
Pipline for information extraction



 Extractor (llm, prompt_template:Optional[str]=None, **kwargs)

Extractor applies a given prompt to each sentence or paragraph in a document and returns the results.

Type Default Details
llm An onprem.LLM object
prompt_template Optional None A model specific prompt_template with a single placeholder named “{prompt}”. If supplied, overrides the prompt_template supplied to the LLM constructor.



 Extractor.apply (ex_prompt_template:str, fpath:Optional[str]=None,
                  content:Optional[str]=None, unit:str='paragraph',
                  pdf_pages:List[int]=[], maxchars=2048, stop:list=[],
                  pdf_use_unstructured:bool=False, **kwargs)

Apply the prompt to each unit (where a “unit” is either a paragraph or sentence) optionally filtered by filter_fn. Extra kwargs fed directly to langchain_community.document_loaders.pdf.UnstructuredPDFLoader when pdf_use_unstructured is True. Results are stored in a pandas.Dataframe.

Type Default Details
ex_prompt_template str A prompt to apply to each unit in document. Should have a single variable, {text}
fpath Optional None A path to to a single file of interest (e.g., a PDF or MS Word document). Mutually-exclusive with content.
content Optional None Text content of a document of interest. Mutually-exclusive with fpath.
unit str paragraph One of {‘sentence’, ‘paragraph’}.
preproc_fn Optional None Function should accept a text string and returns a new preprocessed input.
filter_fn Optional None A function that accepts a sentence or paragraph and returns True if prompt should be applied to it.
clean_fn Optional None A function that accepts a sentence or paragraph and returns “cleaned” version of the text. (applied after filter_fn)
pdf_pages List [] If fpath is a PDF document, only apply prompt to text on page numbers listed in pdf_pages (starts at 1).
maxchars int 2048 units (i.e., paragraphs or sentences) larger than maxchars split.
stop list [] list of characters to trigger the LLM to stop generating.
pdf_use_unstructured bool False If True, use unstructured package to extract text from PDF.
from onprem import LLM
from onprem.pipelines import Extractor
prompt_template = "<s>[INST] {prompt} [/INST]" # prompt template for Mistral
llm = LLM(model_url='https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-GGUF/resolve/main/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf', 
          n_gpu_layers=33,  # change based on your system
          verbose=False, mute_stream=True, 
extractor = Extractor(llm)
/home/amaiya/mambaforge/envs/llm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langchain_core/language_models/llms.py:239: DeprecationWarning: callback_manager is deprecated. Please use callbacks instead.
prompt = """Extract citations from the following sentences. Return #NA# if there are no citations in the text. Here are some examples:

[SENTENCE]:pretrained BERT text classifier (Devlin et al., 2018), models for sequence tagging (Lample et al., 2016)
[CITATIONS]:(Devlin et al., 2018), (Lample et al., 2016)
[SENTENCE]:Machine learning (ML) is a powerful tool.
[SENTENCE]:Following inspiration from a blog post by Rachel Thomas of fast.ai (Howard and Gugger, 2020), we refer to this as Augmented Machine Learning or AugML
[CITATIONS]:(Howard and Gugger, 2020)
content = """
For instance, the fit_onecycle method employs a 1cycle policy (Smith, 2018). 
df = extractor.apply(prompt, content=content, stop=['\n'])
assert df['Extractions'][0].strip().startswith('(Smith, 2018)')
content ="""In the case of text, this may involve language-specific preprocessing (e.g., tokenization)."""
df = extractor.apply(prompt, content=content, stop=['\n'])
assert df['Extractions'][0].strip().startswith('#NA#')