index of element in docs is used as reference.
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@classmethod def index_from_list( cls, docs, index_dir, commit_every=1024, breakup_docs=True, procs=1, limitmb=256, multisegment=False, min_words=20, references=None, ): """ ``` index documents from list. The procs, limitmb, and especially multisegment arguments can be used to speed up indexing, if it is too slow. Please see the whoosh documentation for more information on these parameters: Args: docs(list): list of strings representing documents index_dir(str): path to index directory (see initialize_index) commit_every(int): commet after adding this many documents breakup_docs(bool): break up documents into smaller paragraphs and treat those as the documents. This can potentially improve the speed at which answers are returned by the ask method when documents being searched are longer. procs(int): number of processors limitmb(int): memory limit in MB for each process multisegment(bool): new segments written instead of merging min_words(int): minimum words for a document (or paragraph extracted from document when breakup_docs=True) to be included in index. Useful for pruning contexts that are unlikely to contain useful answers references(list): List of strings containing a reference (e.g., file name) for each document in docs. Each string is treated as a label for the document (e.g., file name, MD5 hash, etc.): Example: ['some_file.pdf', 'some_other_file,pdf', ...] Strings can also be hyperlinks in which case the label and URL should be separated by a single tab character: Example: ['ktrain_article\t', ...] These references will be returned in the output of the ask method. If strings are hyperlinks, then they will automatically be made clickable when the display_answers function displays candidate answers in a pandas DataFRame. If references is None, the index of element in docs is used as reference. ``` """ if not isinstance(docs, (np.ndarray, list)): raise ValueError("docs must be a list of strings") if references is not None and not isinstance(references, (np.ndarray, list)): raise ValueError("references must be a list of strings") if references is not None and len(references) != len(docs): raise ValueError("lengths of docs and references must be equal") ix = index.open_dir(index_dir) writer = ix.writer(procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment) mb = master_bar(range(1)) for i in mb: for idx, doc in enumerate(progress_bar(docs, parent=mb)): reference = "%s" % (idx) if references is None else references[idx] if breakup_docs: small_docs = TU.paragraph_tokenize( doc, join_sentences=True, lang="en" ) refs = [reference] * len(small_docs) for i, small_doc in enumerate(small_docs): if len(small_doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = small_doc reference = refs[i] writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) else: if len(doc.split()) < min_words: continue content = doc writer.add_document( reference=reference, content=content, rawtext=content ) idx += 1 if idx % commit_every == 0: writer.commit() # writer = ix.writer() writer = ix.writer( procs=procs, limitmb=limitmb, multisegment=multisegment ) mb.child.comment = f"indexing documents" writer.commit() # mb.write(f'Finished indexing documents') return
def initialize_index(index_dir)
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@classmethod def initialize_index(cls, index_dir): schema = Schema( reference=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT, rawtext=TEXT(stored=True) ) if not os.path.exists(index_dir): os.makedirs(index_dir) else: raise ValueError( "There is already an existing directory or file with path %s" % (index_dir) ) ix = index.create_in(index_dir, schema) return ix
def search(self, query, limit=10)
search index for query Args: query(str): search query limit(int): number of top search results to return Returns: list of dicts with keys: reference, rawtext
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def search(self, query, limit=10): """ ``` search index for query Args: query(str): search query limit(int): number of top search results to return Returns: list of dicts with keys: reference, rawtext ``` """ ix = self._open_ix() with ix.searcher() as searcher: query_obj = QueryParser("content", ix.schema, group=qparser.OrGroup).parse( query ) results =, limit=limit) docs = [] output = [dict(r) for r in results] return output
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