Various Quantum Annealing examples using Quixotic

Structural Imbalance

This first example is related to structural imbalance and is adapted directly from examples developed by D-Wave Systems. A signed social network is one where the edges are either positive or negative. For instance, a positive edge between two nodes may represent friendly relations between the entities represented by the nodes. Negative edges may represent hostile relations. Structural imbalance measures the degree to which a social network can be divided into two groups with each group containing only positive (friendly) edges, and all negative edges are between groups. Edges that violate this rule (e.g., positive edges across groups, negative edges within groups) are referred to as frustration edges. A larger number of frustration edges means the network is more imbalanced. Nakumura et al. (2011) showed that such structural imbalance is correlated with gang violence. Structural imbalance has also been applied to global terrorism datasets, as well.

In this first example, we will measure structural imbalance of a real-world network of militant organizations. The dataset is from the Stanford Militants Mapping Project. A small subset of the dataset focusing on Syria in 2013 can be downloaded as a CSV file from here.

STEP 1: Load the dataset as a Graph

!wget -O /tmp/network.csv
!pip install -q pandas
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('/tmp/network.csv', index_col=0)
--2021-08-12 10:05:24--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 6424 (6.3K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/network.csv’

/tmp/network.csv    100%[===================>]   6.27K  --.-KB/s    in 0.003s  

2021-08-12 10:05:24 (1.87 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/network.csv’ saved [6424/6424]

WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.1; however, version 21.2.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/home/amaiya/venv-qtest/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
source target event_description sign event_year event_id event_type
0 1 661 Jaysh al Sanadeed began targeting the Islamic ... -1 2011 1865 riv
1 1 523 Ahrar al-Sham and the Islamic State coordinate... 1 2013 1821 all
2 1 655 Ahrar al-Sham, the Islamic State, and The Kurd... -1 2013 1855 riv
3 1 533 Jaysh al-Islam has opposed the Islamic State (... -1 2013 1871 riv
4 1 493 Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Nusra) received funding an... 1 2012 1807 all

Here, we will import the edges in the DataFrame to create a Networkx graph object:

import networkx as nx
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, edge_attr=True)
positions = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=1967)
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, pos=positions)

STEP 2: Run QuantumAnnealer

from quixotic.core import QuantumAnnealer
imbalance, bicoloring = QuantumAnnealer(G, task='structural_imbalance').execute().results()
Executing locally.

The 'structural_imbalance' task returns two values: imbalance (list of discovered frustration edges) and bicoloring (dictionary showing which of the two groups each node was placed). We find that the network is not completely balanced, as there is one frustration edge between the group 1 and group 533.

[{'source': 1,
  'target': 533,
  'event_description': 'Jaysh al-Islam has opposed the Islamic State (IS) since 2013, and referred to IS as “enemy number one of the Syrian revolution.”',
  'sign': -1,
  'event_year': 2013,
  'event_id': 1871,
  'event_type': 'riv'}]

We color the two discovered groups as yellow and magenta. Notice that edges among nodes of the same color are blue (for friendly) and edges among nodes of different colors are red (for hostile). The one exception is the hostile frustration edge between 1 and 533 mentioned above.

node_colors = ['yellow' if bicoloring[node] ==1 else 'magenta' for node in G.nodes]
edge_colors = ['blue' if G.edges[e]['sign'] ==1 else 'red' for e in G.edges]
for i, v in enumerate(G.nodes): G.nodes[v]['color'] = node_colors[i]
#pos = nx.bipartite_layout(G, nodes = [v for i,v in enumerate(G.nodes) if node_colors[i] == 'yellow'])
for u,v in G.edges: G.edges[(u,v)]['weight'] = 1 if G.nodes[u]['color'] == G.nodes[v]['color'] else 2
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, weight='weight')
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, node_color=node_colors, edges=G.edges, edge_color=edge_colors, pos=pos)

Maximum Clique

import networkx as nx
n_nodes = 6
p = 0.5  # probability of an edge
seed = 1967
g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n_nodes, p=p, seed=seed)
positions = nx.spring_layout(g, seed=seed)
nx.draw(g, with_labels=True, pos=positions)
from quixotic.core import QuantumAnnealer
qo = QuantumAnnealer(g, task='maximum_clique')
nodes = qo.results()
Executing locally.
sub = g.subgraph(nodes)
nx.draw(g, pos=positions, with_labels=True)
nx.draw(sub, pos=positions, node_color="r", edge_color="r")

Minimum Vertex Cover

Here, we wil solve a Minimum Vertex Cover problem. The goal is to find the smallest number of nodes that cover every edge in the network.

import networkx as nx
n_nodes = 6
p = 0.5  # probability of an edge
seed = 1967
g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n_nodes, p=p, seed=seed)
positions = nx.spring_layout(g, seed=seed)
nx.draw(g, with_labels=True, pos=positions)
from quixotic.core import QuantumAnnealer
qo = QuantumAnnealer(g, task='minimum_vertex_cover')
nodes = qo.results()
Executing locally.
sub = g.subgraph(nodes)
nx.draw(g, pos=positions, with_labels=True)
nx.draw(sub, pos=positions, node_color="r", edge_color="r")

Interestingly, our solution is closer to the ground truth than the Local Ratio algorithm in networkx that simply returns all nodes. The Local Ratio algorithm returns "a set of vertices whose weight sum is no more than 2 * OPT" (see this post for more information).

from networkx.algorithms.approximation.vertex_cover import *
nx_nodes = min_weighted_vertex_cover(g)
# plot nodes comprising the solution
sub = g.subgraph(nx_nodes)
nx.draw(g, pos=positions, with_labels=True)
nx.draw(sub, pos=positions, node_color="r", edge_color="r")

Formulating Your Problem as a QUBO

Finally, for more flexibility, you can formulate your problem directly as a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem (QUBO) and supply it directly to QuantumAnnealer. Here, we will solve the same Minimum Vertex Cover problem shown above by supplying QUBO expressed as a Python dictionary instead of a graph and task. The QUBO will represent a Maximum Independent Set problem. The complement of a maximum independent set solution is a solution to the minimum vertex cover problem. We find an equivalent solution to the solution we found above.

cost = dict(g.nodes(data=None, default=1))
scale = max(cost.values())
Q = {(node, node): min(-cost[node] / scale, 0.0) for node in g}
Q.update({edge: 2.0 for edge in g.edges}) # use 2.0 as "tuning" LaGrange value for this problem

# solve QUBO using QuantumAnnealer
independent_set = QuantumAnnealer(qubo=Q).execute().results()

# nodes NOT in the independent set comprise the minimum vertex cover
solution_nodes = [v for v in g if v not in independent_set]

# plot solution as graph
sub = g.subgraph(solution_nodes)
nx.draw(g, pos=positions, with_labels=True)
nx.draw(sub, pos=positions, node_color="r", edge_color="r")
Executing locally.

For more information on QUBOs, please see this reference.